
"Where are we going now?" The man in the black hat and cloak asked Overhaul.

"...We'll relocate to one of our other safe houses and continue operating from there."

Walking into a spacious area, Overhaul and Nemoto prepared to leave the estate with Eri in hand.

"There they are!!" A familiar voice sounded out from behind.

"Hmm?" Stopping in his tracks, Overhaul turned around slightly and was surprised to see Twice pointing at him while Toga was drooling over some guy in a black mask.

Frowning at their clear betrayal, Chisaki focused his attention on the unknown masked individual.

"Where are the other heroes?"

"HA! There are no other heroes!! All your guys were taking out by this dude." Twice boasted. "You might as well surrender now, even our boss avoids fighting him!"

"...Is that so..." Overhaul's frown deepened.

"You betcha!! He even fought All For One for a bit."


'This idiot.' Aiden felt like face palming.

'At least he didn't give him a list of my abilities like that green haired fucker.'

"Yeah! And that's not the onl-

Pulling Twice back before he said anything more, Aiden focused all his attention on the small girl trembling in Chisaki's arms.

With tears in her eyes, Eri raised her head up and looked at the man in the strange black mask.

Seeing the terrified look in her eyes, Aiden reached to the front of his face and pulled the mask off before throwing it to Toga.

"A kid?" Nemoto spoke without thinking.

"Woah! Your hair's purple!!" Toga gasped.

Ignoring all the noise around him, Aiden focused on Eri alone.

"I'll save you." He abruptly declared. "For everything he's done to you... I'll make sure to avenge every single grievance."

"And sis Magne!" Toga shouted from behind.

"Nemoto." Overhaul called.

"You got it boss." Pulling a gun out from under his cloak, he aimed it at the unmasked Aiden and pulled the trigger.


Executing the light-step burst, Aiden easily brushed past the bullet and appeared behind Overhaul with Eri in his arms.

"Your safe now."

"B-Boss..." Nemoto stuttered.

Feeling a stinging pain from his right arm, Chisaki looked down and saw that the portion of his arm that was connected to his elbow was missing.

Deconstructing the purple long sword in his other hand, Aiden didn't bother to look at Overhaul as he was too busy checking on Eri's condition.

"WHOOO!!!" Twice and Toga cheered from the back.

Feeling his breathing turn heavy, Chisaki's body started to tremble violently as he used his teeth to pull of his white glove on his remaining hand. Gripping what was left of his arm, he used his quirk to construct a new one in its place.

"Boss..." Nemoto called out.

Snapping his head in his direction, Chisaki grabbed onto Nemoto's face and activated his quirk.

"BOSS!!" Nemoto screamed before he was forced to fuse into Chisaki's body.


"Why *hic* why are you here?" Eri cried in Aiden's arms.

Removing the serious expression he had been showing, Aiden looked down at the small child in his arms and smiled.

"I already told you a minute ago didn't I? I'm here to save you." He reassured her.

"I-I..." Feeling the tears in her eyes roll down her cheeks, Eri was unable to speak a single word.

"Oh shit!!" Twice's voice rung out.

"Eri!!" Overhaul yelled.

"Hmm?" Looking over his shoulder, Aiden was surprised to see a four-armed Chisaki standing there.


Hearing his loud shriek, Aiden felt Eri shake in his arms and frowned.

"You were born to destroy people Eri! How many times do I have to tell you that before you understand? You're nothing but a burden! A walking monster with no purpose other than to take away people's happiness! And now thanks to your selfishness, I have to get my hands dirty."


"Don't you get it! Each and every one of your actions kill people! You're a nothing more than a cursed existence!"

"Wow, talk about harsh." Twice commented. "I feel sorry for the kid."

"Kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill." Toga repeated while biting her fingernails and staring daggers at Chisaki.

'I'm a cursed existence... Every one of my actions causes someone to die... I'm a monster that shouldn't exist...'

"Eri." Aiden suddenly called out.

Hearing his voice, Eri momentarily forgot about her dark thoughts and looked up at the tan skinned young man.

"Have you ever had ice cream?"

"Ice cream?" She asked puzzled by the question.

"Yeah." He smiled. "Its this really cool desert made out clouds and good feelings. Do you want to try it?"


"Yeah, well not really, but it sure makes you feel like you're on one. And it'll definitely make you feel happy." He showed off a goofy smile.


"Don't look at him, just look at me. Forget that he's even here, he's not gonna be able to eat ice cream ever again anyway. So tell me Eri, do you want to try some ice cream?"

Seeing his kind face looking down at her, Eri buried her head in his chest and nodded.

"Good, I'll take you out to eat the tastiest ice cream in the world."

Feeling his shirt dampen due to her tears, Aiden's determination skyrocketed as he looked over at Chisaki.

"How dare you... HOW DARE YOU!!" Slamming his hands onto the ground, Chisaki restructured the entire area turning it into a spike filled landscape.


"DUCK AND COVER!!" Grabbing onto Toga, Twice dragged her out of the area and ran before they got impaled.

"What are you doing!!" Toga yelled.

"We don't need to be here any longer!" He argued and continued running despite seeing that she was pulling her knife out.

"Woah, woah, woah!! Before you do anything you might regret, just think about this. Who do you think our boss would rather fight? Overhaul? Or that boyfriend of yours?"

"Tch." Putting her knife away, Toga couldn't help but kiss her teeth.