The mysterious car protection unit Part 3

Part 18


A man wearing an expensive-looking black suit calmly walks up the stage. This is the man who was standing behind Vincent Lee. He has already wasted enough of his time and could not wait to see the real effect of the product.

The man's name is Ju Gidong.

Ju Gidong is a famous 2nd generation rich young man in Delta city. However, like Vincent Lee, he didn't rely on his own family's power and influence. He created his own venture and his own company. With his sharp acumen in business, he is able to make the company rise up in just two years. Of course, this is not all of his efforts, his family background also helped in many of his business meetings hence he became successful really fast.

Currently, Ju Gidong is going to venture into a new business which is selling luxury cars. But there are already many companies doing this venture, hence he wanted something new. Plus this business is a combination of his dream and his leisure.

When he was younger he was truly fascinated with sports cars and luxury cars. So now that he has his own money, he plans to combine his wish and business just to fuel his vanity.

But if the product that this small car shop is introducing is really what it says to be, then he can't wait to see the real thing. So he stood up and approached the two small boxes on top of a tray in the middle of the stage.

The people around began to whisper and point at the Ju Gidong.

"I'm sorry Miss Angel for my audacity, but I wanted to see the real effect of the product. Hence, I wanted a real product demonstration." He said with a smile.

This made Angel Mei Ong dumbfounded and is unable to answer him quickly.

"Well, will you be able to show us?" the man's teasing voice said.

Right now, he is thinking that it is impossible for a small car shop like this to have a product such as products. According to the description and the brochure, they are giving out. The car protection unit is like those in the myths where a spherical shield would surround a person and nothing would happen to the person inside that sphere.

From what they are saying it's like the force field in the movies. If this is right, then the two items on the tray is a godly item which should cost millions. And yet they are just selling it for fifty thousand and one hundred thousand apiece respectively.

So this information is something out of fiction, hence he wanted to prove it.

In fact, while the presentation is happening, many people have already left the place as they deemed it to be a waste of their time and unrealistic.

Yet, as an entrepreneur, Ju Gidong relies on his instinct and what his instinct is telling him is against common sense. Hence he would prove this fact otherwise.

While Angel Mei Ong is deliberating, she unconsciously turned her gaze at Joe Wang's location and she saw him nods his head.

With that confirmation, she smiled and also nods.

This didn't escape the prying eyes of Ju Gidong and he was stunned to see whom the former princess of the Ong clan turned for confirmation at.

"I guess that you fellow is not simple." he thought.

"Alright, I would show you an actual demonstration." Angel Mei Ong showing her confident smile said as she gestured for her employee to prepare.

"Mister Gidong, I know of your famous name. But this demonstration would cost you some money." Angel Mei Ong suddenly had a bright idea to prove to these people that what she is saying is true.

"You don't want to see the video and wanted to disrupt me. Well, let me take a look at your dumbfounded face then, haha…" Angel thought as a smirk appears on her mouth.

"How much is it then?" Ju Gidong said with confidence.

"Well, which car would you want to try the product?" Angel asked in reply.

"Hmm… This one." Ju Gidong said as he pointed at a small car on the side.

The car is a sedan type with a small engine, its body would be considered as light and the materials used are sub-par. But for those who lack money, this would be the best option because it has better energy millage.

"I'm guessing that you are going to hit the car with something right?" Ju Gidong said with a smile.

He is not foolish to think that a test on car protection would just be a simple kick or punch in the car. He also wanted it to be more dangerous so that he can see if the product is a sham or not.

Yet when he looks at Joe Wang's expression of calm and indifference his heart became a bit excited.

If his gamble is true then… suddenly his eyes showed a lot of credits rolling in his pocket.

But of course, he still wanted to experience it.

"We will have this kind of car outside." Angel Mei Ong said as she directed everyone's attention to look out at the parking lot.

Although there are many luxury cars parked outside, there is a wide space in front of the car shop. Then everyone saw a small car driving in the middle of that space.

