Chapter 27

Chapter 27

"That smells good." I complimented when the aromatic scent of Leo's cooking conquered my nostrils. He's cooking seafood paella.

"I told you, I'm a good cook. " he said boastfully. He get a spoon. "Here taste it." And feed me.

I chewed. "Hmmm... wow, it's good!" I said.

He smirked. "Told you." He said. "Call Amanda and Lincoln then we'll eat."

"Yes, chef!" I teased him and he just laughed.

Leo's parents is not around. They're working abroad. That left Leo and his brother, Lincoln, alone. But I think that's just fine, Leo's a responsible brother and Lincoln seems more mature for his age.

I walked to the living where Amanda and Lincoln was watching something on the T.V.

"Dinner is ready." I said but none of them looked at me. "Let's eat."

Amanda stood up. "Finally! I'm famish."

I saw Lincoln rolled his eyes. "No way, you just finish two bowls of popcorn Amanda."

"I'm still hungry!" Amanda squealed. She went beside me and held onto my arms. "What did Leo cook?"

"Seafood Paella." I answered.

"Yummy!" I saw her drooled.

"Yuck! Amanda!" I said pushed her away but she kept holding on tight. "Let go! You're drooling!"

She wiped her mouth. "See? No more." She said. "Let's gooo!"

"I'll eat later." I heard Lincoln said.

"No." Amanda grabbed him. "Come with us." Then she pulled us towards the kitchen

"Amanda!" Lincoln complained.

The four of us eat after Leo served the food and words ain't to tell how delicious his pealla is.

"This is the best seafood paella I've ever tasted!" Amanda screamed. Lincoln hit her with spoon. "Ouch! Lincoln!" She held her head.

"Shut up. You're so noisy."

"But... isch sho dewischus." Amanda's mumbling something we can't understand. She's speaking with food in her mouth.

'So unlady.'

I chuckled. "I agree with Amanda. It's so yummy." I said. "You should pursue culinary arts in college." I looked at Leo.

Leo just laughed. "Nah, I'll take secondary education as my course."

Amanda butted in. "I thought you want to be a chef?"

He smiled. "Change of heart, maybe?"

"Liar." Lincoln butted in. I saw Leo elbowed him.

Leo laughed. "Maybe, hahaha!" He said. "How about you Amanda? Any plans?"

Amanda shrugged. "Dunno. I don't have any plans."

I frowned. "We're college alredy next year. Haven't you decided yet?"

She just shrugged. "I don't want to choose. My decision ain't valid anyways." She take another spoonful of food. "My parents decide for my future so why bother to choose, right?"

I don't know what to say, good thing Leo speak. "I'll go for Rewick University, you guys?" He said then looked at me as if saying not to ask more questions.

Come to think of it, I haven't heard anything about Amanda's family. All I know was she's Leo cousin and nothing more. She never open up anything about herself except about her little mate.

"Same." Amanda answered.

"Same, Rewick University too." I said. "Law."

Leo whistled. "Wow, attorney."

"Silly." I said. "You're not sure for that yet."

"Nope." He disagreed. "I'm sure you'll be."

"So Kyle, if I got arrested, you'll defend me, okay?"

I frowned. "Arrest you? For what?"

She smirked. "For stealing everyone's heart with my overflowing cuteness." We loked at her with disgusted expression.

"Yuck." Lincoln said and we all laughed because of it.

"Nyeh nyeh." Amanda made face. Lincoln just rolled his eyes at her.

After we're done eating, Amanda volunteered to wash the dished while Leo was cleaning the table. That left me and Lincoln at the living room. We're watching the news when he spoke.

"You're an omega, right?" He asked suddenly.

I scratched my cheek. "Ah, yeah. Why? How to you know?"

He faced me with cold expression and scanned me fromhead to foot. "You're body shows all the traits." Oh, yeah. "Are my brother's mate?"

'What? Me?'

My eyes widened and I shook my head. "No, no. He's just my friend."

His eyebrow arced. "Friend, huh?" He said. "But you seem pretty close." Hes looking at me with questioning eyes.

'Damn this kid, he's nothing like Leo! He's so arrogant!'

"No, seriously we're just friends. We're also in the same class that's why were close." I said. Inwas sweating because of sudden questions.

He stared at me for a moment then his shoulder drooped. "Sorry..." he suddenly apologized.

"For what?"

"For asking you too many questions." He said. I hear a hint of guilt in his voice. "Am I being nosy? It just that---"

I shook my head. "It's fine." I smiled at him. "You're worried for him, aren't you?"

His face blushed. "I-I'm not!" He said the opposite of what's he's showing right now. "He's stupid when it comes to himself! He care too much for others then forget about himself. He's stupidly selfless!" He added. "And I hate that about him..."

