Vincent Lee

Part 5


The huge hands of a dragon tattooed man flew towards the handsome young man's face. If the hand of the man hits the handsome face, it is sure that the force is enough to break some of the young man's teeth and disfigure his handsome face.

But then, before the big fist could hit him, the young man suddenly turns his head sideways. He then quickly moves forward catching the burly man's arm. The young man quickly stretched his hands and grabs the man's shoulder joint and hit some acupoints on his back. Then with a twist of his body, a cracking sound can be heard as the young man dislocated the shoulder of the burly man with ease.

"Ah… nice move!" Joe Wang muttered.

The action of the young man is only a basic of a joint dislocating technique, which he has learned from his master. But because of the weak physique of the people in this world, it is enough to quickly loosen the burly man's muscles which made his shoulder bone easy to dislocate.

"Arghh… Get him!" shouted the burly man to his three companions who were dumbfounded.

They know the strength of their boss and that he is not easily defeated by someone. But the three regain from their stupor as soon as their boss shouted. Without a second thought, the three quickly ganged up against the young man.

The four of them began fighting, though the three weren't able to defeat the young man easily. But their punches and kicks would occasionally hit him, making him staggered once in a while. But his punches and kicks are very accurate that it would cleanly hit his target. Both the groups have suffered and are now looking disheveled.

"Where are the police? This commotion is getting out of hand."

"Don't bother, Master Lee told the staff to not interfere."

"That's Master Lee a famous jewelry business tycoon. So no one wanted to be on his bad side."

"But what about now, he seems to have suffered greatly from those brutes."

The people around the shop began to whisper as they watched the fight. Joe Wang now understood what's going on and didn't bother.

"These rich men think that they are above others. If he got beaten in this place then it's his fault for being too arrogant without any strength to back it up." Joe Wang thought.

Then suddenly another young man wearing an expensive-looking suit walks out from behind those burly men.

"It seems that Master Lee is already at your limits. Just accept defeat and hand over that box in your pocket." The young man said.

When Joe Wang's eyes fell on the young man's figure, a sudden surge of anger began to fill his heart. In his memory, he knows this young man. He is Long Ao, the older brother of the young man who shamed him, Qindong Ao. And he was also there when Joe Wang was shamed.

He didn't want to bother with this little problem, because he is not the old Joe Wang. This mortal worry is below him. But of course, this is on the premise that the other party would not bother with him. Because if they do then they would just blame their own bad luck for getting on his nerves.

So Joe Wang just stood there and watched the show.

But suddenly, Long Ao's vision landed on Melissa Krin's flawless western beauty, which attracted him so much that he felt a little excited. Right now, he wanted to show off his might in front of the woman. As a man, it is a normal reaction upon seeing a beauty.

But then he suddenly noticed the peculiar youth beside her. And when he saw the youth's face, disbelief covered his expression.

Right now he could not believe what he is seeing. He knew what happened at that time as he and his gang was the one who threw that boy in the dumping area beside the road near the forest. They have already checked that the boy doesn't have any pulse and clearly died. But what he could not believe is that the boy seems okay that even the wounds he received on his face were all gone.

Suddenly his expression became deathly pale.

"I'm… I'm not seeing a ghost right? This is impossible… no… no… this is impossible." he suddenly muttered with his hand unconsciously started to shake.

Vincent Lee saw the reaction of Long Ao and confusion suddenly entered his mind. But before anyone could react they saw something incredulous. Making all the people dumbfounded.

As Joe Wang and Long Ao's eyes met, Joe Wang released a faint killing intent towards the later. This killing intent made the spine at the back of Long Ao shiver, and his back was immediately drenched in a cold sweat.

Without warning, he immediately shouted and ran.

"Gho… ghost! Ghost! Help me! No… No… get away from me!" Long Ao shouted as he ran like a scared little girl out of the shop.

When the people with him saw this, they too were dumbfounded as their gaze followed their leader. But suddenly, one of them actually recognized Joe Wang and pointed at him.

"You… you… you're dead! This… this… this is not possible! Gho… ghost! Ghost! Wahhh!!!" the man pointing at Joe Wang shouted as he too was affected by Joe Wang's release of killing intent.

