
Jaxson Williams was one of the newest twelve kings of the entertainment industry. He was just crowned the title of a King a month ago. A king of entertainment was an entity who if said just said a single word on a topic, it was considered as the last say in the topic. If you were one of the kings' dear friends then even after doing flop movies your career would still remain bright but if you wanted to be one of his foes' you had to prove it and become a king. As the Kings who could give a fighting chance against the other.

One of the reasons why he had become the candidate and finally entered the ranks of a king was because of all the varies talents he possessed as the word multi-talented wasn't enough to describe him as he could pretty much do anything that was thrown at him. The reason the other Kings had not made a move on him was because he had just recently become a king and they didn't feel threatened by his influence yet.

The main factor to become a king was to have a huge following and having hundreds of millions of fans and achievements in many things such as breaking records on the Hollywood box-office, viewership records of television viewership, breaking song sales records, being able to top in many professions.

Jaxson was on his private plane flying from New York to Los Angeles for a show but little did he know that this was going to be his last flight in this life. As the plane had been caught in turbulence and had one of the wings burned to ashes.

The plane was crashing down at an unimaginable speed and because of the parts of the wings flying right into the control room the glass in the pilot room broke and sucked both the pilots into the air and they stood no chance against death.

Jaxson who woke up from his sleep because of the noise of the emergency alarm rang by the pilots who informed that the plane's wing had burned down and requested Harrison to immediately use the parachute. Jaxson somehow managed to reach the exit after wearing the parachute but the moment he grabbed the handle the plain went straight down.

The sudden flow pushed him into the pilots cabin where he saw everything being sucked in by the air like a vacuum he took a hold of the only thing in front of him the pilot seat but to his bad fortune the seat went flying into the air outside the plane and his last dying words looking at the seat that went flying "For Fuck Sakes!!!".

The next moment he opened his eyes he felt them extremely blurry. He felt his body lying on something soft he murmured to himself "a bed?..... A hospital bed…!" One of the nurses near him shouted out "Oh my god somebody call the doctors a patient has woken up in the coma ward".

One of the junior doctors near the ward quickly rushed towards the ward upon hearing the nurse. Seeing Harrison get up he was quiet shocked. During the entire commotion Harrison was just kept rubbing his eyes and soon his vision became clearer. The junior doctor took out his phone and quickly called Doctor Grey but found that he was not picking up the phone and quickly told one of the nurses "Quickly go call Doctor Grey and tell him that Harrison Kingston has woken up".

Upon hearing the doctor Jaxson was left confused as he thought that there must have been some mistake with his hearing as he though he heard Harrison instead of Jaxson. Jaxson looked at his body and felt that body did for some reason become younger. As Jaxson was trying to process his thoughts the doctor called Grey entered the room.

Doctor Grey upon entry was left stunned as he saw Harrison Kingston alive and conscious it bought a smile on his faces after all this ward was completely funded by them free of charge for their son. Doctor Grey quickly went and did a regular check up on Harrison and found everything was relatively normal only his muscles were not very responsive and announced that Harrison would have to undergo Rehab therapy.

Doctor Grey then started asking questions to understand the amount of impact the boy had on his brain from the car accident.

"Do you remember the car accident".

Jaxson said "What..acc..ident ?".

The doctor then asked "Do you remember your family?".

Harrison wanted to retort they all had already died of old age but just ended up shaking his head to play the amnesia card to fully understand the situation he was stuck in.

Doctor Grey asked "How is your throat ?".

Harrison responded "It..kind..a…hurt..s".

Doctor Grey responded "Well you haven't used it for 2 whole years so it a good sign that you can talk".

Doctor Grey after examining him told him about his family members and that he had a father named Larry Kingston who owned the Kingston movie studio, Kingston Book publishing and that his mom was a famous artist with her own art gallery. The doctor after letting it sink in him told him that he had a little sister of the age four named Ashley and a younger brother of age six named Dawn.

While conversing with doctor grey he got to know that the current year was 2010 and his accident had taken place on October 12th 2008. He also told Harrison his age which was of a 15 year old.

After which Doctor Grey made a call to them in front of him and after explaining them that their son had woken up from coma and let him talk to them for one minutes and later disturbed them saying let the patient rest and told them to book the earliest flight to Boston to meet their son as soon as possible.

His mother told him not to worry and that they would reach there in a few days and talk in person as soon as possible.

After the doctor left to give Harrison some time to rest and digest everything, Harrison started taking in the fact that he had been given another chance at life after the plane crash. He had already decided that he would make a come back and take back the order of the entertainment industry but not only as one of the kings but as the one and only kings.

Although Jaxson never had dispute with the other 11 king as he was new but they weren't his friends either he would not miss a golden chance such as being reborn back before their debut to conquer the industry completely. He even wondered if his earlier self exist or not after all he was in a different body but in the past before his own birth.

As Harrison mind wandered away in different thoughts he heard a notification in his head and went DING!

(Do you wish to open the beginner package)


Harrison saw a light blue virtual screen pop up in front of him which startled him. After reading the information in it he clicked on and he wondered if this was a start of a new journey he felt like a MC from those online novel who had a specialized system for them. Then a bunch of other notification started popping up.

Harrison was stunned by the amount of information the system had just dumped on him. When Harrison clicked on each item it explained him the use of the item. From what he saw the system worked on something called celebrity reputation which increased as the host became more popular. Harrison after analyzing the things finally decided to click on the world introduction.

The world introduction showed him a video told him that his death was a mistake by the gods due to an argument and the system and rebirth was his apology gift. It even told him that the gods had spawned him in a parallel universe which had many works and people missing and the entertainment industry missing few key people while the technology in this world had progress relatively on the same level and some names might have changed.

The moment the video ended Harrison felt that he had just had the most unusual experience in his life as he felt the rush that he could not feel with even the most realistic virtual reality head-gear to exist. He felt like he had actually flew in space and came back to earth and felt like the recreation of the universe he saw was phenomenal.

Memory of the former owner showed the image of his parents and some other vague details and about his time with his parents the memory were quite random but helped him understand his current family background.

So he had no one on his mom side as her parents did not want her to become an artist so they had broken all relations with her before she came to USA to pursue her dreams. She met his dad in college this was all told to him by his mom. He also found out that he was a mix breed as his mom was french while his dad was from Sweden and his dads parents lived in UK with his uncle.

The healing setting turned out to be a setting through which he could adjust his rate of healing and quickly made the system turn it to thrice as fast. He wanted to recover fast to make his way back as he did not want to waste a single moment. Although he knew healing fast could look suspicious but he thought that everyone healing rate is different and that it should not be so obvious.

The last thing he checked out was the status window which showed this

[Host's Status:

Name: Harrison (Jaxson)

Race: Human

Age: 15 Years

Body State: Slowly recovering

Gender: Male

Celebrity Points: 1,000

Luck Draw Special Ticket: 1

Celebrity Level: 1

- - - -Attributes- - - -

Appearance: 14

Charm: 9

Strength: 6(-7)

Intelligence: 16

Agility: 3(-7)

Health: 3(-10)

- - - -Skills- - - -

Basic Singing: (30/50)(Innate Talent)

Advanced English: (10/100)

Basic French: (20/50)

Attribute point available: 0

Skills point available: 0 ]