Biru-Ōkkame the great turtle! meet Meru-zen the monkey boy!

hey guys hope you enjoy the story so far be sure to comment and post your thoughts

Speaking "Hi"

Thoughts 'Oi'


Exasperations *Sigh*

Getting cut off "Wha-"

onomatopoeia \*BOOM!*\

transition \\\\\

\Place or setting\


\Eastern Forest\ \ Three-Thousand kilometres southeast of Floating cloud city\ \North forest area\ \one year since "the fallen star"\

In the Forest, beast of all types and kinds could be seen going about their evening but had to get out the way as a profound beast in form of a five meter tall Rabbit like creature who's fur hide which was light green much like the flora that surrounds it bright white markings covering its upper body and limbs, it's under belly was covered in smooth brown scales that reach up to its neck, now was a dark green, almost charred black with is underbelly being the most charred and it was running scared for it's life! various other wounds littered it body, it was bleeding profusely, along with broken bones and second to third degree burn despite its blood loss it was moving at speeds well over thousands of times faster than sound, occasionally surrounding its body with profound power focusing it around it's the legs and kick of the ground at the right moments, multiplying it's speed at least tens of dozens of times faster than light in short bursts not long after another figure passed though which appeared to be a one year old "human" baby, also covered in numerous scratches and bruising some were nothing only scruff marks, others were deeper but the blood had long since clotted if not disappeared entirely, his bruising were in a similar state, some were slight discoloration, others were deep angry purple marks and lumps but were already fading away, his power was growing at a rapid rate, yet despite this he had an utterly ecstatic expression along with savage quality's on his face, a battle hungry smile, teeth bared his pronounced canines out on full display, his pupils dilated, completely ignoring his phantom pains, the child was moving through the tree tops at high speeds easily, it's looks were something that would deceive someone completely of his strength, keeping chase with the rabbit even when it was using it's speed burst to try and escape, jumping from tree to tree with incredible ease much like a monkey add the tail and it really completes the image, the child in question has many unique features such piercing black eyes, containing a sort of inborn warrior sharpness to them, eyebrows furrowed set into a natural glare as if capable of seeing a situation with focus and while being lax enough to still be flexible if need be, though the whole one year old thing kinda dampens it, wild untamed black spiky hair that has three bangs in front of his forehead reaching his eyebrow along with the back of his hair reaching the nape, framing his face is his sideburns that reach his lower earlobes, around his neck is a silver brochure with an Amber gem, the center of said gem was red with it branches spread through out it, along with the back of the brochure fused with the silver is a name plate of similar materials, and currently he's chasing his opponent, a strong opponent, he can't help but feel excited.

\Seven minutes earlier\ \ Three-Hundred an thirty Kilometers south\

The monkey child in question was Meru-zen though he did not have the ability to understand stand his name nor speak it as he was never taught it, as far as he knows he was alone and has survived so far by his instincts both in survival and battle, creativity in hunting, gathering and incredible adaptive ability along with his battle genius, and despite him being only a year old he got hold of his situation incredibly quickly, and is thriving, while not glamorous by any means, this is all he's known during his very short existence thus far, he felt a presence is near by and was curious by it as it had different feeling to it like it felt "heavy", so far he's encountered lots of different creatures, some that are kinda cool to look at or tasty, some wanted to fight him, those were the best but also the most confusing as once the fight starts he can't help but get more and more excited but every time he felt something was missing but couldn't tell what as they ended pretty quickly, at least he learned how to control his one energy(qi) from fighting that one that was a bit stronger then the rest as it was the only one who did it at the time but that's it, along with the fact that after he learned it the thing that's on his neck and won't come off (he tried trust me) glowed a then a whole bunch of concepts rushed into his head that gave him control of his other(ki), along with using them both together though his control was at a beginner's at best, he was confused on what happened but he really didn't have time to contemplate that long and he usually gets bored pretty fast and moves on, he wanted to get closer and saw a rabbit like creature, he took a step forward, suddenly the rabbit beast turned it head at him, sensing his presence, it's eye's narrowed and shot to towards him at high speeds creating a shockwave, destroying the ground underneath it, and the area behind it as a result.

He launched to the left just in time, as the rabbit sent a double kick to the area where he was previously creating a debris cloud, appearing to hit with enough force to be comparable to a small meteor impact however in all actuality, it is many times more potent, due to it using profound energy control to maximize damage to small area's while minimizing surrounding area effect damage by containing the force produced by attacks in compacting any lost force, making attacks far more powerful and efficient, meaning taking force and compacting it, it becomes many times more powerful as well as safer to use in smaller areas, as if he didn't he would have caused immense devastation to stuff he really doesn't want to destroy, as the actual attack power of these kicks was more like a small planet impact and would make utilizing one full abilities.... incredibly difficult to say the least, this is a sort of unspoken and common rule to all cultivators above late elementary profound realm and over, other wise they would cause mass destruction over a simple scuffle.