Everyone was suddenly dumbfounded as the trouble makers all ran out in the other entrance of the shop just to get away from the young man who wears strange clothing.

When Melissa Krin saw this she was baffled and remembers that she didn't bother with Joe Wang's clothing. She was too entranced at the feeling of calmness being with him, that she didn't bother with anything else as long as she can accompany him.

But right now, she realized that she needs to buy some clothing for Joe Wang.

After the commotion was over, everyone started to disperse. Suddenly, the young businessman called Vincent Lee approached Joe Wang. But he stopped when he saw Melissa Krin. It is said that a beautiful woman is hard to hide even in a sea of people.

At first, he didn't notice her, but after most of the people have dispersed he was stunned upon seeing the beautiful woman who looks like a goddess in his eyes.

But as a young man with enough experience, he immediately recovers from his stupor. This is because he can see that the young woman is with the young man who scared the shit out of Long Ao and his crew. Because he feels thankful he didn't want to offend the young man who helped him.

"Young brother, thank you." Vincent Lee said while trying to fix his suit which is now dirtied and a little ruined.

Joe Wang just nodded his head and smiled. Then he walks pass Vincent Lee and directly went towards the jades on display.

"This young brother is truly interesting. To be able to scare Long Ao just like that. What kind of magic did he just do?" Vincent Lee thought as his gaze followed Joe Wang.

Joe Wang looks at the raw jade stones and the jade on display. He can feel a strong spiritual Qi inside some of the raw jade stones, but he didn't want those as he needed natural energies more than spiritual Qi. Soon he felt that a particular jade contains a large amount of both spiritual Qi and natural energy.

But the funny thing is that it is not on display. Instead, the stone is on a pot among those ordinary-looking stone. If his resonance with natural energy is weak then he could not have detected this stone. As the Qi inside it is being suppressed that even a strand of it is not escaping. The only reason he found that the stone has a huge amount of Qi is because of his absolute sense.

"This amount of natural energy is like a deep lake. I need to get this stone. But judging from the way it is being treated it seems that this stone is not considered as a treasure in this place." Joe Wang thought.

As he was about to approach the plant on the side, the figure of Vincent Lee suddenly appears in front of the two.

This time, he has already fixed himself and has removed his suit. He now wears a white shirt, and a blue vest, with his hair now neatly combed.

"Are you interested in jade little brother? I know the owner of this store as he is a good friend of mine." Vincent Lee said with an amicable smile.

He is talking to Joe Wang, but once in a while, he would give Melissa Krin a sidelong glance.

This time, Melissa Krin felt a little helpless in the nonchalant way Joe Wang acted so she decided to talk to the young man.

"Yes, but we are just looking around." Melissa Krin replied.

"Please pardon my little brother, he… he is not used to talking to strangers." She said with a smile.

When she flashed her beautiful smile, Vincent Lee suddenly saw the sun shining from behind her. It's like everything is in slow motion. The floating of her beautiful straight hair through the wind and the opening and closing of her pinkish lips made him look at her with muddle headedness.

Seeing this, Joe Wang rolled his eyes. But he also didn't waste this time as he looks around and didn't hesitate to approach the place where the plant with the rare stone is.

He then picks up a raw jade that is already cut and empty and pretends to have dropped it in the plant pot. The sales personnel saw this and she squints her eyes towards, Joe Wang.

"Sorry!" Joe Wang said as he picks the raw jade from the pot and returns it to the box.

He then went towards Melissa Krin who is acting like she is happily chatting with Vincent Lee.

"Let's go Big sister." Joe Wang said.

"Oh, okay! Umm… thank you. Be seeing you again then." She politely said with a bow.

Vincent Lee who still feels entranced with her beauty seems to be in a stupor. Suddenly he found himself looking at the already disappearing back of the beautiful woman.

"Damn it, even her back and the way she walks is like seeing an immortal saintess from the heavens." Vincent Lee muttered.

"Umm… Master Lee, here are your purchases." Suddenly, a beautiful young sales personnel woke him from his thoughts.

"Thank you!" he replied and accepted the wrapped package, and turns his gaze towards the exit.

But upon finding that the woman of his dreams suddenly disappears, he immediately woke up and began searching outside for that beautiful figure.

"No! No! This is bad… I didn't get her number." He wailed.