Talisman selling part 2

Part 12


The next day…

Joe Wang has already recovered his energy and finished writing another 5 talismans. This time, because of the surge of mana in the surroundings, he is able to make 2 more level two talismans.

Now with three-level two talismans, Joe Wang is feeling elated and wanted to immediately set out and gain some credits. Although he didn't truly like money, yet the process of gaining money is what makes him feel excited and thrilled.

This is because money can easily be lost. However, the experience one can get in attaining them would always stay in one's mind which is more precious than any money can buy. This is one of the reasons why he felt excited.

Before, the days he spent after he was brought to the cultivation land was pretty smooth. Because his master has already prepared everything for him in there, money is not a concern for him along with his needs which are readily provided for him.

Even after he went to the immortal world, his master was still there with him and provided him with many things. Hence he felt a mix of emotions when he learned that in this world he needed to earn his own money.

So this prospect of earning his own money actually excited Joe Wang. And for the first time in his life, he can be self-reliant through his own sweat and blood… literally, because he is literally using his own blood to write the talismans just to earn credits.

That afternoon, the two of them took a taxi ride and arrived in a simple looking car shop.

The cars inside the shop are just a few, and their models are only a middle-end brand. And many of the other cars are low-end types and brands.

Joe Wang is wearing a simple blue shirt, black jeans, and blue sneakers. This is what Melissa Krin bought for him before coming here. While on the other hand, Melissa Krin wore a white loose shirt, blue mini-skirt jeans, and white sneaker shoes. With one look the two people entering the car shop seem to be a couple made in heaven. Their confident temperament and stride made all the onlookers can't help but take a glance.

Melissa Krin approached the counter and flashed a beautiful smile at the lady in the counter.

"Pardon me, is Miss Angel in?" Melissa Krin asked politely.

"Oh, Miss Angel? Might you be if I may ask?" the receptionist asked.

"I'm her friend… tell her it's Melissa Krin." Melissa Krin replied.

While the two are talking, Joe Wang busied himself in looking at the cars on display. He can really see the resemblance of the cars from the earth in this world. Even the design and functionality are also the same.

As he was looking about he saw something that caught his attention.

While staying in Melissa Krin's home, Joe Wang didn't spend his time, just cultivating and making paper talismans. He actually tried to get more general knowledge of this world as the memory from the original Joe Wang is truly not sufficient. The guy is actually just studying his ass off just to get by with his grades.

So he decided to read the general knowledge which made him feel a bit relieved. At least in this world, there are laws and the peace and order are just like that on earth.

With the knowledge, he got from searching he thought that he almost got the gist of this world. But right now, he felt a mix of emotions deep in his heart.

On the description, he saw a word which is very familiar yet foreign to him at the same time, mana core.

That word truly struck him that he fixedly stared at that car description. Suddenly one of the young men on the side stood up and approached Joe Wang.

"Dumbfounded? I guess you can't afford the price, right?" the young man said sarcastically.

This young man is currently with his friends trying to look at the cars in this shop. He has a bit of status due to his older brother who owns a business abroad. For his incoming birthday, he wanted to ask his brother a car for his gift. And so he and two of his friends went to this nearby car shop. And while looking at the cars inside, they suddenly saw the angelic face of Melissa Krin and her devilish body. Yet when they saw that she is with a guy, they cursed that guy in their hearts.

Right now, the young man is just trying to provoke, Joe Wang and maybe he can talk to him and get some information about his relationship with the good looking woman.

"So, I suggest you this car." The young man politely said while pointing towards a small car.

"By the way, your girlfriend would truly like this cute car. I heard women like cute cars." He added.

The young man has truly hidden his intention that Joe Wang would have almost believed his sincerity. When he heard his words, Joe Wang didn't reply and just nods his head with a smile and left.

By the time he was able to reach the place where Melissa Krin entered, two people came out from that room.

Right now, beside Melissa Krin stood a woman which looks like she is the same age as Melissa Krin. Her looks are above average, but what makes her attractive is her curvy figure.

When Joe Wang saw the two, he flashed a smile and approached.

The young man, on the other hand, suddenly showed an elated face when he saw the woman next to Melissa Krin.

"Hey, Little brother. I would like to introduce you to my friend. She is Angel… Angel Mei Ong. She is the friend I was talking to you about." Melissa Krin introduced.

When the woman heard the introduction she showed a beautiful smile and extended her hand towards Joe Wang, who also extended his hand as they shook.

