Sitting in the living room with a controller in his hand, Aiden mashed the buttons as fast as he could executing a flurry of combos and dominating his opponent.
"YES! Eat shit you limp-dicked bastard!" He screamed lacking the attitude of the once vengeful assassin. Right now he looked like nothing more than an ordinary teenage shitting on his opponents from half way across the world.
"What are you shouting about so early in the morning!?" Rumi yawned strolling into the living room in nothing but a white t-shirt that hid her panties. She wasn't someone who could be easily embarrassed.
Despite their first encounter, the two actually found out that they had a lot in common. They were both fans of basketball (Mostly cause Rumi's quirk gave her a jumping advantage), they both enjoyed carrot cake (Rumi's qurik is called rabbit) and they both agreed that working with a team proved that they were too weak to do anything by themselves.
Over the past 7 months the two of them had really bonded just like her grandfather had hoped for. The two were basically inseparable as they both found comfort in each other's company. For Aiden it was like gaining a new big sister who actually had some interest in him *cough* Angela *cough*. Whereas Rumi felt like she made a friend who understood her.
As one of the top 10 heroes in Japan, she had been heavily criticized for not working at an agency or being affiliated with any other hero institution. When she talked about this with Aiden his first response was "Fuck them." As vulgar and straight forward as the words were, to Rumi they were worth more than gold. For the first time in her career someone had actually supported her decision to work solo, and that made her appreciate his company even more.
The only issue the two of them had was Rumi's profession.
"So you don't like heroes because you think they're all fake?" Rumi asked placing a frozen chicken into the cart.
"Its not that they're all fake, just the majority of them." He shrugged. "They don't become heroes just because they want to save the world or protect a couple of innocents, most of them have ulterior motives while the others just view it as a job."
"Hmm, then what about me?"
"You're just an idiot." He smirked and dodged the incoming slap.
"Tch, stingy bastard." She spat. "What do you want for dinner? I'm thinking sushi."
"Ergh, can we have something that isn't Japanese?" He complained.
"Hmm, what were you thinking?"
"I don't know? Maybe burgers or a meatloaf. Something meaty, I'm a growing boy."
"I thought you hated being called that?"
"I do if it doesn't get me anything." He smiled throwing a packet of beef jerky into the cart.
"PUT YOUR HANDS UP! THIS IS A MOTHERF*CKING ROBBERY!!" A couple of guys in ski masks barged into the supermarket with their gun raised high.
'And they say America has a gun control problem.' Aiden thought to himself.
"Are you going to deal with that?" He turned to look at Rumi only to find that she wasn't there.
"GET ON THE FLOOR!!" Waving his gun in the face of a small child, the gun wielding man was getting visibly annoyed.
"All Might will save us so I don't have to be scared of you." The child said standing his ground.
"Be quiet Kagami!" A woman who look similar the boy pulled the child back.
"But mom-
Firing a bullet near the two civilians, the masked man looked at the woman with a weird look on his face.
"Normally I'd shoot the little bastard, but since you just happen to be my type I'll spare him If you start undressing."
Originally Aiden planned to leave the store and wait for Rumi to get back home, but hearing the masked man's words caused his body to tremble as he had a flashback to his fourth birthday party.
"Its okay Aiden, mommy's just feeling little bit hot at the moment so she's gonna take a few things off okay."
-Flashback End-
The purple tips at the end of hair started to glow as he subconsciously started revolving his astral energy and constructed what looked like a pole.
His whole aura became colder as purple light escaped from his eyes.
Walking towards the woman and masked man, Aiden walked as if he was possessed as his figure vanished from sight and appeared in front of the masked man.
"What the fu-
Screaming at the top of his lungs the masked man grabbed onto his bloodied nose. Raising the pole again, Aiden proceeded to ruthlessly beat on the masked man until he passed out. After watching how Rumi took care of villains in the public, he knew that he couldn't do anything extreme as there were various eye witnesses around. And since he didn't want to get in trouble with the police he held back on killing the man and just left him with a broken nose and a couple of bruises.
"Young man what you did was very dangerous! You not only put yourself in danger but also the lives of the countless civilians behind you."
"So I should just sit quietly while a boy watches his mother get raped in front of him? Is that what you're saying officer?"
Sitting in windowless room, Aiden and two police officers were reviewing the tape of the super market robbery. Since Aiden used his quirk in public while not being a pro hero, he had broken one of the county's laws and was currently being questioned.
"It is not your job to get involved!"
"Your right, its not my job to save people, but if you police officers weren't so slow and ineffective then I wouldn't have had to do your job for you. If you guys weren't so damn incompetent then I wouldn't have had to break one of your precious laws to save someone's life! If you weren't so goddamn useless then I wouldn't be here talking to you ass clowns right now!"
Right now the world view him as Aiden Cross not the merciless assassin that crippled a mercenary faction. Right now he was just a hormonal teenager raging at the law. He didn't have to hide his emotions and could freely vent his frustrations. And it felt GOOD.
He had always viewed the justice system as a joke. Locking criminals up just so that they could escape later on was a foolish solution and would result in the death of many innocents in the future. They were a blight on society and they needed to be washed away. And if the police wouldn't do it, then he would... But doing so would go against the dying wish of his master. To live a happy life... Being at odds with the whole world would make his life difficult and definitely not a happy one.
After coming to Japan and meeting Rumi, there was a thought that had constantly plagued his mind.
'What was a true hero?'
In their current society the meaning of the word had been defiled and twisted. People wore the title but lacked the essence. Aiden often heard Hiroto talk about the subject but was never interested. To him all that mattered was finding and eliminating the target. But now that Hiroto and the rest were gone, he regretted not listening to his conversation when he had the chance.