Standing at the front of the class, that Mirio guy was laughing his head off. For some reason, Aiden couldn't help but compare him to All Might. His stature, smile and confidence were almost a perfect reflection of the ex number one. Not to mention he gave off a very warm feeling that most other pro heroes lacked. It was as if his presence was telling everyone that everything would be alright.
"Well it seems like my introduction fell flat. So how about this." He ran his eyes over every single student in the room and smiled. "Why don't you all team up to fight and fight against me?"
"...EH!!" The class gasped in surprise.
Smiling at their shocked expressions, Mirio turned to look at the tired looking Aizawa.
"I think it would make the most sense if they felt our experience through their own bodies."
"... Do whatever you want."
Putting on their training uniforms, the students of class A quickly changed and gathered in the gymnasium. Waiting for them there were Mirio and the rest of the big three. Standing off at the sidelines, that Amajiki dude faced a wall and spoke to Mirio despite the distance. Nejire on the other hand was messing with Mina's horns and ignoring her complaints.
Just as the class was about to about to begin, the usually quiet Tokoyami suddenly spoke up and addressed a concern that everyone had.
"Are you sure you want to do this? Even if you are UA's number one, it seems unfair for a class of 20 to fight a lone man."
"Yeah, not to mention we've all got experience fighting villains." Kirishima added. "Aren't you underestimating us a bit too much?"
"Nope." Mirio smiled. "Now, who's up first."
"I'll g-
"I would like to go first!" Deku suddenly cut Kirishima off.
"Midoriya?" Kirishima looked at him with confusion. The Deku from his memories was never this assertive.
Instead of answering, Deku activated Full Cowl and showed of his resolve.
'I need to understand the gap between us.'
Watching the determined expression appear on Deku's face, the smile on Mirio's face softened.
Pushing off the ground with as much force as his body could handle, Deku charged towards the defenseless Mirio with the rest of the class following in tow.
'Recklessly charging at the enemy despite not knowing his quirk... Fools.'
Unlike the rest of his classmates, Aiden didn't rush to attack Mirio and instead chose to stay back and observe. To his disappointment, Momo had gotten swept up in the class's momentum and was also charging in like an idiot.
Seeing Deku's figure approaching at a fast speed, Mirio activated his quirk and let Deku's kick pass through his face without the slightest bit of panic on his face.
"Straight for the face huh." He turned to look at Deku who had just landed a bit away from him. While talking, the attacks of Mina, Sero and Aoyama landed and went right through his body.
'A quirk that him to pass through physical objects... How troublesome.' Aiden smiled and continued watching.
Narrowly dodging the attacks that slipped through Mirio's body, Deku watched as the attacks exploded on the rock pillar that he was previously standing in front of and create a small dust cloud that encapsulated Mirio's body.
"H-He's gone!" Iida yelled once the dust cloud cleared.
"I guess I should take care of the long range fighters first." Mirio's voice sounded out from behind Jiro.
Appearing behind her in the nude, the class was dumbstruck and watched as he effortlessly incapacitated their peers.
'A single blow? No, he's intentionally hitting their solar plexus's.'
Impressed by the speed in which Mirio had taken down the long range combatants, Aiden noted down every movement he made and subconsciously compared it to himself and his past opponents.
"He teleported!" Kirishima yelled and charged him.
Dodging all the attacks thrown at him, Mirio flashed around the battlefield disappearing and re-appearing at different place each time. Following any of his reappearances, the bodies of the class 1A students dropped.
"POWER!!" Mirio yelled and posed.
Since he failed to get a license, Shoto decided that it would be pointless for him to compete in this fight as he didn't need to fight an internship. Choosing to opt out and watch from the sidelines with Aizawa, even he was impressed by Mirio's spectacle... minus his naked figure.
"H-He took out over half of them in an instant!"
Watching his class get demolished, not a speck of emotion could be seen on Aizawa's face. "That guy is the closest to becoming number one even amongst the heroes."
"N-Number one!!" The rest of the standing students yelled.
Standing at the back, Aiden nodded to himself and kept praising Mirio in his head. From just that short fight alone, he was already able to guess what his quirk was and how he used it. But what made him appreciate Mirio even more was the fact that he could tell just how much effort he put in to get to where he was today. While the others were lauding over his strong quirk, Aiden saw Mirio for who he really was. An ordinary guy that worked harder than everyone else to achieve the title of number one. Everything about him was the result of his hard work and training. From his steel like muscles to his immaculate control of power in every strike, he was the epitome of hard work and dedication.