Carlos' Lies

They were in that position for a couple of minutes until Alex let go of him. "How can you enjoy kissing your bro? Are you gay?" After that, Alex lied down on the bed and slept in an instant. Carlos was left frozen for a moment. He couldn't believe what just happened. He has to admit that he liked it and if she didn't stop kissing him, it might lead to a more passionate activity but he had to remind himself that she is still a minor, meaning he might go to jail if she complains.

Carlos can't help himself but to stare at the woman sleeping beside him. She actually is not bad, actually she's kind of cute. Short hair suits her but imagining her having a long hair seems better. She is also sexy and her body can be compared to a ramp model. Her curves are very obvious and she has a good ass as well. Carlos can't help but to feel a desire growing inside of him, something that he shouldn't feel, especially that the woman she is having a desire with is drunk and is already sleeping. He slipped his right hand inside his pants and felt that desire of his.


He then went to the bathroom to take a shower.

Next day, Alex woke up earlier with a bad headache. She can't remember what happened last night. The last thing she remembers is the hatred she feels for Carlos and she tried drinking beer. She looked at the man sleeping beside her, he is sleeping soundly.

She decided to take a shower to cool down. She hopes a cold shower will lessen the pain. She checked her body for any bruise or any mark. She has to make sure that Carlos didn't force her to do anything last night and from she can see nothing happened.

After taking a shower, she decided to leave without waking Carlos up. She is sure he would argue again with her if the two of them talk and with her condition, she doesn't have the energy to argue with anyone.

She decided to go home to take a rest. She can't tell her parents that she got drunk so she had to sneak in her room without anyone noticing. She took the bus to go home snd luckily, no one noticed her as she entered their mansion.

Alex slept immediately when she got home and she lost track of time. She was awaken with a knock on the door. She checked the clock on the side table. It was alreay 2 p.m. She doesn't feel dizzy anymore and her headache is not as bad as it was this morning.

"Your mom wants you downtairs Miss Alex."

"How did she know that I'm here?"

"Sir Carlos is also downstairs, Miss Alex. Maybe he's the one who said you are here."

Alex got up from her bed instantly when she heard Carlos' name. "What is he doing here? How did he know that I'm here?"

"I can't answer your questions Miss. You'd better go down now before your mom comes here to get you. Sir Carlos looks very cute in his outfit today." The helper said with a smile.

"Why don't you talk to him when you sound so excited that he's here?"

"Can I?" Alex grew up to having a close relationship with everyone in their house including the helpers. She was raised by her parents to have respect to all the people around her no matter what their backgrounds are.

"Come on, Miss Alex. Your mom might get mad at me if I can't bring you downstairs with me." The helper tried to persuade her.

"Tell them I will follow. I will be there in 5 minutes."


"Yes. Don't worry. You can go down first."

Alex changed her clothes before going down. She was wearing pajamas and she was sure her mom would scold her if she sees her in pajamas. She chose to wear pants and a white tshirt, a pair she always wears.

She could hear her mom laughing from the stairs. Carlos really has a way in captivating women's hearts no matter what age group they belong.

"Oh, you're here. Carlos was just telling me about what the two of you did last night. I'm happy that you are getting along well. I'm sure your granny will be very happy if she hears it."

Alex doesn't know what her talking about. She can't recall anything funny that happened to the two of them. And she told her parents she will be sleeping over in her friend's house.

"I'm sorry if I had to tell your mom about what I did last night." Carlos said.

Alex was left speechless. She doesn't know what to tell them.

"You don't need to be shy. I didn't know that there are still some young men as romantic as our Carlos here. Oh honey, you came!"

Mr. Lopez came home immediately when he heard Carlos visited.

"I can't miss a chance to talk to my future son-in-law." Mr. Lopez is happy to know that her daughter is finally becoming a lady. Seeing Alex getting married with a guy never crossed his mind but with Carlos around, his hopes of seeing his grandchildren were awaken.

"Good afternoon, sir."

"Why are you calling me, sir. You have to call me dad. You are already part of our family."

Alex can't believe what he is hearing from her parents. How can they be sound so excited to her upcoming marriage despite her young age!

"You have to listen to Carlos' story on how he serenaded Alex last night. It was so romantic?"

Alex's eyes grew bigger with what she heard. Carlos serenaded her? That's the most absurd thing she has heard all her life. She couldn't help but laugh with what she heard.

"See, honey. Even Alex can't help but smile when she remembers it. Our daughter is finally a lady." Mrs. Lopez remarked.

"Mom! You don't know what you're talking about."

"Okay. Let me hear it. How did you serenade Alex?" Mr. Lopez asked.

"I went to Alex school yesterday and I found out that she is a varsity player in the women's basketball team. I planned to surprise her so I didn't tell her that I was coming. I asked some of the people there where she was and I was surprised to know that she is quite famous and everyone knows who she is. Anyway, I bought some pizza and burger to treat her friends and I also hired a singer to serenade her before I showed up. Actually, I think I didn't succeed in surprising her because she looked upset with what I did."

Alex couldn't believe what she has just heard. He didn't even set foot in my school. What is he talking about?! She wanted to protest but no words came out from her mouth.

"That's so sweet of you. Please understand my daughter since she is not used to being courted by anyone, especially a man as you know her gender preference in the past. But now that you are here, I'm sure she is realizing how happy it is to be in love with the opposite sex."

"Dad! How can you believe him easily?"

"I'm so proud of you, Alexa. I think we should start calling you Alexa since Alex is a common male's name."


"Alexa! How can you speak like that to your father?"

"Don't mind her. I'm sure she is just feeling shy since it is her first experience. This calls for a celebration. Let's all go out. I will treat everyone to a delicious meal." Mr. Lopez said.

"Carlos dear, I hope you can stay here for the night. You can go home tomorrow. We would love to spend the night with you so we can get to know each other more."

Alex just sighed with what's happening. It seems like she doesn't have any choice.

"What are you still doing, Alexa? Go back to your room and prepare to go out!" Her mom ordered.

"What's wrong with my clothes? I usually wear this outfit whenever we go out."

"Not tonight dear, not tonight." Mrs. Lopez grabbed Alex hand and pulled her upstairs. Alex couldn't resist and just followed her mom.