The shockwave produced from the attack sent him flying but he quickly regained his bearings and as he was about to hit a tree he rebounded off of it, the force of him jumping off split the tree in half, landing a few feet away his bare feet digging a trench, his head shot up in the direction of the rabbit immediately with focus one would should not see in a normal infant.

But Meru-zen was with out a doubt not normal.

The rabbit then did something he had never seen or heard before come from the crater within that debris cloud, it spoke, it's tone was rough and deep like a grown yet snarky and cynical man while containing a echo like effect to it "Oi...I never thought that I'd have a brat as an intruder in my territory, did your parents throw you way because of your monkey tail... it's pretty common all things considered." the rabbit was speaking mostly to it's self as it walked out of the crater, as it also guessed that the child didn't have the ability to speak nor understand

language as judging from the kid's bewildered yet curious expression as if it was the first time hearing such complex noise, he did notice the slight glow of the brochure as he was specking but ignored it believing it to just be a trick of the light, and while he was hoping that weren't the case alas not all was to be, but while that didn't change that it most likely was the first time hearing it it was better then talking to nothing but the air and god damn trees, as while profound beast earth profound realm or above develop intellects comparable to a human adults and can sometimes develop the ability of speech, however anything above a spirit profound realm was incredibly rare, like your more likely to get struck by lightning kind of rare, than find something above peak spirit profound realm around these Forest and many creatures try for decades to reach that stage, almost all reach a bottleneck and would have to find rare herbs or some kind of profound resources that can boost cultivation to get past, which are understandably incredibly difficult to come by and even harder to get one's paws on, the rabbit was lucky to be incredibly talented with a total of thirty-one of his fifty-four profound entrances open which is considered above even a genius level talent along with luck to be near some incredible cultivation resources, the Rabbit's current level which is a late to peak heaven profound realm, with his age being twenty-eight years only reinforces this idea, people or beast with this level talent have bright futures and are considered once in a five-hundred year talent, people and beings who usually leave their marks on history as the best of their generation, at least as far as Blue Polaris is concerned.

The rabbit wasn't concerned, more amazed than anything else, ignoring the "extra" pressure coming off the kid he could feel his cultivation was at least early earth profound realm as a fucking one year old no less, which was completely unheard off, as he shouldn't even be able to cultivate yet let alone moving as fast as he did, nor be at this level no matter what resources he could possibly have, which leads it to believe that either he is actually a unimaginably powerful being who just so happens to take a very young and very NAKED FORM! eww, ....highly unlikely with all current available evidence which leads to more likely and probable option, that kid was a freak of nature born with extremely high level of power,(unless you count the age of gods)ignoring that however, and adding in the "extra" power he felt the kid felt more like a beginner to early heaven profound realm,(which is actually completely new never happened before) if he's considered above a genius, the best of his generation, then this kid is a ultra genius some thing that set new standards of what a Legend is, especially considering he literally couldn't be more then a year old, another thing the rabbit noted is that this kid is not human... not in the slightest he could tell because of cultivation signatures, when one cultivates they take spiritual energy from the environment or other sources also called qi, when they then make it theirs via cultivation, it goes through a change giving the energy a "unique feel" only available to that individual which gives a whole bunch of info about said individual such as strength,sickness,species, is just to name a few of many, he knows what humans feel like due to how many have tried to kill him for one reason or another so he made a point to "know thy enemy" he knows a thing or two from having one or two "talks" he's gotten from the humans, he has gotten this far both by his strength and intelligence.

Meru-zen while bewildered quickly shook it of and focused on the current situation he took a battle stance that he had made from Watching a dozen creatures and combining them to be the best for himself a show of his insane battle genius and instinct, his feet spread apart, his weight more on his heels balancing on the back of his feet, his body low more to his center of gravity, his hands bought up lax but ready to spring at a moment notice, it was rough looking and anything with actual battle experience and training could see it was just slapped together but the fact that someone so young made it and made something that could actually function as a effective battle stance would definitely make them spit out blood due to the sheer level of inhumane prodigious ability and talent, their opinions of it would undoubtedly be of the highest order especially when he lacked all the aforementioned.

