The next day, Osiris secretly went out before the sun rose. In fifty minutes, he reached the Southeast mountains. He had to cover his nose. The place was filled with an ungodly rotten smell.

Ge Chen's team didn't clean out the whole mountain. They only took the heads of the bodies and that's it. Since they didn't find any clue, they just left things as they were.

Osiris walked around the circle and saw the body parts. He frowned. "Such cruelty!" He exclaimed.

He stood in the middle of the circle and commented, "They were trying to do devil worship but it never happened. Something terrible happened before they could do anything. Can the devil go against devil worshipers? How can that make sense? Unless someone used evil to end evil… no wonder Yicheng didn't find anything. There is no evidence. This is not a work of The Mongoose. I'm certain of it now."