The Dorms

"Damn its huge!!"

"Woo Hoo!! We're gonna party tonight!"

Standing with the other students, Aiden wondered why he was even here.

"Can I go home?" He turned to Aizawa.


"But I'm not even gonna live here!"

"You have a room."

"I have a what now?" He said surprised.

"All Might and Principal Nezo thought it would be best for you to have a room here in case you decided to spend the night.

"...Why was I not consulted?"

"Because your opinion was unnecessary."

"... You're a real shitty person y'know."

Smiling at the comment, Aizawa walked past him and stood at the front of class 1-A.

"Listen up brats, I'm gonna give you a quick run down in regards to the dorms. But before I do that I have to tell you what the initial plan for your training was." Hearing this, the class's ears perked up.

"At first we planned to have you guys earn your temporary hero licenses after the training camp."

"Woah! I completely forgot about those!"

"Haha, with everything that's happened lately its only natural to forget something like that."

Listening to his students's conversations, Aizawa's gaze passed over Aiden, Deku, Momo, Kirishima and Shoto.

He then went into a little rant about how they shouldn't have gone to save Bakugo as what they did was dangerous and irresponsible. His words were mostly targeted at Aiden, but for some reason he left out the part about him fighting All For One. Aiden thought it might be because he either didn't see the fight or Bakugo never told the police about it. Thinking about it now, he realized that he and Bakugo left just before All Might arrived. In fact he wasn't even sure that All Might had seen him face off against All For One. Heck, the only reason he knew Aiden was there in the first place was probably due to him attacking All For One during the final clash. As for the others... Bakugo probably met up with them before the police took him away.


"Its spacious! Its pretty! Its spaciously pretty!!" Mina exclaimed after seeing the inside of the dormitory. "OMG SOFAS!!!"

"Woah! There's even a courtyard."

"Its a friggin mansion!" Uraraka said unsteadily.


"You each get your own private room. Each room comes with its own bathroom, AC unit, refrigerator and closet." Aizawa explained.

'Isn't this a bit to good for a highschool dormitory?'

"Amazing~" Deku muttered and looked over the veranda.

"For the time being, use today to unpack-"

'I don't have anything to unpack jackass.'


'So this is my room...'

Standing in a neatly furnished dorm room, Aiden sat down on the bed and tested the mattress's springiness.

'Not bad.'

Compared to what he initially thought, he had to say that he was impressed with the look of the room. Apparently All Might payed for all the furniture himself and had the room made to be as homely as possible.

Checking out the bathroom and other facilities, he came to the conclusion that this place was damn near perfect for a teenage boy. If he didn't have his own house then he probably wouldn't mind a place like this to himself.

'Now to check for any hidden cameras.'


After a couple of minutes passed, Aiden finished checking the room for any hidden bugs. After a while he found that he had no reason left to stay and decided to leave. Taking one last look at the room, he nodded to himself and closed the door.


Hearing his name being called out, he turned around and stood face to face with Momo.

"Sup princess." He greeted.

Feeling her lip twitch, she wanted to rebuke him but realized that it would only lead to her becoming more annoyed.

"Done unpacking?" She asked curiously.

"...In a sense... So what you doing out here? Aren't you supposed to be decorating your room?"

Explaining that she just used her quirk to create the stuff she wanted, Aiden felt that it was a shame that she didn't use her quirk more selfishly.

"...Wanna get some lunch?" He asked after looking at the clock.

"Hmm, sure."


"Wow! This cake is so fluffy!!" Momo squealed after looking at the slice of cake in front of her.

Not wanting to go to far, Aiden brought her to a nearby cafe and ordered the two of them a slice of cake each. He also ordered some herbal teas to go with his slice of carrot cake.

"Mmm..." He relaxed and ate the cake in a very elegant manner. Unlike his usual self, when it came to something like cake, he took his time cutting into it and bringing it to his mouth. Taking in the frosted aroma and spongy freshness, he slowly opened his mouth and let his taste buds run wild.

Coupled with his foreign looks, his posh demeanor caught the attention of the ladies in the cafe. Unfortunately for them, they saw the girl he was with and lost the confidence to introduce themselves.

"What kind of cake is that?" Momo asked after seeing the way he treated it.

"This my dear Momo, is carrot cake. The greatest cake in the omniverse."

"Really? Can I have a piece?"

"No." He said in a gentle British accent.

Ignoring the weird shift in his tone, she couldn't help but frown when she saw him use the fork to cut off another piece.

"....I'll give you a slice of mine."

Opening one of his eyes slightly, he looked at her cake before shutting it again.

"That trash doesn't deserve to be in the presence my carrot cake."

[A/n: I think I just made Aiden into a cake critic...]

If Momo was acting like her normal self, she would have simply ordered her own. But after seeing the way Aiden was behaving, she felt a weird tinge of jealousy towards the cake. It was unknown if it was because Aiden was giving the cake more attention than her, or if it was because of the fact that he denied her a piece even after calling the cake that she just had trash.