I can't help but to smiled while listening to Lincoln. He looks nothing like Leo but he cares for his brother a lot. He act tough but he has this soft spot for Leo.

'I think Leo's wrong about not being close with his brother. Because this kid really adores Leo.'

"Lincoln..." he looked at me. "You really cared for him."

"I-I didn't..." he shook his head and mumbled.

"You should not hate him." I said. Leo's not stupid for helping and caring about others. Your brother is awesome because of it." I added. "You knew about his fated mate?"

Hi eyes widened. "You know too?"

"Yeah." I said. "I know how hurtful it is to be neglected with your very own mate but he chose to be happy for her and her child."

Silence. Lincoln was not answering me. Then he lifted his head. "Take care of him." He said the

I frowned. "Why me?"

He averted his gaze. "You're more responsible than Amanda."

I laughed and ruffled. "Sure, you can count on me."

"Hey." He said then pushed away my hand. "Don't do that, I'm not a kid anymore."

I supressed my laughter. "You're just 10, you're still a kid."

"I'm not!"

"You are."

I saw irritation in his face and he blushed. "Whatever..."

I chuckled the same time Leonand Amanda entered the living room. "What's funny, Kyle?" Amanda asked. I was about to answered when Lincoln jumped to cover my mouth.

"Nothing!" He said, he's still blushing. "Right, Kyle?" I nodded.

'He's so cute, I wish I have little brother too.'

"You seems close already." Leo said then said beside me. That's when Lincoln let go of me.

"W-We're not!" He said then walked out of the living room. That made us laughed.

"He likes you." Leo said while laughing.

"Silly, no way."

"I swear, he do." Leo said.

Amanda went beside me and held my arms. "Too bad, kiddo." Amanda said. "Kyle already have lov---"

I stopped Amanda words. "Amanda!" I widened eyes at her.

'Shit! Leo didn't know about that.'

"Lov?" Leo frowned.

I looked at Amanda and mouthed. 'Do something.'

"Lov? Hahahaha!" she scratched her nape. "Yeah! Lov! I mean Kyle had LOVE for studying, hehehe! Love for that hahahaha!" She sound so fake!

"Yeah! She's right hahaha!" I backed up Amanda shitty alibi. "I just want to study, no time for other things."

Leo laughed. "You're so devoted with studying."

"Yeah..." I changed the topic. "It's kinda boring, what about movie marathon?" Leo nodded.

"Sure! I'll just get my laptop, I have few movie collections there." He saif then stood up.

"Go ahead." Amanda awkwardly said.

When Leo finally left, I faced Amanda. "You almost said it!" I said.

"Gomen, Kyle-kun!" She said apologetically. "I really forgot about it!"

I sighed. "Good thing, he didn't suspect anything."

"Sorry." Amanda said then hugged me.

I clicked my tongue. "Be wary Amanda. Please. I trust you with this." She nodded.

"Yes, this will be the last time, I promise."

Leo came back with his laptop after few minutes. He forgotten about our talk earlier which is a good thing. We chose to watch a horror film. Just like our normal postion, I'm at the middle while the other two was at my side. I brought chips and snacks and we're eating it while watching the film.

"You know what's common in horror films?" Amanda asked as she get chips from the bowl.

"What?" Leo and I asked in unison.

"Stupid couples die first. Fucking flirty eye sore." Amanda hissed.

That made me and Leo laughed. "Agree."

After we watched the movie, Amanda call for a play, Uno. We don't class tomorrow so we decided to play few rounds. We asked Lincoln to join us and he agreed.

"Uno!" I yelled.

"Plus 4." Amanda said then droped her card.

"Plus 4." Said Leo.

"Plus 4." Said Lincoln.

"Oh- Oh good luck, Kyle!" Amanda teased. I smirked at her.

"Plus 4." I said the dropped my last card. "Good luck Amanda."

"No!" She yelled. "I got no plus 4, huhuhu!"

"Plus 16 cards for Amanda!" We yelled and laughed. Her own card backfired.

"I hate you." She said while getting 16 cards from the deck of cards.

I tapped her back. "Sore los--- achooo!" I sniffed after I sneezed.

"You okay?" Asked Leo.

I nodded. "I felt a little cold but I'm fine."

Lincoln suddenly stood up. "I'll lower down the aircon." He said then did it. "Is this fine?" I nodded then continued our game.

It's 3 A.M. in the morning when we decided to sleep. I'm going to sleep in their guest room. Amanda had her own room here since she almost sleep her everyday.

"You don't really want to sleep beside me?" Amanda teased.

I looked at her with sharp gazes. "Fuck off."

She held her chest. "Aww, so sweet. Fuck off too." She said that made me rolled my eyes. "Good night, Kyle." I nodded.

"Good night." Said Leo who's beside Amanda.

"Night. Achoooo!" I wiped my nose.

