Harry Potter....Doesn't Exisit ?

January 14th, 2010

Harrison woke up early in a much better shape than he had been for a while he guessed it was the effect of the three times healing after all no coma patient who had been out of commission for 2 year could already speak properly after waking up for only three days. He looked around his room out of boredom and found it was clean and dimly lit and switched on the light signally to the nurse that he had woken up.

After all he was right next to the nurses room and the nurse from yesterday had given him a bell to ring in case he needs anything he knew the only reason this was possible was due to him being a VIP with his father having a high social status.

He looked at the clock in front of him it said 9 and decided to ring the bell to call the nurse because he wanted to know if the doctor had allowed him to eat food or to just stick with IV drops.

A nurse, a women probably in her early twenties came in just a few minutes and upon asking her if he could eat food or not she replied "I am sorry Mr Harrison the doctor had told you to wait a week or two to consume any solid food and has told you to stick to IV drops for the weeks after all it your first step towards rehab".

Harrison asked "So when will this rehab start?".

Nurse answered "The rehab will start as soon as we get permission from your parents after your meeting".

Harrison asked "Can I at least have water,please ?.

Nurse responded "Yes wait a few moments".

She came back with water and after Harrison drank it all in one gulp he asked "Do you know when my parents will be back ?". The nurse responded "They will arrive within a few hours as they took the first flight to Manchester and your uncle should also be coming with them".

Harrison asked "Can I borrow a Laptop for my entertainment ?".

Harrison knew he was pushing it slightly after all there was no way they would just give him a laptop just because he was a VIP but then there was no shame in asking after all he was borrowing it for just a few hours.

The nurse slightly stunned by the request responded "I can lend you my laptop for a while as I am not using it but when I require it I will come back and take it".

Harrison quickly responded "Thanks a ton".

The nurse soon bought a laptop and after switching it on and entering the password left it under Harrison care and left to attend other patients. Harrison now in access to a laptop decided to surf the net for any news and clues for the things missing in this world after all he could use it as his bargaining chip with his parents to enter the entertainment industry.

He also wanted to see details about his father movie studio and book publishing and after reading few articles became slightly disheartened as his father had a nice studio and a relatively famous movie studio but was incurring losses in his book publishing business as the book publish were not having any significant sales and was on the verge of closure.

This was all due to there not being any popular book published and the book publishing seeing zero to no sales. Harrison wanted to help his dad out but had no clue of what he should do. He tried his best to recall any good books from 2010 and the first thing that came in his mind was Harry Potter.

He had a lot of self doubt about this as there was no way that Harry Potter had not being published yet after all the movies came to an end by 2011 but he still gave it a search on Google to see if there was a possibility that it didn't exist after all that what the introduction told him there were many things missing in the industry.

The search result shocked him as he found that there was no such book in the market. He was dumbfounded as this was a big book that had hundreds of million of fans worldwide and it had actually gone missing in this world.

Harrison quickly searched for different relevant thing back in the 2000s and from his estimation the entire industry had so many works missing that it could be said that the whole industry was 5 to 6 year backward than how it should have been.

The first thing he wanted to do now was to write and send Harry Potter to his father publishing before June 24th which was the official closing date for the publication on it official website. Now the only problem that came at him was how was he suppose to do that as he had to get the book published and publicize before the closure to the point that the sales of it alone could sustain the book publishing firm.

There was also another problem that was all he could remember from the plot was the basics as not much actually happen in the first book other than introduction and he had to type it all down word to word. He then remembered about the memory capsule but wondered how much would he be able to remember from having one and how long it would last.

He removed one from his inventory and ate it without thinking and tried his best to recall the first book of Harry Potter page by page and suddenly he felt like he was rereading the page they kept popping up one by one and finally after a while the pages stopped appearing and Harrison could clearly remember a total of 22 pages of the first book completely.

After opening his eyes he could clearly remember all of them to the point that even if he ever mention Harry Potter they would surface in his mind. Harrison could hardly believe the miraculous effect of the pill but he thought to himself then again I could hardly believe my death, rebirth and everything that has happen until now.

Harrison before closing the laptop checked out his father net worth which turned out to be a shocking 500 million and it turned out this all came from the movies that had made by his dad the amount mainly came from hit movies that resulted in around box office collection of 50 to 80 million in the last few years by his dad studio.

Harrison quickly deleted his search history to not leave any evidence of him searching such big things that he was going to produce online and there being clues of him being from the future. After closing the laptop Harrison saw that time had past by quiet quickly as it was already 12 pm.

He figured by now his parents should have informed the staff at what time their flight was going to be and when they were going to arrive as he was really looking forward to meet this family as from the memories he had received he could say that these were the most loving pair of parents he had ever seen in existence.

The same nurse came in and upon being questioned answered that his parents had already boarded the plane and would arrive around 2 to 3 o'clock. Harrison gave the nurse a faint smile upon hearing her answer and saw that she slightly blushed and went away.

Harrison decided to eat all the capsule one by one to see how much of the first book he could accumulate into his memories. After he closed his eyes one by one from each capsule 2 to 23 pages kept arriving and being stored into his long term memories. The Last thing Harrison did before the effect of the pill went off was to check the total number of pages the first book had to know how many capsule he would need to finish it.

Thee number that came out of the darkness was 223 and after which the effect got over and everything in front of his closed eyes went blank. Harrison quickly calculated that he would need around 10 pills to complete this book but it lead him to another predicament he didn't know where to get the pills from and how to accumulate them.

After thinking for a while Harrison decided to use the Special Lottery Draw