Return to the antique market Part 1

Part 20


When the people in high society saw the current situation, they were dumbfounded. They too heard about the news about a person who moves too fast that it seems like he is a shadow. Although none of them believe it, and even though they saw the video, they just thought that it was just fake news or hype.

Then there are those people who think that they are geniuses figuring out the trick behind the scene in the videos and concluded that it was impossible for a human to move like that. Hence although the news is widespread many treats as a joke and didn't believe.

But now, these socialites felt that their vision and mind are playing tricks on them. They clearly saw a shadow flash by and then that young man is now lifting both men weighing more than 50 kilos high up in the air. This made them recall the latest news and everyone felt terrified and shocked to react.

Vincent Lee and Ju Gidong are hardly breathing as their necks are being chocked when some men suddenly rushed towards them. These are the bodyguards that Ju Gidong has followed him. They were stunned at first but because of their professional training, they were able to recover immediately.

"Let go of our boss now!" shouted one of the bodyguards while rushing towards Joe Wang with a baton on his hand.

When he was near Joe Wang, he immediately raised the baton and swings it towards the young man who seems to not care about his presence.

But before the baton could hit Joe Wang's head, he shifted the figure of Ju Gidong and uses it as a shield.

The baton hit Ju Gidong's back with a loud thud stunning the crowd once more.


Ju Gidong shouted in pain. This woke him up from almost fainting due to the lack of air from being choked by Joe Wang.

Joe Wang then threw the two men like nothing towards the rest of the bodyguards.

"I won't do anything. But if you provoke me, then you can just blame me in the afterlife." Joe Wang said in a threatening tone as he turns around and goes back to his seat.

The bodyguards are unable to move and are unsure of what to do this time.

"Did you think that because you have money and power you can step on us? Your lives are like fleeting candlelight. With just a snap, I can take it whenever I want. So if you ever threaten big sister Angel or her business, again… Then no matter where you hide I will find you. And I will kill you." Joe Wang said in a calm tone.

His voice was heard by the crowd making them gulp in fear.

From what they saw, they knew that the young man isn't simple. In their circle, they are aware that there are people who truly hold the real power. And these people would not act unless provoked. And right now, they just discover that in this third rate city, one of the people who hold that real power is staying.

Ju Gidong and Vincent Lee are coughing as they tried to recover their breaths. The pain in their necks is evident that they could have died back there if not for the young woman, Melissa Krin.

Hence the two are grateful to that young woman.

They have money and power within this city, so they are unwilling to die yet.

"Cough, cough… we are sorry, ma…" Ju Gidong immediately said but was cut off by Joe Wang.

"Don't patronize me… I'm not a master. I'm just a student and my name is Joe Wang." He said confidently.

When the people heard his word, they mentally remember that name. This is because, in the future, these people would do anything to approach this young man and get to his good books. As scions of rich families, they would grab this rare opportunity to grab a lifeline.

"Yes, yes, young Joe Wang." Ju Gidong replied politely.

After thinking a while, Joe Wang decided to attract the trouble to himself so that Angel Mei Ong can do her business properly, hence he decided to tell them the truth.

"Big sister Angel, is my partner. I am the supplier of the protection unit. We design it only for vehicles so that those who like to travel on the road would always have confidence in their hearts that they would be safe no matter what happens. And for the production, only I can make them. I can only produce 5 of these a day, no more, no less."

Suddenly Joe Wang thought of something.

"We will not sell this car protection unit as a single item. But we will install it inside the cars in this shop. Those who wanted to buy have the opportunity to get it through raffles. Once a week, we would present 20 cars with a car protection unit for sale. Only those lucky people who can get the number can buy the car. The prices and mark up would be decided by big sister Angel. And the sale would start this coming Saturday. And that is two days from now." Joe Wang said as he stood up.

He is not aware that what he did today, made the position of Angel Mei Ong in the hearts of these rich people really high. Being a friend of someone who has the power that can only be seen in the myths is truly something they desired.

Everyone's eyes are now glowing. Although they truly wanted to get their hands of those mystic items, the presence of Joe Wang curved their desire. They would not be audacious enough to challenge him as they value their lives too much.

They saw what happened, if not for the young woman on that young man's side. The two well-known figures of Delta City would become corpses, which they are sure of.

The law… can only have an effect on normal people. For them in the high places of society, the laws are breakable and it can even be bent to their will. Although, that is with the premise that they would not offend those true officials that control and implements the law.

After the demonstration was over and everyone left, Joe Wang sat in front of Ju Gidong and Vincent Lee who also sits on the opposite side of the office.

This office is inside the car shop and it belongs to Angel Mei Ong.

On both sides of Joe Wang sits two beautiful women, Angel Mei Ong and Melissa Krin.

The quiet atmosphere fells stifling even though the air conditioner in the room makes the place cool. The summer break is almost over and Joe Wang needs to return to school sooner, hence he has to finish this troublesome business as soon as possible.

"I have called for the two of you because I know that you are well-connected in this city. I wanted to go and visit an antique shop… but I'm not familiar where the best antique shop in this city is." Joe Wang broke the silence.

When Ju Gidong heard this, he immediately turns towards Vincent Lee. This is because Vincent Lee has a particular hobby of collecting antiques and stones.

"Ma… I mean… young brother Wang, I know a place. You and Miss Krin have been to the antique shop, right? But there is a place where there are far more valuable antiques than anywhere in the city. If you want I can take you there." Vincent Lee immediately replied.

He felt excited upon knowing that the young man has the same hobby as his. This made him feel connected to the powerful young man. Although he was assaulted a while ago, he didn't care. As a fighter, Vincent Lee didn't bother about grudges. He has survived the harsh business clash in the city and has triumphed over it without the help of his family. Hence he is not a pampered rich 2nd generation son of a rich family.

Ju Gidong's eyes also shone in delight. If he can assist this powerful person, he knows that the benefit would also be not low. In fact, he can even envision his business soaring high with Joe Wang's support, hence he swore to support this young man.

"Okay, we will go there today." Joe Wang said upon hearing Vincent Lee.

Then he turns towards Angel Mei Ong.

"Big sister Angel, me and big sister Melissa would go there."

"Umm… can… can I come with you two?" Angel Mei asked with hesitation.

She truly wanted to see and know what this powerful little brother of hers would do. Although her life now is fine, yet the routine in her business has made her feel a little bored. She knows that if she follows Joe Wang, she would see something interesting once again.

Ever since she met Joe Wang, one exciting adventure after another started to happen, whether it's her boring business or in her boring life. So she decided to go with the two.

As the group decided, they immediately boarded two luxurious cars owned by Ju Gidong and went directly to the antique shop that Vincent Lee knew.

The shop was located on the outskirts of the city and it took them an hour to get there. In that one hour, the group talked about anything and began to know about each other.

Although Ju Gidong and Vincent Lee knew that Joe Wang is just a young man, they didn't expect him to be that young. He is just 17 years old and still in high school.

They wanted to know how he became powerful, yet hesitated as their relationship is not yet that close. The two know that someday, they would know more about him.

And so in a blink of an eye, they have reached a place that looks like a market, instead of vegetables and meat, stones are being sold in that place.

When Melissa Krin and Angel Mei Ong saw this, their eyes sparkled. This is the first time they saw such a thing, however, they have heard of this place before.

"This is… the stone gambling market, right?"