
Part 19


After the loud booming sound which echoed through the air that it can even be heard from afar, a pin drop silence engulfs the surroundings. Nobody could believe what they are currently seeing with their eyes.

A huge hammer is currently just inches away from Ju Gidong's head. Even Ju Gidong himself has his eyes closed as his normal reflex. This is a normal reaction from anyone who would encounter something like this. Some people would even raise their hands and cover their faces, while others would have a mortified expression as they would watch the butt of the hammer hitting their faces. But for Ju Gidong as he was a little surprised, he just closed his eyes tightly in that instance and opens it.

As Ju Gidong slowly opens his eyes, he was immediately horrified upon seeing that the hammer is inches away from his face.

When he heard the loud bang, he was truly scared that he didn't even have time to reach. Now that he is seeing the butt of the hammer near his face, his heart almost jumped out of his chest in fear.

But then his fear has immediately changed into astonishment as he noticed that around his body there is a thin layer of a barrier. This is the first time for Ju Gidong to encounter such a thing in his life.

"This is really mysterious… What is this thing?" he muttered to himself as he tried touching the thin barrier.

But then before he can touch it, the hammer near his face has already fallen to the ground with a loud bang.

Everyone was woken from their stupor and then before they knew it 5 seconds is already up.

"What was that?"

"This is something from the myths right?"

"This would be revolutionary. It would redefine safety and security."

"I think I need to buy many of these for my personal safety."

The crowd began to discuss the product.

To see is to believe, that is one of the reasoning of many these days. Even video evidence is not enough for anyone to believe that something is true or not. And right now, because of an actual demonstration, they were all fired up that excitement can be seen blazing in their eyes.

As rich people, they deemed their lives very important than others. Hence now that they have discovered the Car Protection Unit and its miraculous effect, they would not leave this place unless they get one for themselves.

Ju Gidong immediately walks towards Angel Mei Ong and gives her his calling card.

"Miss Ong, this is my card. I hope that we can have cooperation in this unique business of yours." He said politely.

The polite attitude of Ju Gidong once again made everyone speechless. This is because not only is his background very special, he too is a very influential businessman. Having a connection with Ju Gidong means that the small car shop would be recognized and would develop quickly.

"Thank you, sir. You are too polite. My car shop is but a small shop in this big city." Angel replied politely.

"Haha… I don't know about your shop, but the product that you just showed me is a different story." He said with a laugh.

While the two are talking the audience began approaching the shop personnel on the sides and began asking about the Car Protection Unit.

Many wanted to buy it in bulk as they discovered the price is really too cheap.

This made the shop personnel a little dumbfounded because the supply of those things is limited.

According to their inventory, they only have not more than 20 of those things.

"We are sorry, but the supply of the Car Protection Unit is limited for now. We would ask the president about this."

As the crowd began to become rowdy, Angel Mei Ong walked inside the staff room along with Ju Gidong and Vincent Lee.

Meanwhile, Joe Wang and Melissa Krin are calmly sitting in the corner while watching the commotion that's happening.

"Little brother, I didn't expect things to be this way. I knew that the talismans would work really well, but if this continues on then you would be making more… that would always affect your schooling, which is not good."

"Hey, hey… what are you saying? I will stick to 5 pieces a day and that's it." Joe Wang replied.

"But if my cultivation improves then I can make more, yet I know that it would cause me too much trouble. Let's just stick with 5 a day, then… Hehe." Joe Wang thought as he chuckled.

He didn't need that much money yet, plus enjoying this new life is one of his goals. So with that in mind, Joe Wang turned to look at Angel Mei Ong inside the staff room, from the small window of the closed door, talking to Ju Gidong and Vincent Lee.

Then suddenly, he saw her looking at his direction.

This made him feel a little bit worried.

"This woman is not doing what I am thinking right?" Joe Wang thought as he continues observing.

But when he saw Angel Mei Ong's worried expression, Joe Wang feels a little angry.

"Are these two fellows trying to scheme her? This would not do… I won't let them disturb my smooth cash flow and my life. If they do, then… hehe…" Joe Wang thought as he smirked.

"Hey, little brother… what's going on?" Melissa Krin asked when she noticed the odd expression on Joe Wang's face.

"Trouble makers… If they bother me, then I won't let them off." Joe Wang said with a smile.

Then he saw Angel Mei Ong frowns and walks out of the staff room.