The rabbits was intrigued it watched with batted curiosity sure It could see dozen of holes in the kids defense due to his experience in fighting trained human cultivators, who had at the very least have been trained in basic CQC(which is the most they get due to believing that they have no use for it that it's beneath them, Preferring to use Profound arts or martial skills even of they aren't actually martial arts as they like the flashy-ness of it, this mind set screwed quite a bit of them over. )but at the same time this kid definitely didn't have three tenths of the resources those people had and yet his form has more function then their forms which were mostly for flashy fighting then anything else the only reason he has those holes is because of lack of experience, which specks volumes of his insane battle genius the rabbit thought 'this kid! he really is something im almost tempted not to kill him due to his insane potential killing him just seems like such a waste!' the rabbit then steeled it's self, no backing out, that goes for both of them because rabbit can't just have intruders just walk away, not if he wants to save face he needs to set examples.

Meru-zen shot forward at high-speed with his tiny body, lashing out with his left fist and overextended the Rabbit weaves right throwing a kick at Meru-zen's chest which Meru-zen quickly brought his arms in to block it a shockwave exploded from impact knocking over nearby trees and throwing Meru-zen though multiple of them tearing though they were like paper, he finally regains his bearings and flips to have his feet angled slightly behind him while being parallel to the ground he slides though the ground digging a trench a half a foot deep into the ground putting him just below his knees, his arms are numb form the Force of the kick, with the one that took front most damage already developing a nasty bruise, he looked at his arm's in surprise and bewilderment, he had never been hurt before now everything he faced so far couldn't land a scratch on him or even make him tickle when they attacked he was since his short existence unmatched, there was simply nothing strong enough to hurt him til now, he suddenly felt it again that excitement the light feeling his head, and he could feel each beat of his heart the rhythmic pulse that pushed the now searing blood though his veins giving him a high which he never felt before, the thrill of a good battle, his instincts were telling him one thing, telling him the one thing he was missing during all those scuffles and hunts form before, that his opponent was stronger then him, he subconscious and biology said only one thing 'A GOOD FIGHT! THAT IS WHERE I BELONG!' he didn't quite understand why he was excited right now but none that mattered, his blood was boiling his face which contained bewilderment and surprise before, now contained a savage smile his teeth bared showing signs of savagery his eye's containing a excited look to them while keeping complete focus on his opponent, the rabbit immediately noticed the change in the childs state and got on guard, after all even enemy's that are weaker then you can defeat a stronger opponent if caught it by surprise but while keeping lax, while this is true the kid was only a year old what kind of trump card could he possibly come up with let alone have.

then suddenly Meru-zen brought his arms curled to his side's, raised his head up and roared "GRRR-AAAHHHHHHHAAA" a shockwave exploded from his body as a light red aura of pure power erupted from him surrounding him like a flame, the ground fracturing and cratering underneath him becoming over two meters deep, the rabbits eyebrows shot up nearly to the ears on top of his head as he watched the bruise on his arms fading away slightly along with a jump in power taking the kid from beginner to early heaven profound realm to middle heaven profound realm while still being a good bit under him being more in the range of late to peak, its not something someone can just ignore! such a huge leap in power!

This was not something that just happens, sure maybe during combat if someone is near the edge of a realm they can breakthrough, IF! they are at the very edge of a realm, just jumping through four to five realms simply isn't heard of especially when he could tell the kid was nowhere near a breakthrough, nor did he know how to suppress his power as he could tell he just recently learned how to control his energy no matter how amazing this kid's talent is he still needs time to master those principles.

the kid snapped his head back down to his opponent and shot towards the rabbit many times faster then before keeping low to the ground tearing the ground behind him in the ensuing shockwave along his path, while the rabbit did sense the power jump seeing it in action however was a completely different story, it surprised him enough that he didn't react in time to Meru-zen punching it in the face making it's lower central incisors cut its gums, it rockets though the air, doing a couple involuntary flips before the rabbit regained his bearings and righted it's self, jumping of a nearby tree landing on the ground with relative grace, despite the fact that it's head was ringing slightly, once the ringing stopped they both starred each other down.

this small warm-up all occurred in less then Three seconds.

then suddenly they launched at each-other, the fight finally beginning in earnest, Meru-zen dodged a kick from the rabbit leaping over the outstretched appendage lashing out with a sidekick to the face, the rabbit quickly reacted ducking underneath and jumping up with a headbutt to the stomach, knocking the air out of Meru-zen, throwing him five Kilometers in the air in less then a third of a tenths of second stunned, the rabbit's legs got covered in light and quickly went behind him in his trajectory and kicked him in the lower ribs at a ninety degree angle causing a shockwave that moved the clouds away, throwing him back to the earth, air whistling by his body as he hit with the force of a missile moving at mach twenty, a giant debris cloud could be seen.

