Returning home

Part 7


The next morning, Joe Wang wearing a blue knee-length sports shorts and a fitted gray t-shirt went out of Melissa Krin's house. He has already cooked breakfast for her and left her a note on the table.

He crafted and turns his brown robe into a brown backpack, where he put all his clothes and other stuff.

"These flip flops are comfortable." Joe Wang muttered to himself as he looks at his feet wearing dark gray walking slippers.

Along with the clothes, Joe Wang found this in one of the bags.

"My house is a little far from here. These things would never last if I walk from here. Hmm… What if…" Joe Wang's eyes suddenly turn to a corner where some shoes are hanging inside the house.

"Nah… I'm an artificer. Stealing is not an option… Let's just put some runes on these walking slippers." Shin Jiao muttered.

He then wrote something on the surface of the sole of the slippers.

The rune he wrote is an air control, which can make him hover around three inches from the ground. This would consume some of the energy in his sphere, but it would be a great practice for him.

"Alright let's go!" he said as he stretched his body and began running like he is skating on air.

Since it is still dark outside, no one saw this strange phenomenon where a young man is sliding through the air.

Meanwhile, after waking up, Melissa Krin noticed the dishes on the table. She then saw a note and an exquisite looking pendant. She became curious at the pendant as it really looks like a work of art. When her gaze turns to the curious design of the beads her eyes turn wide in disbelief. She is familiar with the materials used in the pendant. Those are the fake jades that they have bought yesterday.

"How did he made these things? I didn't saw him buy or carry any tools yesterday." Melissa Krin muses.

She could not put her mind in this situation as she could not believe that the pendant she is holding is the same material they have bought.

Then her eyes turn to the letter.

'Thank you, big sister, for helping me. This pendant is a gift from me; if you believe in magic then this is something like that. It can protect you in situations that you can never imagine. Just wear it every day and never let it leave your body.'

"This little kid… Hmm… magic huh… I guess this is also given to him by his master huh." She muttered as she carefully caresses the pendant.

It didn't take long for Joe Wang to reach home.

Upon reaching his house, he found that suspicious red car park in an inconspicuous place near his house.

"That car seems familiar… I think I saw it before." Joe Wang said while trying to recall some memories deep in his mind.

"Oh, I remember… this belongs to that fellow… Qindong Ao, right? That young lad has caused too much damage to the real owner of this body. Maybe I can just grab this opportunity to take revenge for the poor old Joe Wang. That way his soul would be appeased." Joe Wang thought as he carefully observes the car.

Since it is tainted, it is hard for him to see through the window.

"I wish I could have a spiritual sense. My absolute sense is still too short for this… hmmm…" Joe Wang thought as his eyes lookup.

Suddenly an idea props up in his mind.

Inside the car, two people are carefully watching the surroundings.

"Hey, are you sure that the brat is back?" Qindong Ao asked feeling a little confused.

They have stayed in this place since last night and watch the vicinity. His Elder brother Long Ao told him about what he saw. At first, Long Aw was scared and run like shit because of his fear of ghosts. But upon realizing things, he suddenly thought of something.

So when he came back to that jade store, he asked for information. With a little intimidation, he found that everyone in that place saw the young man.

He immediately called his younger brother for the stakeout. They didn't want the young man to talk to the police as it would cause too much ruckus. They wanted to end everything as fast as they could. So now, the two are carrying with them guns and knives so that they can take care of the loopholes and finish what they have started.

"If that guy is alive then we should finish him off." Qindong Ao said with a sneer.

But deep inside his heart, he is actually very scared. It was his first killing someone that night and it all accidental, but now he is going to kill someone for sure. Though he shows a sinister look in his eyes, his heart is actually shaking.

"Damn it! Damn it! Why is this happening? He should have died already… Why would that guy torment me? That damn bastard." Qindong Ao cursed in his mind.

Suddenly a loud thud sounded above the roof of the car.

When the two turn around they saw a large dent on the roof.

"F*ck! What happened?" Qindong Ao cursed as he quickly got off the car.

When his eyes turn to the roof of his car, he saw nothing. It was as if something landed on the roof but that something is not there anymore.

"What the heck? What happened? Where is that thing?" Qindong Ao said as he suddenly went inside the car.

Inside the car, Qindong Ao is still looking outside as he tried to find the culprit who damaged his car.

When his gaze turns to the windshield in front, he saw…

A black shadow dashed off the roof making Qindong Ao jump in fright. Then he saw a big black cat landing on the hood of his red car.

"What the hell! It was just a dumb cat! That f*ckin scared me to death." Qindong Ao said as he turns his gaze to the person beside him.

But before he knows it, a huge fist suddenly blocks his vision and everything turns black.

Meanwhile, inside a large and spacious looking room, a man is currently pacing back and forth while holding a glass of half-finished whiskey on his hand.

He has never slept last night thinking of the young man who wore a brown robe. He found something peculiar about how the young man looks at him.

"He seems to not know me… that look of calmness and nonchalance in his eyes is weird." Long Ao muttered as he tried to think of what had happened.

Though he has already killed some guys, nevertheless it's his first time seeing someone he has disposed of coming to life. And this made him feel weird, plus he is afraid of ghosts. Though he is a very cruel man, he still has the fear of those people he has to dispose of coming back.

Knitting his brows, he began to think of ways on how he can dispose of this Joe Wang fellow. But suddenly he heard his phone started to ring.

"Why is Dong'er calling me?... Wait did he find that fellow?" Long Ao muttered as he slowly takes his phone and answered the call.

"Hello, little brother… what happened?" Long Ao asked with a serious tone in his voice.

"Umph… Umph…" the sound of someone being gag sounded on the background.

"Dong'er what's wrong! What happened?" Long Ao's tone suddenly became panicked.

Toot… toot…

The phone was dropped, this made Long Ao's face suddenly turned pale. He clearly heard his brother's voice being gaged.

"Shit! Who has Dong'er?... I will tear them apart if I can get my hands on them!" Long Ao shouted as he wanted to smash his phone on the ground.

Suddenly someone knocked on his office door.

"Come in!" Long Ao shouted.

"Boss… the little boss is not in the vicinity of that Joe Wang fellows house." A man wearing a black suit reported.

"What!? Gather everyone; I want to search every corner of this city," shouted Long Ao.

With this command, everyone knows that there must be something wrong with the little boss. But what they could not understand is how could little boss be in trouble when he has one of their most fierce fighters as his bodyguard.

It is known that their little boss's bodyguard right now is the last boss's bodyguard. If it is really true then the little boss has encountered someone whom they should not provoke. They are just members of a little gang in this small city, so right now; they feel that all of them are being kept in tenterhooks.

As the gang members gather, some began to murmur, and cigarette butts are starting to be thrown all over the place.

"What was the little boss thinking? How come he fell on someone's hand?"

"I'll kill the bastard that dared capture the small boss."

The whole members of the Dragon gang on the area said the same thing, but some of them are really feeling uneasy.


Ring! Ring!