Talisman selling part 1

Part 11

Melissa Krin had a stupefied look on her face as she looks at the figure of Joe Wang standing on top of the glass table. Then before the talisman would disappear, Joe Wang jumped down the table and quickly sits back down beside Melissa Krin.

Then to her surprise, she noticed that the talisman is slowly burning away and turning into dust.

This made her more stupefied as she now realized that what Joe Wang is telling her are all true. He really is a student of an immortal master.

"You… How?" she muttered but unable to say anything after.

"So, do you think we can sell this tomorrow?" Joe Wang asked with a smile.

Melissa Krin didn't reply but just nods her head quickly. She knows that if people can see the effectiveness of the talisman, then they would be convinced.

"But, we are going to waste another talisman tomorrow. I think people won't believe this if they could not try it first." She said feeling a bit concerned.

"Hehe… if they wanted to try, then they should pay. This is literally my sweat and blood we are talking here." Joe Wang said with a smile.

"You're right. Hihi… I'm excited to see what's going to happen tomorrow. Hey, how about you make more tomorrow. That way we can have more money." She said with a sweet smile.

When Joe Wang saw her angelic smile his heart almost skipped a beat. No matter how many times he sees her smile, he would always feel that something is tugging deep in his heart.

Joe Wang is not new to this feeling and he already knows what it is, but he would not act on it until he has fully healed his body. So he didn't want to think of these things as of now.

Then Joe Wang continues to draw the runes and glyphs on the rest of the four remaining talisman papers.

While doing that he decided that they would go out tomorrow afternoon so that he can make five more talismans.

"Oh, by the way… How much would we sell these talismans?" Melissa Krin suddenly asked as she thought of this very crucial thing.

Pricing is very important as it would show the value of the product one is selling.

This question is a bit hard for Joe Wang to answer because he is not clear on the standard of this world when it comes to rare commodities. So he turns his gaze back to Melissa Krin and returns the question.

"How about you? Do you have any suggestions?" Joe Wang asked.

"Ugh… I really don't have any idea though. How about we just prize it at 1,000 credits?" Melissa Krin suggested.

"Hmm… Okay, I think that's just fine with me." Joe Wang said while thinking.

Making this kind of talisman is actually beneficial for Joe Wang at this time. This is because; the talisman actually attracts natural energy in the surroundings. Since he is still unable to make a huge array because he lacks materials or maybe he couldn't find the right material as he ever tried it before in this world.

"If I can make 5 talismans a day, then the surge of natural energy would go up in this place and I can absorb them." Joe Wang thought.

He truly wanted to reach the stage where he can freely use the natural energy in the air and conjure some basic spells. This would make him feel assured of his and his own family safety. Plus in selling the talismans he can gain 5,000 credits a day. It's not a lot but it is enough for him to start something and earn more from there.

Then Joe Wang didn't bother with anything else and just focus on making the rest of the talismans. Although he has the knowledge, the body and energy in his body are truly in poor condition. All this and added by the fact that his body seems to have some defect in his DNA which Joe Wang just discover upon completing the third talisman.

"Hmm… the talisman that I can make is only at most level 2. So far I have two level ones and this new one is level two. Maybe this is the effect of the defect in this body. I need to reach level 10 so that the body refinement can be completed. That way all the impurities and defect in this body would be cleansed." Joe Wang thought.

He then continues to create the last two talismans which are both level one. So he was able to craft four-level ones and a single level two. Joe Wang had used one of the level one talismans, so he only has three of those left. But they are enough for him for today, he plans to continue making more tomorrow. As for now, he needed to take a rest and replenish his wasted mana, and his blood.

Joe Wang went out of the room and saw Melissa Krin sitting on the sofa watching TV. She had her hair tied in a ponytail while wearing a sleeveless shirt and cotton shorts. She has learned her lesson as she now wears her bra. But right now, both legs are folded sideways on the sofa while she leaned on the armrest. Her position can make a young man like Joe Wang feel flustered and his gaze was glued to her figure.

