
'So Kurogiri was captured huh...'

Getting off the phone with Christina, Aiden looked back at the sleeping Eri and relaxed his guard. Taking a seat next to her bed, he closed his eyes and started meditating. From his previous battle with Overhaul, he discovered that he was able to utilize more astral energy. And while this would normally be a good thing, it seems that he was having trouble controlling the power output. Speaking candidly, that slash that he used against Chisaki was a hit or miss attack. The only assurance he had at the time was the fact that Eri kept rewinding his body to the state it was before he used the attack.

Breathing in slowly, he looked within himself and started to slowly revolve the energy around the entirety of his body.

Thinking about it now, he realized that no one besides Toga, Twice and Eri had seen his face all day. By the time the heroes arrived at Overhaul's hideout, he was already in his costume and mask. How was he gonna explain his hair suddenly turning a dark shade of purple when they see him next?

While revolving his amped astral energy, he finally had enough time to think back on the whole trauma situation. To put it simply, he had gone on a emotional roller-coaster that left him feeling barren. No anger, no sad, no pity, he felt nothing at all. It was almost like he was a stranger watching someone else's life. By the time the sun had finally risen, he had experienced that traumatic event so much that it surprised him that he was still sane. From what he understood about Mr Yamisagi's quirk, some of the people who had experienced it first hand had a hard time recovering, in the worst cases, their minds broke.

Sitting silently with his eyes closed, Aiden didn't realize that a purple aura had started to surround him while his hair started to defy gravity and float upwards.

Feeling the energy flow through his body, Aiden felt like he was in a timeless void as everything besides the energy within him seemed to disappear.

Thinking back on his fight with Overhaul, that last strike that he used against Overhaul was about 97% of his full power. While the last 3% was used to stay afloat in the air, he didn't think that the power would have increased by to much more even if he used it.

'Hmm... Does that count as an AOE attack?'

Opening his eyes slowly, he looked at the peaceful Eri and smiled. If he had to describe her role in the battle, she would be the medic/healer while he was the tank/damage dealer. Looking out of the window, he was surprised to see that night had already descended.

"Gigantomachina eh." He muttered remembering the conversation he had with Christina.


Seeing that she wasn't gonna wake up any time soon, Aiden had to leave the hospital and return home. While the heroes had no real idea what Eri's quirk was, they were able to speculate from the effects of the bullets.

Returning back to his home, Aiden was greeted to the sight of a green eyed woman with tanned skin and pale blonde hair sitting on his doorstep. Looking at her, Aiden could do nothing by sigh and approach her.

"Hey!" The woman got up and waved to him.

Seeing the smile on her face, Aiden felt the corner of his lips twitch.

'How did I not see this coming?'

"Why are you here Christina?" He asked in a tired voice.

"What? Can't a girl come and visit an old friend?" She asked while crossing her arms and making her boobs jiggle.

Walking past her, he opened the door and invited her in.

"Y'know, I really missed you and your Dark Star buddies." She said in a nonchalant tone.

"If that was true, then why didn't you warn us about the Wild Dogs?"

Understanding her capabilities as an information broker, Aiden guessed that she had already knew the attack was coming.

"You never asked." She shrugged. "Besides, I made sure you were out when they attacked." She smiled.

"...I see..."

'So it was her who lead me on that wild goose chase.'

Knowing what kind of personality she had, Aiden wasn't really surprised to find out that she didn't inform them that they were about to be attacked. While she supplied information to Dark Star, she also gave it away to anyone who could pay the right amount. This included criminals, government employees and assassins. If any of these organizations caught wind that she was intentionally sheltering a specific organization, not only would she lose a lot of trust and credibility, she would have a bigger target on her back.

"So how was the hospital?" She suddenly asked remembering about Eri.

"Can't you just hack into their servers and find that information yourself?"

"I could... But its more fun to ask you!" She grinned.

"*Sigh* Why are you really here?" He asked again.

"Hmm..." She tapped her cheek. "Do you remember that I told you that you would owe me a favor for that Chisaki information?"

He frowned. "You want to cash it in now?"


Seeing the goofy smile on her face, Aiden had to hold back the urge to punch her and move on with his day.

"What do you want?" He asked in a defeated tone. This was not how he pictured his day would go.

"I want a place to crash while I'm in Japan."

"Then go to a hotel."

"Don't wanna, besides, you owe me."

"*Sigh* The guest room's the first door on the left."

"Cool! Now that that's out of the way, we should address the elephant in the room."


"Did you dye your hair?"