\*BOOM*\ \*CRASH*\ \*BOOM*\

It was barely a second before the creater formed from impact exploded and out came Meru-zen at high-speed his power was raising rapidly, he launched out the creater coming out of debris cloud and was speeding towards rabbit, who opened his mouth as his upper-middle incisors shifted to point directly at the rapidly approaching Meru-zen, his teeth glowed slightly before growing at high-speeds and shooting towards Meru-zen who leaned his body to the right dodging the attack that proceeded to hit the ground slicing some trees in half along the way, then running atop it's teeth to gain momentum before kicking off towards rabbit, breaking the teeth in the process from the force of jump, having got in range threw a punch at rabbit.

rabbit quickly rained its teeth in returning them to normal, raising its guard it quickly blocked the punch before launching a counter-attack of it's own throwing a kick which was quickly intercepted by Meru-zen's fist, yet another shockwave was produced launching them away from each other in opposite directions, despite when they landed they rushed at each other at high-speeds moving many times faster then light, creating whirlwinds and leaving afterimages in their wake, they clashed faster and evermore powerfully, each time the attacking each other Hundreds of Thousands of times in a hundredth of a second.

this lasted a little over five minutes

Some clashes Meru-zen hit, others the rabbit but with each clash Meru-zen was getting closer and closer to completely surpassing who was getting more and more pressed as the fight went on, getting less hits in and getting hit more often with each hit getting sharper and packing more power and speed each time, he has a few broken ribs along with what it assumes was a fracture along it's shoulder bones, and a nasty black eye, and few missing teeth, it was grimacing in pain as it whole body was wracked with it but willed it's self though it 'WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS KID MADE OFF HE'S JUST NOT GOING DOWN! THIS BAD REALLY BAD! IF THIS COUNTINUES MY SITUATION WILL ONLY GET WORSE I'LL HAVE TO USE MY TRUMP CARD!'.

Though that didn't mean Meru-zen was uninjured either with several deep cuts along his arm's and legs, and body, a bloody red bruise on his stomach and lower ribs which may have fracturing, but none of that distracted him of his opponent to in the battle to notice or even care for his wounds he was having to much fun, he then sensed rabbit was going to do something and got on guard while rushing to attack in hopes of stopping whatever rabbit was about to do.

Rabbit opened it's mouth gathering it's profound energy while changing it's nature to act like thunder, electricity was gathering around rabbits mouth however this is lightening is not normal it's profound energy empowered it's speed at it's first stroke is easily tens of dozens of times faster then light, it's second stoke over fifty times faster and more powerful then the first stroke the power potency was enough to destroy jupiter if it was a solid planet dozens of times over.

The rabbit had changed as much as it could and then spat the attack, a beam of pure power moving about in the manner of a lightning blast was shot out faster then even the second stoke of profound electricity by at least twice!

Meru-zen barely dodged diving under the blast which flew over head vaporizing the tops of trees, along with the top of a mountain before going of into space, Meru-zen looked back in awe watching the blast go by, before looking up a rabbit who was still falling though away from him as the blast has pushed him back significantly sending him flying back, Meru-zen remembered watching rabbit change the attack, as his necklace glowed slightly once more he got an idea for both energies that flow in harmony, then looked straight at rabbit, as he was closer to the ground he landed first before shooting off towards rabbit, his strength had grown during this short fight from middle heavenly profound realm all the way to peak profound realm having became more powerful then rabbit a bit before the blast along with using the time during his fall to slightly regain some breath and during this time some of his wounds had already stopped bleeding and his bruises were already fading, his rib fracture was already healing his body was already fixing him self as well as getting stronger at a quicker rate, he moved so quickly the rabbit who didn't know it's attack missed due the light produced, didn't realize Meru-zen was right in front off it until he got a kick to it's chest nearly shattering it's then got whacked in his remaining functional eye by the kid's monkey tail blinding him before getting hit by a blast of pure power at point blank!, getting burned and blasted away at the same time, as Meru-zen made his own energy blast just by watching him once,though he couldn't make it lightning as the rabbit did it was just-if not more potent while costing far far less energy due to differences in energy types, his being just more powerful in smaller amounts(PKI) to larger amounts of(QI), launching him Two-Hundred Kilometers away at speeds dozens of Hundreds of times faster then light basically becoming a five meter sized super-bullet tearing though anything that got in it's way eventually hitting the earth splitting it as it goes though another hundred kilometers, tearing though ground and sending trees flying along with a few animals that got in the way or in were trees, even going through and splitting a mountain range in half, finally coming to a stop badly injured most of his bones around his arm's and lower to upper back areas and a little of everything else were either completely broken, shattered or severely fractured probably all three and in that order too, don't even get started on the possible internal bleeding AND concussion 'it really fuckin heads all woozy.' well said.