"You sneezed so hard. Do you want medicine?" Leo asked me worriedly. I shook my head.

"I'm fine. I'll just water then sleep." I said. "You should sleep too. You still need to prepare our breakfast."

He chuckled. "Of course." When they left, I went to the kitchen and drink water. After that, I went inside the guest room and laid on the bed.

The truth is, I don't really feel well since earlier. Maybe due to running under the rain plus the cold weather. I feel exhausted and tired at the same time. But I don't regret coming here at Leo's house. It's fun here. I felt peace here.

I suddenly remember the past, when my brothers and I used to bond like this together with mother and father. Time when we ate together and do fun stuffs. When we fell asleep at the floor because of tiredness. I remember it all.

I also remember when I spend time with John during our free time. The time when he called me to escape our house just to stroll at the park. I remember the time when we spend each seconds playing my game set collection. I remember it all.

I don't know but my tears suddenly fell.

I sleep that night with heaviness in my heart.

Few hours later, I opened my eyes with a heavy feeling in my body. My body's shivering with coldness at the same time, I felt hot within. I want to stand up and go out but my body's feels like attached with a boulder.

Last night, I remember that the air conditioner was in low volume, but why is that it's so cold?

"Aghh... umnnn..." I tried to get up.

I grabbed my phone and looked at the time. It's just 5 A.M. in the morning.

I groaned. "Fuck..." my head's aching.

My head feels heavy, I laid back. I covered my body with the blanket and tried to sleep again.

Later, I opened my eyes when I felt something touching my forehead. It was Amanda.

"Amanda?" I called her and she looked at me with worried.

"Oh my, Kyle..." she helped me get up.

"What?" My voice feels sounds rough. "H-Help me." I said while trying to move out of the bed but she stopped me.

"Wait, Kyle. Rest for now." She said. "I think you caught fever from last night."

"Eh?" She nodded.

"Good thing I checked you," she said. "Anyway, wait for me here I'll be bring you porridge." After that, she left me.

I sighed. No wonder I'm feeling something since earlier. This fever spoil my stay here at Leo's here. I thought I could stay here for more hours but I think I better go home after eating. For sure, mother will be worried of me.

I was thinking deeply when I heard someone knocked at the door. My eyes automatically looked at the door and I found out that it was Leo who knocked.

"Leo." I called him. He smiled and entered the room. He went beside me and dragged his hand at my forehead. I think his checking my temperature.

"Are you okay? Do you need anything?" He asked as he sat at the bed. I shook my head.

"I'm okay, I think I just need some rest." I said. "Amanda said she'll bring me some porridge, after I eat that I'll go home. "

"Then I shall take you home later." He said. "You should rwally take the jacket last night." He looked guilty for unknown reason.

'Is he blaming himself because of my fever?'

I chuckled because of it. "Silly, I told I'm okay. It's just a simple fever. This won't kill me." I joked.

"Hey." He sounded pissed. So I laughed even more.

"Hahaha! Kidding." I saw him hissed. "Seriously, I'm okay. Maybe after 3 to 4 days of rest, I'll be fine." I said as I smacked his arms jokingly.

"Ouch." He said jokingly. "I think you're fine, you still punched hard as before."

I sneered then showed him my middle finger. "Fucker." Leo laughed because of it and I can't help but to smiled too.

'He's back with his usual self.' I thought.

A moment later, Amanda entered caring a silver tray with bowl and glass or water on it. Leo made way and let his cousin sat at the bed.

"Here Kyle, eat this." Amamda said. "Then take the medicines. By the way, I informed your parents about your conditions, they said they'll picked you up."

I smiled then take the porridge she prepared. "Thanks, Amanda. You're the best."

She flipped her hair and pasted smug look at her face. "I know right, duh?" She said. Leo and I chuckled. "Now, finished that or do you want me to feed you? You know Kyle I can---"

"Shut up." I said.

She acted as if she zipped her mouth. I ate the porridge while the two was watching me. After I finished the bowl of porridge, Leo helped me to open the medicine.


"Thanks." I took the medicine. Amanda fixed the tray and stood up.

"I'll take it to the kitchen. Leo look after Kyle. And you Kyle, take a rest while waiting for your parents." She said. Leo and I nodded before she went out. Leo helped me to lay on the bed and fixed my blanket.

"Amanda's pretty dependable with this stuffs, huh?" I said.

Leo, who's fixing the blanket, smiled. "Haven't I told you?"

I frowned. "Told me what?"

"Amanda's really close to us. If either Lincoln or I were sick, she'll come here to take care of us since our parents were always out for work." He said. "Amanda always make porridge for us, prepare all the things we need. From our medicine to the clothes we'll wear. She used of taking care of us when we're sick." He added. "She's childish but still she's capable of a lots of things."

