The moment those words escaped his mouth, Midnight was sent flying backwards and crashed into the ground ripping parts of her costume in the process.
After his short bout with All For One, Aiden was inspired by his use of the air canon and wanted to see if he could replicate the ability with his astral energy. Unfortunately it turned out to be a bust. But he did manage to create this new ability he called burst. By condensing his astral energy and releasing it in one go, he could create a miniature shockwave. While not as powerful as the ones that Bakugo's explosions produced, he found it useful for unarmed combat especially if his opponents were unbalanced.
Tumbling on the ground, Midnight's body was covered in dirt and scratches. But even when she finally stopped rolling, the glint in her eyes didn't change when she looked at the standing Aiden. In fact her urge to dominate him seemed to grow even stronger.
Forcing herself to stand up, the smile on her face deepened as the sweet aroma emanating from her body seemed to increase. What unnerved the rest of a class 1-A was the creepy smile fixed on her face. It wasn't only that, her entire aura seemed to have changed as the look in her eyes became that of a predator.
Frowning at her actions, Aiden rapidly shifted forward until he appeared behind her. Still holding his breath, he coated his hand in astral energy and appeared at her back. Placing his palm on her, he combusted the astral energy around his hand and released it onto her back.
"Burst." He said emotionlessly.
Flying forward like a ragdoll, Midnight once again crashed into the ground and ripped even more of her costume. Feeling her whole body wrapped in pain, a weird smile formed on her face as she stood back up again.
Shocking Aiden and the rest of class 1-A, she struggled to stand up but the expression on her face was of one drowning in bliss.
"More, more , more, HURT ME MORE!!" She yelled in ecstasy.
'Did she just switch from an S to an M?'
Annoyed by how long this was taking, Aiden decided to kick it up a notch.
Flashing in front of her, he created his tentacles and grabbed onto her arms and legs and dragged her closer to himself.
Bound by Aiden's ability, the craziness in Midnight's eyes threatened to jump out as she begged him to hurt her more.
Ignoring her begging pleas, he tightened his grip on her and condensed his astral energy on both of his hands.
'If I condense the energy more... the power of the shockwave should theoretically increase...'
Getting into a boxing stance, he prepared to strike Midnight's shameless body.
"YES!! That look in your eyes! That expression of disgust! Its sending me over the edge!!" Midnight climaxed.
Forming his hands into fists, he mercilessly struck her body at an alarming speed that resembled a machine gun fire. Slowly increasing the level of combustion in every blow.
'So I need to combust it by this much if I hope to deal any real damage...'
Achieving his desired results, he had his tentacles drop the ecstasy filled Midnight to the floor.
Standing in silence, Aizawa and the rest of class 1-A didn't know how to react to what they had just witnessed. This was originally meant to be about them creating their own super moves, but it had some how turned into Aiden beating down on his teachers... The reality was much stranger than any of them could have imagined. While they knew he was strong, the could never have imagined that he was strong to such a degree.
Watching Aiden's figure return to the place he had originally been standing at, Bakugo didn't hide his fighting intent.
Similar to Bakugo, Shoto also felt his competitive spirit rise. Seeing Aiden's performance, he wanted to get stronger even faster than before.
Returning to his original position, Aiden checked his energy reserves and realized that his experiment on Midnight's body seemed to have expended a large amount of it. And since he hated the feeling of having no astral energy, he decided that he should call it a day and let the class get back to training.
If he was being completely honest, he didn't actually care what his class learnt about, he just didn't want to waste his time doing something he could do in his spare time. Therefore he needed someone to vent his frustrations on. Ectoplasm just so happened to be the best candidate for this task, but it'd be a lie to say that Midnight's involvement didn't benefit him in any way.
Just as Aizawa was about to step up, All Might suddenly appeared at the door. Much to the surprise of the students, no one had seen him since he publicly announced his retirement.
"Yo." He greeted after seeing everyone's shocked faces.
Seeing that someone else had arrived and drawn Aizawa's attention, Aiden couldn't help but release a sigh of relief. Since his energy was running low, the last thing he wanted was to fight against another pro hero.
"Eh? Where's the other teachers?" All Might suddenly realized that a couple of them were missing.
"AIDEN!!!" Mei jumped.
Walking into her workshop, Aiden was greeted to the sight of Mei's magnificent assets.
'...Why are all the girls I'm on good terms with (Minus Pixie-Bob) so busty?'
Shaking these thoughts out of his head, he greeted the energetic inventor.
"Sup." He nodded and took a seat near her work station.
"What you working on?"
"You want to know!? You really want to know!!?"
'Not really.'
"Sure." He smiled.
"Well this is..."
Putting his brain on auto pilot, Aiden started shadow training in his head while waiting for Mei to finish explaining her new pet project.
"And with that I'll be able to read your power level as long as it doesn't exceed 9000."
"Cool, cool, I need a favor." He said now that she had finished talking.
"Hmm? What do you need?"
"Shock absorbing gloves and boots."