Causing Trauma

Shortly after Denki's blinding, the students of class 1-A returned back to their classroom. The lesson itself wasn't very interesting but the news that came afterwards was worth listening to. Since summer break was just around the corner, Aizawa and the teachers at UA decided that the students from the hero course would be attending a forest lodge for further training.

"Hell yeah! Let's give each other dares!"

"And fireworks!"

"And curry!"

While the class went into an uproar over going out on another field trip, Aiden was disappointed and perplexed at the same time. For one, he didn't want to spend a week sleeping in the same room as his classmates when he had a king sized bed waiting for him at home. Not to mention he would miss out on playing his games and ordering junk food. And he was damn well sure that these cheap motherf*ckers wouldn't have air conditioning.

Now the thing that perplexed him was that someone mentioned that since it was summer, they needed to have curry... CURRY! WHO THE FUCK EATS CURRY DURING THE SUMMER!! Like seriously! Shouldn't they be talking about Ice cream, cold drinks and swimming pools for f*ck sakes! Heck! Even an open air hot spring would be fine! BUT NOT FUCKING CURRY!!

And to make it even worse, Aizawa went on to talk about how it was in a natural setting, surrounded by trees and nature. Not to mention that the end of term exam was coming up.

Fuck that shit! Aiden didn't want to spend his time in a forest with fucking crickets and bugs! He was a city kid and would prefer to never leave a familiar environment.


Time quickly passed and soon enough the last week until the end of term test had arrived.

"I haven't studied at all!" Mina shrieked realizing how close the test date was.

"Dammit! With the whole sports festival and work experience gig I didn't have time to study!" Denki complained.

Feeling the pressure on them, the two looked around the class desperately until their eyes landed onto the same figure.

In war, throwing your pride away is understandable. In class... it is debatable.

Throwing themselves onto the floor, the two failures prostrated themselves in front of Aiden and begged him to teach them.

"Please help us Cross-sama!"

"As your bestfriend I beseech thee to offer thy help!"

Looking away from his book, Aiden took a moment to look at the two fools before flatly saying. "I refuse."

"NOOOOOO!!" They howled.

In all honesty, Aiden could fail the exam on purpose and not be allowed to go on the trip. But two things stopped him from doing so. One, he had one of the highest grades in the first year, him failing would be suspicious as hell and they'd probably figure out his agenda. Two, his pride wouldn't allow him to get lower than Deku. Whilst he might not be the smartest in the class, Aiden had to admit that the freckled fu*ker was by no means a fool.

And as if by magic, Deku saw Mina and Denki's miserable figures and went over to them and spouted out some encouraging drivel.

"Its okay guys, I'm sure if you put your all into your work you'll do just fine."

"I agree with Midoriya-kun. If you guys try your hardest, there's no way you will fail." Iida added.

"Yeah, you guys can totally do it!" Uraraka cheered.

"Actually." Momo suddenly spoke up after seeing Aiden reject them. "I might be able to help you with the classroom lecture stuff."

Hearing her words, Mina's and Denki's eye practically flooded with tears as they shouted "Yao-Momo!!!" Her new nickname amongst the class.

"Well I'm not as bad as these two but, can you help me understand quadratic fractions?" Jiro asked.

"I'd also like some help with classical literature." Sero also joined the conversation.

As the vice class rep, Momo was overcome with emotion due to the students coming to her for advice.

"Absolutely!" She hastily agreed.

Watching this all take place next to him, Aiden honestly couldn't give less of a fuck even if he tried. Since this was the last week he had to himself, he'd be damned if he didn't spend it doing what he wanted.


Once lunchtime arrived, Deku and a couple other students from class 1-A sat in the cafeteria talking about the upcoming test.

"Aizawa-sensei said the test would be a combination of all we'd learnt over the past semester." Invisible girl Toru said.

"Yeah, but he didn't tell us anything apart from that." Tsu added.

"*Sigh* Studying for the test and keeping our bodies in peak physical condition is- OW!" Before Deku could finish his sentence, the back of his head was hit by the corner of one of the serving trays.

"My bad, your head's just so big that I ended up whacking it." Class 1-B's Monoma said condescendingly.

"Heard some of your classmates encountered the herokiller. The way in which you've been basking in the spotlight has only increased since the sports festival hasn't it class A."

"Monoma from class 1-B!!" The table said in shock.

Just as he was about to continue mocking class 1-A, he spotted Aiden and Shoto's figures walking into the cafeteria and quickly closed his mouth. After experiencing the full brunt of Aiden's killing intent during the sports festival, Aiden's face had been constantly haunting his dreams. His malicious aura and bloodthirsty attitude scared the fuck out of him and made him wake up cover in cold sweat. There were even several times that he found that he had lost control of his bladder and left a mess in his bed. Just standing in the same room as this demon made his legs go weak as he started to tremble. He heard that several members of class 1-B had met him outside of school and didn't have much of a negative opinion on him besides the fact that he was slight anti-social.

Seeing him start to shiver, the members of class 1-A that were sitting with Deku looked at him with confusion.

"Are you, erm okay?" Uraraka asked.

"I'm fine!" He snapped out of it and said in an unusually high pitched voice.

Looking at each other, the students of class A didn't believe him for a second.

"Its just... that you seem scared..."

"What are you talking about!!" Monoma looked at Tsu with anger. But then he realized that he may have been a bit too loud as everyone in the cafeteria was now looking at him... including Aiden.

"I-I have to go!"