I was staring at Leo's face while he's telling about his cousin. He and Amanda might always fight over somethings, but I can't deny how strong and solid their relationship is. They're not just cousins nor friends, they're family for each other.

"I remember, I was 15 years old back then when I got sick and as usual Amanda---" Leo looked at me and he noticed that I was staring at him. "Sorry. Am I teeling too much story?" He looked shy, maybe he realizes his actions earlier. He sat at the qhile scratching his cheek. "I think I'm being too noisy. You're sick, I should let you----"

"It's okay." I cut him off. "I enjoy listening to you. Continue, I'm listening." Leo smiled and started to tell me about his childhood with Amanda.

While listening to his stories, I can't helped but to remember my past. I have someone like Amanda too before. Since my parents were working for our car dealing bussiness, I often left alone at our house. I was 13 years old before when I got really sick and no one's home to take care of me. And that was the time when someone helped me.

It was John, who's always beside me.

"Kyle, eat this." He said as he helped me sat. He handed me a bowl of soup. I shook my head, I have no strength to raise my hands and eat. "Please, Kyle. After this take this medicine so you could get better."

I coughed and shook my head again. John sighed. He closed his eyes then opened it again a moment later.

"Okay!" He said frustratingly. "I feed you so you could drink your medicine, was it okay?" I nodded. I know I couldn't stop hime if I ever told him it's not fine.

He scooped the soup and blew it to cool down. "Here, open your mouth." I did what I was told. I finished the whole bowl with the help of John. He also helped me taking my medicine.

"Take this." He said. I nodded.

I seriously don't what to do right now. Thanks to John, I felt fine. Even though my body's still feels hot. Yesterday, I was caught by the rain, maybe that's why I had fever today.

"Good thing I checked you. If I hadn't maybe your still creeping here with empty stomach and high fever." John said while fixing the tray. "Tsk. You're really taking yourself lightly. What will happen to you if no one notice, huh?" He's nagging about it. Even when he's tucking me on my bed.

"You shouldn't be careless of you body. What will---" I cut him off.

"Thank you..." even with my hoarse voice, I gathered myself to speak. "Sorry... John..." I coughed after that.

"Stay still." He said, I nodded. He took the tray then stormed out of my room. Minutes passed when he came back with small basin. I followed his actions with my eyes, he get one towel from my cabinet and wet it with water on the basin. When he ensured that there's no more excess water on the towel, he folded it and placed it on my forehead.

"This will help you with your fever." I nodded.

John never left my side. And maybe due to the exhaustion and my fever, I felt sleepy. John noticed it and he flipped over the folded towel.

"Sleep." I heard him said before I sleep that night.

Tomorrow after that, my fever almost gone. My parents thank Johnfor taking care of me while they're at work. I was also glad for John's actions. I never knew that he had that caring side behind his shitty personality. Kidding aside, I'm really thankful. I never know what will happened that day if John wasn't around that time.

"Kyle... Kyle..." I felt someone tapping my shoulder, so I opened my eyes. It was Amanda. She place her palm on my forehead. "You still have fever."

"I fell asleep?" I said in low tone. She nodded.

"Leo's here when you fell asleep." Oh. "By the way, you're parents are here to pick you up. Let's go down stairs?"

I nodded. She helped me removed the blanket around me then helped me to get up. I was about to stand up when my knees felt weak and I stumbled on the floor.

"Kyle!" Amamda yelled then attended me. "Don't push yourself too much. I'll call Leo, stay still." I nodded. My vision's kinda blurry. I felt my head spinning. I leaned at the bed while waiting for Amanda.

I didn't wait for too long, Amanda entered the room with Leo and Lincoln.

Leo helped me to stand. "Wait, wait. Amanda hold him." I felt Amanda touched me. I shutted my eyes off, I feel more dizzy if I kept it opened.

Later after that, I felt Leo carry me. He was moving down at the stairs, taking me out. Minutes passed when I heard a car's engine.

"Oh my, Kyle!" It's was mother's voice. Even with my eyes closed, I know that Leo put me inside my parent's car. I heard them talking, but my head's too heavy to understand, so I just stay at the back.

But then, I heard another voice, it was Lincoln. "Here your bag." He said. I tried to open my mouth to speak.

"Thank you..."

I heard him clicked his tongue. "Tsk, don't push yourself too much." I chuckled lightly. "By the way..."

"Hmmm..." I groaned as answer.

"Open your bag if you're completely fine, understand?" Before I could answer he closed the car's door.

I frowned. 'What's with my bag?'

Due to the curiosity, I grabbed my bag and looked inside of it. There, I saw a crumpled paper. I opened it and I was shocked when I read what's written on it.

'If you're not his mate, then can you be mine?'

I unbelievably chuckled and put it back at my bag. Is that really the aloof Lincoln I saw yesterday?
