Osiris walked around the temple. There was nothing about this temple he didn't know of. He went to the collection room and touched every single artifact. It reminded him of his time when he worked here.

He stopped in front of the last box and saw a broken seal. It was the recent seal that was broken. He took it out and checked it. 'As I thought, it was done by a man, no evil spirit.' He put it down where it was and went out of the temple.

Osiris saw a total of fifty priests of different ages standing in front of the temple. "They are very obedient." He commented and climbed down the stairs.

High Priest Wei WenYing stood beside him and asked, "Holy Priest, how do you want to perform the ritual?"

"First, bring out those three priests who were guarding the temple that night," Osiris said.

"Yes," High Priest Wei WenYing ordered those young priests to come forth. They came forward and bowed to Osiris.