A night of confusion

Part 6


That night, Joe Wang cooked another meal for both of them and Melissa Krin felt satisfied.

"Little Brother Joe, are you really going home tomorrow." Melissa Krin asked while pouting her soft cherry lips.

"Umm… I need to go and see parents. You know, if they know that I was lost in the forest then it would really cause me many troubles." Joe Wang said.

"Aw… Then I will really miss your cooking then… Oh, you're still going to visit me back right?" Suddenly Melissa Krin asked with expectation clearly written all over her face.

"Sigh… Big sister, I promise to be back. I will also cook for you." Joe Wang said with a smile.

"I don't want to burden her anymore, but I feel some deep connection with this woman. But I can't seem to figure it out though. Sigh… if we really have a connection then so be it." Joe Wang thought.

Joe Wang spends the rest of his time inside the guest room prepared for him by Melissa Krin. After Joe Wang settled in the house, Melissa Krin said that she wanted to go out for a while.

Inside the guest room, Joe Wang took out all of the things he bought and collected and put them all in the bed.

"With the amount of natural energy in these things. I think it can fill the spheres in my dantian and create another one. But the natural energy and Qi on this planet is very thin, yet why is there much natural energy in these fake jades."

Then Joe Wang took out a small stone from his pocket and carefully scrutinizes it.

"This thing is baffling, how can it have too much of both natural energy and Qi inside? Hmm… I don't want to open this for the meantime. The Qi inside would be wasted if I cannot absorb it along with the natural energy… Let's just put it aside for now." Joe Wang muttered.

"Let's start with these things then." Joe Wang thought as his attention once again went to the many palm-sized fake jade frog sculptures.

Joe Wang slowly absorbs the natural energy within each of the fake jades and slowly filled the two spheres in his dantian.

About two hours later, he suddenly heaves a sigh of relief as he was able to absorb the natural energy inside those fake jades. Now most of them look pale in color and some have already cracks in them. There are also those who turned into dust after the natural energy within it was absorbed.

After opening his eyes, he looks at his surroundings and was amazed. Joe Wang actually didn't form another sphere in his dantian.

While absorbing the natural energy in the fake jades, he decided to balance his body and the spheres in his dantian. Though doing this would make his cultivation slow down by half, but his physique would be balanced with the sphere in his dantian. This would, in turn, make him stronger and more powerful.

In doing so, his physique is now attuned with the number of spheres in his dantian. This made him twice as strong and twice as fast compared to a level two cultivator in the body refining realm.

"I guess this body still has a lot of filth inside it… Damn, that stinks." Joe Wand said as he stands up from the floor and directly went to the bathroom.

After taking a shower, Joe Wang looks at himself in the mirror.

"Looks better… my body's muscles have become well-toned." Joe Wang said as he admires his body.

But when his eyes look down to his crotch he felt a little helpless.

"My little brother is still limp. Hmm… the size is bigger than average, but a limp is still limp. Sigh…" Joe Wang thought.

Right now, he can think of many ways to wake his little brother up, but those involve surgery. He can try Eastern medicine, but he knows that those only have an effect if his condition is not-inborn. If he decides on Eastern medicine he needed some heavenly medicinal herbs which are, in his own opinion not a viable option.

"Whatever… I guess, for now, my sex life would be empty. Well, this body is still that of a kid. I still have time to find another solution for this problem of mine as long as my level increases." Joe Wang muttered.

Suddenly his eyes turn to the dirtied brown robe on the floor.

"Damn it, my mind was too occupied with my cultivation that I forgot to buy some clothes." Joe Wang said with a helpless expression.

Suddenly with his sharp hearing and blank attention, he heard some footsteps outside.

"Hey, little brother! I'm home!" Melissa Krin shouted as she excitedly went to the living room.

In her hands, she carries a couple of paper bags that she brought from the department store.

"I hope these clothes will fit him well." Melissa Krin thought.

Then her eyes turn towards the room on the side.