Although Joe Wang does not feel any sexual desire for her, yet he truly admires Melissa Krin's mixed-race beauty. She truly is like a fairy from the heavens and has just visited the mortal plane.

Trying to suppress his admiration, Joe Wang nonchalantly walks beside the sofa and sat to the other end.

Feeling the shifting of the weight, Melissa Krin took a glance at Joe Wang's figure and smiled. She then reverts her gaze back to the show on TV.

The two just watch the entire show silently. Joe Wang didn't feel like talking because right now, he is not actually concentrating on watching the show. He is thinking about how he can dispose of the talisman he has created.

The level one protection talisman, when activated has five seconds before the protection disappears, while a level two protection talisman can last up to sixty seconds which is far more valuable.

"Hmm… where to sell them?" Joe Wang thought.

But no matter how hard he thinks, he could not think of another way to sell those things. If he is in the immortal world, he can just sell them in shops. But in this world, where can he find a shop that sells talisman? If ever he can find one, the question is whether that shop is legit or a fake.

"No matter how much I think about it, it's my only choice. Unless she… has another way." Joe Wang thought as he turned his gaze towards Melissa Krin.

"Hey, big sister… Do you have any idea where we can sell the talismans?" Joe Wang asked seriously.

With this question, Melissa Krin knits her brow but didn't take her eyes off the TV.

"Hmm… I… I know this car shop. The owner is the daughter of a friend of my mother. Maybe we can make a deal with her tomorrow… But…" she said with a little hesitance.

"But what?"

"Sigh… she and I have been friends for a long time. But when I got to college… she… she suddenly cut-off any communication with us. Even her mother didn't know where she is right now. I just knew where she was a few days ago and found out that she got married in secret." Melissa Krin explained.

"We accidentally met at her car store when I was just strolling around. Although she was happy to see me, I feel that there is something wrong. So… I… I think, if… if we can go there and sell your talisman, I can have a purpose to see her." Melissa Krin explained.

Joe Wang looked at her and saw that she is actually focused on watching the show. It seems that she is just waiting for Joe Wang to ask this and wanted to offer her suggestions. But she didn't want Joe Wang to feel like being used; hence she told him the truth.

"Well, that would be alright." Joe Wang said with a smile.

"Really! I mean, I'm… I'm not using you or something just to meet her. But it's just that when I saw the affectivity of the talisman, I just can't help but think of her and this way." She said while lowering her head.

"Haha… Don't feel that way, at least with this we can hit two birds with one stone right?"

"Oh, by the way, before that I need to tell you something. The talisman I made has two varieties, a level one and a level two. The level one is like the one I used as a demonstration, but a level two talisman is different… it has the protection of at least 60 seconds or a minute before disappearing." Joe Wang explained.

When she heard this, Melissa Krin suddenly felt elated. Because having one-minute protection is like having a sure way of survival in any situation.

"Is that true? Then… then we must prize that one differently. We can at least ask for 20 to 30 thousand credits." She said with a wide smile.

From the looks of it, she now feels happy for meeting Joe Wang in that forest. Now she is seeing him as a cash cow. When this feeling entered her mind, she suddenly blushed. She is not the kind of girl who likes money or something, but right now, Joe Wang's figure is really very attractive for her due to his personality and ability while young.

She then moves closer to Joe Wang.

"Hihi… this little brother of mine is very capable." Melissa Krin said coquettishly while her finger did a walking gesture on Joe Wang's arm.

When Joe Wang saw this and felt her finger touching his arm, the hair on his back seems to all stand on ends. He didn't expect that Melissa Krin would tease him.

When she saw him blush, Melissa Krin suddenly moves back and giggled.

"Hihi… Little brother, you truly are a virgin boy," she muttered while looking at Joe Wang with her seductive eyes.

When Joe Wang saw this, he rolled his eyes and diverted his gaze.

"Coming from a virgin girl, that's new." He muttered which was heard by Melissa Krin.