he finally opened his semi-functional eye and looked back seeing the kid already coming towards him 'SHIT!SHIT!SHIT!SHIT!SHIT!SSHHIIIITTT!!! SON OF A FUCKING BITTTCCCHHH!!!!!!!!' it then launched back as fair as possible going over eighty meters in less then a second far slower then normal ,but just in time as Meru-zen slammed into the ground striking with the force more then dozens of times more powerful then a small meteor, blowing any nearby objects that weren't firmly connected to the ground to be blown away, Rabbit idly noted that the kids energy control has much gotten better meaning his damage control was even more controlled despite the immense damage, it could have been worse.

Then the Rabbit that was already afraid for it's life, saw the image of something for the briefest instance that would sear fear into his soul for all primates specifically monkeys creatures for the rest of his life.

In the debris cloud was the silhouette of a child yet even with the debris cloud one could see the savage smiling expression on his face,....however that wasn't nearly was terrible as what was the silhouette behind him, like temporarily seeing what the childs true power really was, yet at the same time only seeing the very tiniest slivers, seeing power not yet surfaced, as what was behind him could only be called one thing.

"A Great ape"

The silhouette behind him was a fifty meter tall Monkey creature with glowing red eye's speaking of it's wild nature and a snarling maw with sharp carnivorous teeth giving a predatory vibe, growling at rabbit, it large and long tail swaying back and forth, he could feel and know that the beast before him could crush him like a bug with barely minimum effort.

Rabbit turned nearly pale white, forgetting it's wounds it runs of in the opposite direction as fast as it can, Meru-zen having heard the disturbance of Rabbit running along with beginning to learn how to feel energy goes in chase hoping to continue the fight hoping the opponent has more to give it's really fun!

\Two minutes later\ \present\

Meru-zen was still chasing rabbit, eventually being right above rabbit shot downwards throwing a double drop kick right on rabbits back having by some miracle not completely shattered it on impact, slamming it to the ground drilling through it, thirty meters later the ground eventually gave way into a extremely large cave, with a eighty meters tall bolder at the far end of the cave, slamming into the cave floor, cracking it.

\*BOOM*\ \*CRASH*\ \*CRASH*\

The rabbit was barely conscientious it's body was to wracked with too much pain to be coherent, it's thoughts were in disarray it was thoroughly beat, though he could strangely though his disarrayed mind note how the cave has a strong smell of sake and alcohol and the sea.

Meru-zen finally caught the rabbit though was kinda disappointed he guessed that the rabbit was done, well he guessed it was okay he had a lot a fun so he'll let him go he helped him learn a lot of stuff, suddenly his tummy growled telling him to look for food he had done a lot more then he's done in his entire short life, he hopped of the rabbit and looked around the cave and his eye's once adjusted to the little light in the cave which oddly had lit torches he starred in wonder at stuff he's never seen before, the cave appeared to be cut out with smooth edges and pillers which were over a Hundred and eighty meters tall each supporting the roof, with Several giant twenty-five meter tall to ten meters wide all round gourd, which was by a giant boulder that had intricate makings all over it's body, and was well over Three times as big with it being wider then it was tall being well over one hundred meters in width and ninety five meters in length with a connected top section and bottom section with six holes all round on different areas, which were each thirty meters wide all round, and suddenly a very strong smell wafting off that made his nose burn! his eyes teared and he held his nose in attempt to alleviate the burning in his nose.

he was mesmerized by the boulders markings he walked towards it, which the rabbit took as its que finally regained some bearing and jumped out of the cave to get the hell outta dodge, but Meru-zen wasn't concerned with that more focused with the boulder, continuing forward till he was right in front of it, he thought he could hear soft breathing, he put that out of his mind, then put his hand on the boulder running his fingers along it's markings.

Suddenly near one of the massive holes at the front a giant eye opened, a deep rumbling, slightly hungover voice spoke out "What are you doing here kid?"


sorry for cliffhanger

and that's it guys sorry it took a (quite)bit longer then last time but hey what can i do what i need to do.

please post thoughts and comment if you enjoyed or what ever you want really.

\words: 5119\