landing,survival of the fittest!

hey everybody i hope you've enjoyed this story thus far if you want to see how things are conveyed just look at the past chapter.(pls be sure to comment and post thoughts.)here is the way things are conveyed.

speaking "Hi"

thoughts 'Yo'


exasperations *sigh*

getting cutoff "Wha-"

onomatopoeia \*BOOM!*\

transitions \\\\\\\

\place or setting\


\Blue Polaris\Far Eastern Forest\East of Floating City\three thousand Km away\

In the eastern Forest expanse all was going as per process, all was peaceful and beings were going about their day, suddenly a gold streak of fire with a red object in the center, flew across the sky slightly altering it's trajectory and using its own propulsion and air friction as well as oncoming trees to slow it's self down, though that didn't stop it from slamming into to the forest floor with the force of a intercontinental missile.


A massive debris cloud resulted from impact zone trailing two km of pure destruction, trees uprooted, a trench formed from the red object that fell from the sky, skidding across the ground eventually stopping dead in it's tracks slamming down one last time.

At the end of the trail was a perfect crystal sphere deep Red in color, slightly glowing due to both the heat from it's re-entry and from the

Potent energy contained in it leaking out

lightly, animal and profound beast alike sensed the sudden change in the environment's energy as it radiated a feeling of pure life and vital power and were drawn to the source of it in the surrounding area of eight Km, the equivalent of mass migration occurred.

Eventually one profound beast of the spirit profound realm that looked like a mix between a wolf,a honey badger and a bear covered in grey fur with mystical markings all over its body and was over ten meters tall at the very least when standing on it's hind legs, it was the ruler of the territory it owned in this forest though it's strength, such was the rule of the world, as those with power are those who rule, eventually it found the sphere and was brave enough and close enough at the time to get there first and to inspect the source of this potent energy, especially when it landed in it's territory which it had so painstakingly procured, and while it was surprised at the crystal it was more shocked of what was inside of it, what appeared to be a human newborn with already spiky black hair with back of its hair reaching the nape and at the beginning of the hair line was three bangs reaching it's eyebrows two on going more to the right and the other a little more to the left, he has two bangs framing either side of his face that reach just under his earlobes, the spiky hair on the boys head was leaning more to the right but all in all was a chaotic spiky head of hair, but the most surprising part and what made it somewhat question the humanity of said newborn was the fact that at the tailbone was a monkey tail covered in black fur, he inspected it in more detail and concluded that the crystal was incubating and giving the newborn the necessary substance to continue supporting the infant's development and he probably had a couple of weeks of development to go if it's looks was anything to go by, another thing to note was that next to the developing monkey boy was a silver necklace, more specifically a brioche with a amber gem with a red center that branches thought out the gem, and on the very edge but still in the surface of the crystal sphere was a name plate? that reads "Meru-zen".

The beast also noticed that the infant while still developing contained a similar potent energy much like the gem it was forming in, along with fact that from what it can tell from the energy it was no joke it was like it was looking at early earth profound realm despite it not being even born yet! the beast was contemplating what to do, it sensed the power within the crystal and believed without a doubt that if it ate the crystal it's cultivation and strength would jump to whole new levels! and it would eliminate a possible threat before it could even begin, eventually greed and the potential of getting rid a problem that could effect it later, overcame it's sense of danger along with the fact that it truly believe it had no defence, pounced on it having only one thought 'sorry your power will be used by me you know the rule "survival of the fittest".' however these were it's last thoughts it would ever run though it's head.

The crystal as if reacting to the vile and hostile intent from the beast, and flashed a violent red, a pulse of pure power focused and erupted in a wave that hit the beast so fast i didn't even realize it had been hit! it turned it into a mangled mess of meat as all of its internal organs ruptured including its spiritual profound veins were completely disintegrated, and its brain and eyeballs popped and turned to mush, all of its bones de-atomized, and it died instantly, at least three dozen times faster than it could process which could be viewed as a blessing, and as it's body went flying it almost broke the sound barrier and going straight through the trees like butter eventually flying over the tree line.




Some beast saw the flying body of a beast and a good amount noticed he was the ruler of this area and became rather apprehensive of approaching any further, many went back and didn't bother with the place anymore, other's continued foreword, some because of arrogance, some because of normal curiosity, in the end either the beast left the sphere alone, or they got a few more case's of beast being thrown through the air at high speeds just to crash some where else until they got the memo.


\seven weeks later\ \crystal site\

Eventually over the coming weeks the crystal began to lose it deep red color and plant life was flourishing near the area of it because of the strong vital energy, making the ground and soil far more fertile, being able to make the soil better than even the best loam, beast stopped messing with it a good time ago and keep it that way having learned the consequence of messing with it, as the crystal finally lost the last visage of it's power it lost any red tint that it may have had, becoming completely see through and with in it was a fully developed Meru-zen.

Than it began to form cracks.


The cracks began to continue forming at a faster and faster rate completely covering the sphere until eventually, it shattered.


Finally Meru-zen had been born into the world, having been suspended in the crystal when it shattered he was a few inches from the ground and fell on his stomach asleep, a few hour's later his stomach rumbled, than his eye's slowly opened.


That's it guys i hope you enjoyed, please feel free to comment and review and please tell me thoughts and ideas.

p.s. sorry for cliff hanger.

\1,241 words\.