"I'm Joe Wang big sister Angel. I'm with big sister Melissa." Joe Wang politely said.

When Angel Mei Ong heard his words, she showed disbelief in her expression. But when she looks at the young lad in front of her, she suddenly realized that he is still very young. He might not have reached his 20's yet. But from the way that he looks right now, no one could have guessed his age.

"Umm… my childhood friend told me that you can offer me a new product that would be of great help to my business?" she asked feeling a bit reluctant.

This is due to Joe Wang's age, Angel Mei Ong is not confident about what a teen like him could offer her slowly diminishing business.

"Yes, I have. But we should talk to your office." Joe Wang said not trying to stand out.

Meanwhile, the young man has already gathered his courage and walks towards the three.

"Hello, are you the manager of this shop?" the young man asked with a smile.

"I just wanted to ask, if you have newer car models? I have already seen the cars on display, I think that they are good, but I wanted something more." The young man said.

"Oh, Well sir, I'm sorry that the cars in my shop are not to your liking. But rest assured that by next week some new car models would be arriving." Angel Mei Ong said politely.

When the young man heard this, he could not help but frown. This is because, although Angel Mei Ong is polite, it just seems to him that she is pushing him away. So deep in his heart, he felt displeased.

He has money. And, he is going to buy a car.

But the attitude of the woman who looks likes the manager wearing a business style suit and long loose slack pants paired with black heels, made him feel offended.

"You're just manager! How dare you be rude to me?" suddenly the young man shouted.

With his status and his big brother's background, he knows that the woman would not dare offend him.

"Pardon me for my mistake young sir. But I have some urgent matters to attend to right now. So I'm really sorry." Angel Mei Ong said politely.

Because of her attitude the young man could not lash out anymore and just throw an angry look at Joe Wang.

Then he turns around and left with his two friends.

"Sister Angel, I'm sorry to have caused you this trouble. If I could have known then I would not have…" Melissa Krin showed a guilty expression.

But then Angel Mei Ong waved her white hands in the air and cut off her sentence.

"We are friends. You have helped me a lot these days. How can I neglect you? Plus these kinds of things happen in this place almost every day… shall we?" she explained and gesture for the three to go to her office.

As the three went inside a well-decorated office, Angel Mei Ong gesture for the two to sit on the sofa as she sits beside Melissa Krin. Joe Wang sat on the opposite side of them.

"Well, what I can offer you is something that would be of use to your business. But this is has nothing to do with cars, but for protection." Joe Wang said.

"You mean anti-theft? All my cars already have those installed." Angel Mei Ong said with a frown.

She would not help but feel a bit disappointed.

Upon seeing her expression, Joe Wang could not help but sigh deep in his heart. No matter how hard he explains the talisman, the person in front of him would not believe him. This is because talismans are not real. Most people don't believe in them and only those old people, hopeless, or fanatics of the occult would believe in them.

So Joe Wang decided to just show her the effect instead of saying anything else.

He took out a neatly folded level one talisman from his pocket and handed it to Angel Mei Ong who unconsciously receives the paper packet like object.

Her expression is now showing confusion and a tinge of curiosity.

While looking at the folded paper on her hand, she didn't know that Joe Wang has already taken the silver serving tray on the table.

When Melissa Krin saw his action, she could not help but widen her eyes in disbelief. But before she could react or say something, she saw Joe Wang lifting the silver tray and quickly smashes the tray towards her friend who is curiously looking at the talisman on her hand.

Angel Mei Ong unconsciously turned her gaze towards, Joe Wang wanting to ask the boy if her conjecture is correct. Actually she has a faint idea of what the thing on her hand is, yet she could not verify it.

But when she noticed the red ink like a trace on the paper, she realized that what she is holding is a talisman. Deep in her heart, she felt a little amused and baffled as to why her friend would introduce someone like him to her.

So she wanted to ask Joe Wang and turned her gaze back at him. But as soon as she did, her heart was suddenly enveloped in fear and was stunned. Seeing the quickly approaching serving tray, she could not think of any reason why her friend would be so malicious as to introduce such an evil guy to her. What is their motive? Why would they hurt her? These questions and many more are now running through her mind as she watches the serving tray coming closer like a slow-motion movie being played.

When the tray is now closer, she could not help but closed her eyes and pray for the best. But her eyelids didn't close fully when she heard a loud sound.