The plan to earn some money…

Part 8


Ring! Ring!

"Hello!... who's this?" Long Ao said after answering his phone.

He knows that the call was from his brother's phone but he is not sure if his brother is on the other line. He has already known that another person may have gotten his brother as he heard a muffled pleading sound on the other line.

"B… brother… brother it's me Qin'er… help me. I'm at the…" Qindong Ao answered on the other line with his weak voice.

He told his brother where he is and asked to be picked up.

When he finished the call, he felt all the energy in his body left him. He was badly beaten that his face was full of bruises.

Suddenly the young man beside him crushed the phone.

"This is just a warning… If I see you anywhere near my house again, I will kill you and your older brother… understood!" Joe Wang said as he gave Qindong Ao a cold glare.

When Qindong Ao saw the killing intent in Joe Wang's eyes, he suddenly felt that his soul almost left his body. He knows that the young man beside him is telling the truth. He didn't know why, but the disappearance of the man who should be his bodyguard is making him feel uncomfortable.

"If he wanted me to disappear then, that would be the end of it all. I don't want to die… I don't want to die yet." Qindong Ao thought as he fearfully turns his head down.

But when he felt a strong gust of wind, he suddenly lifted his head and saw no one around him.

All he can see is the dirt path and trees all over; he knows this place as he's been in this place before doing some kind of evil thing. He didn't expect that in this place he would almost lose his life.

"This is not finished yet. I will let my older brother take care of you. You'll see… I… I will…" Qindong Ao muttered but suddenly he remembers what happened to him.

He woke up in this deserted area and only saw the figure of Joe Wang looking at him as if looking at some insignificant trash. This made him furious and was about to attack Joe Wang. But before he can stand, he suddenly saw a fist blocking his sight. Before he can dodge, his face was hit and he felt dizzy then fell down to the ground. Before he can regain himself a sudden wave of pain assaulted his face.

It didn't stop there as he tried to stand up and fight back. But suddenly he found that every punch he sends would feel like hitting a thick transparent wall. Then Joe Wang sends him a barrage of punches and kicks just enough for him to experience pain but unable to knock him out.

Then a sudden realization hit him.

"He is deliberately hitting me with enough force so that I can only feel the pain without knocking me out." with this thought Qindong Ao's body suddenly shuddered.

With the pain and fear combining together, he immediately gave up and weakly succumbs to Joe Wang's beating and passed out.

Now that he recalled everything, he suddenly erased the idea of revenge. He didn't want to have anything to do with this devil of a man.

"He is clearly a monster in human clothing… I… I must never provoke him." Qindong Ao muttered to himself.

It has taken a long time for Joe Wang to dispose of the evidence.

And that afternoon, he came home.

When his mother saw him, she immediately ran to him and hugged him tightly. When she released him from her hug, Joe Wang suddenly felt that his ear is being pinched.

"Aw! Aw!" Joe Wang said.

Though in truth he is not hurt however he needed to act like it, so that his mother would calm down.

"You crazy young man?! Do you know how worried we are?!" his mother shouted while pinching his ears.

Suddenly, Joe Wang felt a warm hug from his mother again along with her sobbing. He was too stunned to react as he felt awkward while hugging the mom of Joe Wang. He has already lived for thousands of years, though most of those years are spent in cultivating and trying to reach immortality, simply the feeling he has now is something that has been in the depths of his memories. Right now, Joe Wang can recall those days when he was with his mother on earth and the love she had given him. But he has neglected those times and wasted it for being too unruly and stupid.

"Mom… I… I missed you…" Joe Wang thought as he didn't notice that a single drop of tear actually came out of his eyes.

He was too touched for the concern that his mother is showing him what he unconsciously hugged her back.

Feeling the warm and strong arm of her son, Mei Lu smiled and showed deep affection in her eyes. She never would have thought that her son who is a little cold to them has learned to reciprocate the care that she has shown.

She actually didn't know that the reason why Joe Wang was too cold to them before is that he has a deep secret. He acted normal outside but deep inside him, he is facing a great problem when it comes to his manhood.

"Mom, I'm alright. I'm sorry for leaving… I… I promise… from now on, I will be a good son to you and dad, and I would never leave again… I will watch you when you grow old and will take good care of you and dad when the time comes. I will be a filial son… I want to be a filial son." Joe Wang said with a little shaking in his tone.

Though he is saying this to Joe Wang's mom, however, he is also trying to promise it to his mom on earth. He wanted to keep this promise, thought Mei Lu is not his true mother, but since he is now living as Joe Wang he would fulfill his long-time wish to be a filial son.

When she heard him say this, Mei Lu suddenly could not control her tears anymore. Seeing the changes in her son right now is the best wish that comes true she has ever received in her life.

Mei Lu knew that what she lacked as a mother is time. As she is too busy with her business, she has partially neglected the growth of her son and daughter.

But now that her son promised her something, she could not help but feel touched.

"Can you two get inside the house first." Suddenly a man's voice was heard as a figure stood from the door with a smile on his face.

The handsome feature of the man resembles Joe Wang and his good-natured smile suddenly made Joe Wang's heart felt warm. This is his father, Jin Wang.

He is a simple man who works in a bank and has a phlegmatic personality. He always wanted to have peace in his life and in his family. Since his wife is very busy with her slowly growing business, Jin Wang is the one who would always take care of the house. He would always finish his work on time, didn't work on his promotion as this would affect his wife's schedule and would be contented with living their peaceful life.

This is also the reason why his wife Mei Lu loved him so much, as he is very supported by her dreams and in their family.

The three began to talk about what had happened and Joe Wang told them about what he did and where he went. As per his plan, he told them that he met an old man when he was lost in the outskirts of the city when he became drunk. He didn't know how he got in that place, but he didn't explain further. Then he told them that for 3 days, the old man taught him some strange ability.

"Are you telling the truth? I'm not convinced of this… little Joe are you hiding some woman?" Mei Lu suddenly said with suspicion clearly written all over her beautiful face.

"Mom, it's true… Here let me show you." Joe Wang said as he took the glass with water on the table.

"I will turn this normal glass into a champagne glass." Joe Wang said as he slowly let the flow of the natural energy from his dantian to the end of his fingers.

The balance of all the elements slowly and carefully turned simple glass with water in it into a champagne glass shaped like a wide tulip.

When Jin Wang and Mei Lu saw this, they both showed disbelief in their eyes. They were truly amazed at what they saw, and could not believe that such a thing is possible. As normal people, it is rare for them to see such a magical thing to happen which they can only see on TV.

"This… Son… how… how did you do this." Mei Lu asked.

But Joe Wang felt something is amiss to his mother as when he looked at her eyes, they were like showing credit signs in them. He almost forgot that his mother is a businesswoman and she would never let this opportunity get away from her hand.

"Oh, shit… I knew that this would spell trouble." Joe Wang thought.

His father just looked at his two love ones and smiled wryly, he actually knew what's in his wife's mind.