Joe Wang didn't know what happened but it seems that there is real trouble brewing.

When the three people reached them, Joe Wang saw an obvious tear mark on Angel Mei's eye. This made him feel uncomfortable.

It can be said that these days, Angel Mei Ong has helped him earn some money even though she hasn't been able to sell anything yet. Although he knew that she is just making some investments, but still he is thankful for the woman for not being too greedy and instead decided to work with him. Hence Joe Wang has a favorable look at Angel Mei's disposition.

So, seeing that these two men are bullying her, made him feel a fit of slight anger in his heart.

"Hmm… why do I have this feeling? This is not right… I look down on these mortals that they are unable to anger me in any way. I can just play with them, but this human emotion is very nostalgic." Joe Wang thought.

He then realized that, ever since he entered the body of the boy with the same name as his, he was bombarded with many emotions that he has almost forgotten when he was in the immortal world. As a powerful immortal nearing the Divinity realm, he was already indifferent in almost all things.

This is one of the processes of being a true God. Although he still has those emotions, yet he can control them.

And now, after returning to being a mortal, he found that those feelings made him feel good.

"Little brother, these two gentlemen wanted to talk to you." Angel Mei Ong said with a sad expression on her face.

After saying that, Ju Gidong stepped forward and handed Joe Wang his name card.

"Hello… little brother…I'm Ju Gidong."

Joe Wang didn't stand up from his seat and didn't even bother to look at Ju Gidong. He just indifferently looks at the card with a golden design which made it look expensive and turn to look at Angel Mei.

"Big sister Angel, tell me what happened. I can help you." Joe Wang said with gentleness in his voice.

When Angel Mei Ong heard Joe Wang, she felt warm in her heart. She didn't expect that the young man would truly give her face and is worried about her.

Ever since she ran away from home and was doped by the man she thought she loved, her life was full of ups and downs. She never would have expected that she would meet someone who would care for her. She feels like he is a real family, a real younger brother.

When Angel Mei is unable to answer but just flashed a sad look on her face, Joe Wang showed an angry expression on his face and look at the two men.

"Do you think that just because you have money it can save you?" Joe Wang said with a sneer on his face.

When Ju Gidong and Vincent Lee heard his words, they were surprised but suddenly got angry. Because what the young man is saying is a threat. They realized that they are being threatened by a 17 or 18 years old young man.

"Young man… I suggest you watch your tone." Ju Gidong said with a serious face.

When Joe Wang heard this, he smirked.

"When you tried to oppressed big sister Angel, does it feel good? You think you are powerful that you can threaten a weak-looking woman?" Joe Wang slowly stands up from his seat.

Then with a flash, he suddenly disappears from where he stands and the two men found themselves being gripped by their necks and hanging in the air.

This scenery shocked the people, even though they were clamoring on how to get the Car Protection Unit, they didn't dare approached Angel Mei Ong because she is with Ju Gidong.

But now, they are seeing the powerful rich man being choked by a youth along with his friend. So they were all stunned.

A pin-drop silence enveloped the whole car shop showroom.

"Right now, I can squish you two like a bug…" Joe Wang said with a sinister smile on his face.

When Ju Gidong and Vincent Lee heard him, cold sweat immediately drenched their backs. The two now realized that they are dealing with someone who doesn't follow common sense.

Then suddenly a rising killing intent went out of Joe Wang's body which made the people around him feel cold and trembled. But before things got worse, a warm hand suddenly touched Joe Wang's shoulder.

"Little brother… calm down. Just let them go." Melissa Krin on the side tried to calm Joe Wang because she noticed that he is getting angrier by the minute.

Her words are like an ice-cold bucket of water pouring into Joe Wang's body making him calm down immediately.

After hearing her words, he slowly put them to the ground and released his tight grip with made a mark on the two men's neck.

"You were lucky she stopped me… I don't really care about killing the two of you if you are a threat to big sister Angel's business and my business." Joe Wang said.

Although Joe Wang has already let go of the two, however, his killing intent is still suffocating the two men making it harder for them to breathe.

After saying his peace he calmly sat on the chair beside Melissa Krin.

The release of his killing intent made Ju Gidong and Vincent Lee stagger backward.

Upon realizing what had just happened, the two suddenly realized something.

There was news about the man who moves like a shadow and beats up eight people. Now they realized that the young man in front of them is that man.