"Wait! I want to be inside the car so that I can see the real effect of your product. Would that be alright, Miss?" he asked as he quickly got down the stage and walks directly outside.

When the employee saw Ju Gidong he showed a surprised expression on his face.

"Get off now." Ju Gidong said with a tinge of excitement in his eyes.

The employee turned to look at his boss inside the showroom of the car shop.

Angel Mei Ong just nods her head.

Everyone showed an amused expression as they didn't know what this young master is planning to do. With everyone in doubt, they saw a person covered in protective gear and carrying a large hammer while walking towards the small car.

Everyone's heart suddenly became afraid. Then before they can react, that person suddenly lifted the huge hammer and smashed the front of the small car.

Ju Gidong immediately ducks inside the car to keep himself from harm.


A loud sound reverberates through the surroundings which made everyone dumbfounded.

But before they can recover, Angel Mei Ong's voice was heard.

"This is a normal car without our protection unit. If you met an accident, with its small body I'm sure it's either you would not survive or you would receive a heavy injury." She explained.

Then suddenly she walks slowly towards the car outside the showroom.

"Mr. Gidong, which one would you choose? The small one which only cost 10,000 credits and has a five seconds protection, or the big one which cost 100,000 credits and has 1-minute max protection?" she said as she presented the two gray boxes in front of the dumbfounded Ju Gidong.

"You said that this is just a one-time emergency use product right?" he asked in which Angel nods in reply.

"Then let me see the small one… Here is my card for the payment." Ju Gidong said as he gave Angel his card.

She already told him that this actual test would cost him some money.

"All right… here. As I have told you. If the damage is not enough to cause you or the object you wanted to protect, then this box would not activate. Hence to demonstrate an actual life-threatening accident, it's either you will drive this car to hit that concrete wall, or we hit this door where you are sitting at." She said with a smile.

When everyone heard that, they were dumbfounded.

Ju Gidong immediately turned silent. The test is now going to be very dangerous and it would be a test of whether he is willing to gamble his own life or not.

But suddenly, when he turns his gaze towards the young man who sits calmly on his chair and doing something with his phone, his resolve became firm and nods his head in agreement.

"Let's do it!" Ju Gidong said.

Suddenly someone from the crowd stepped forward.

"Sir, this is dangerous. We cannot put your life in something out of the fantasies." A man wearing a black suit said.

From the looks of it, this man is Ju Gidong's bodyguard. When the vehicle was hit by the huge hammer, he has already prepared to attack but saw a signal from Ju Gidong to stop.

"It's okay, I will be fine I'm sure." Ju Gidong said with confidence.

"I know that Miss Ong is sure of her products right?"

"Of course, I already have the first-hand experience with it, so I'm confident," Angel said with a proud expression.

"Okay, then let's start then." Ju Gidong said.

Meanwhile, Vincent Lee could not believe this friend of his. He has already stood beside him and gave him a worried look.

"Hey, don't worry, I trust Miss Ong in this."

After receiving the small box, Ju Gidong didn't immediately enter the car but instead scrutinized the item in his hand.

"Where you put it is up to you. If you put it in the car, then we hit the car. If you want, you can try to put it on you and see if we can hit you with this huge hammer." Angel said with a smile.

Her words made Ju Gidong's confidence waver. From the imposing look on the hammer he is sure that if it hits him, his head or even his body would turn into a pulp.

But he has already decided to test it out and he would not chicken out because of his pride as a man and as a member of the Gidong clan.

Suddenly, his words dumbfounded everyone.

"Hit me!" he said as he put the box inside his coat.

Everyone was in shock with his decision.

But the employee didn't hesitate and with one move he has already lifted the hammer.

"No!" the bodyguard shouted as he quickly ran towards the man.

Meanwhile, Vincent Lee who has already walked a distance away quickly dashed towards Ju Gidong to save him.

But the speed of the employee is too fast for them. Although the hammer is big, the employee's physique is enough to use it.

The women have already closed their eyes, while the men are in shock.

And then…