Knock! Knock!

"Hey, little Joe! Are you in here?" Melissa Krin asked as she knocks on the door.

"Hmm… did he go out?" she thought as she slowly opens the door.

Right as she peeks inside, she saw Joe Wang coming out of the bathroom with only a towel covering the lower half of his body. His well-toned upper body and flawless white skin made him looks like a perfectly sculpted figure of a man.

"Shit! I didn't think that he… he's this hot." Melissa Krin thought as she could not remove her gaze.


Then, she unconsciously stiffens as their eyes met.

"Oh, big sister! What's up?" Joe Wang innocently asked.

He is unconsciously not aware of the situation as he used to have a wife. Sometimes, he would just wear his lower clothing while cultivating with his wife before, so this is a normal thing for him. But he forgot that Joe Wang is a virgin boy who has a problem with his thing. And right now the young woman in front of him is also a virgin girl who is also not used to seeing a man's naked upper body.

The face of Melissa Krin suddenly turned crimson as she immediately averted her eyes.

"Sorry!" she said as she slammed the door closed and ran outside.

Her shy appearance made Joe Wang stupefied. He now realizes that he is not wearing anything but just a towel.

"Oops… Sorry." He said with a sheepish smile.

So without a choice, he went back inside the bathroom and used wind and fire natural energy to quickly dry the brown robe.

A few minutes later, he saw Melissa Krin holding her cheeks and spacing out while sitting in the living room.

Joe Wang silently watches her cute appearance which made him almost laugh. He is already more than a thousand-year-old man, but seeing the cute appearance of the young woman in front of him; his heart could not help but admire her beauty.

Though in the immortal world, there are many who looks more beautiful than Melissa Krin, yet her innocence could not be compared to those beautiful but crafty old women.

"Big sister, are you okay?" Joe Wang asked waking Melissa Krin from her stupor.

She unconsciously turns her gaze towards him and immediately upon seeing his face a blush covered her cheeks.

Joe Wang nonchalantly walks to the kitchen counter and took out some porcelain cups.

"Do you want me to prepare some tea?" he asked.

"Uhuh…" Melissa Krin unconsciously replied while blinking her eyes.

"Why am I like this? Calm down… you are his big sister. You must act like one. He still… a minor… right?" Melissa Krin thought to try to calm herself down.

Joe Wang put a cup of tea on the table in front of her.

After she has already calmed her emotion, she quickly flashed a dashing beautiful smile.

"Little brother, I bought this for you. I don't know why you are wearing that old ragged robe. But I hope you can wear these instead." Melissa Krin said as she pushes the bags on the table towards Joe Wang.

"Wow! Really! Thank you so much, big sister." Joe Wang said while acting his age.

He knows that he can't show his real self yet, as he still needed to win the trust of the young woman.

"Wait here, I'll change into these clothes." Joe Wang said as he walks back to his room.

After changing clothes and showing them to Melissa Krin, the two went to their own rooms and bade good night.

Joe Wang sat on the floor and this time, sorted out the emptied natural energy fake jades. After some time, he got at least four pieces suitable for him to turn into an amulet.

Unlike others, Joe Wang is aware of the trends in this world as it is like where he came from, Earth.

So he wanted to gift Melissa Krin a protective amulet which would greatly help her in times of her need.

"Let's see… how about I make her wind protection, which would be strong enough to deflect bullets. I can only make three charges for it though." Joe Wang thought as he looks at the materials he has.

"Well, I think this is enough to save her life three times. If I can get better materials then I'll make her something more powerful."

That night he busied himself crafting the protective amulet.

In another room, Melissa Krin could not sleep as her mind would always recall what she saw a while ago. Though she has calmed herself, however, the image of Joe Wang's sexy body is making her feel uncomfortable.

"Is it just me or my imagination? I… I feel like I really wanted to hug Joe. I guess it is the feeling of being near him and what I saw that's making me do these irrational things."