Return to the antique market Part 2

Part 21


Stone betting is one of the most exciting activities in this market. Many businessmen would stay in this place and would either buy stones or bet on them. Most big bosses of jewelry companies would send their agents in this place to look for precious stones. The market would not only produce jades, but many other minerals like emerald, sapphire, and rubies.

Unlike earth, Joe Wang discovers that in this world these precious stones can sometimes be found inside these mysterious ores harvested from lakes, rivers, or seas.

And if someone would be lucky enough, they can find either rough diamond, or spirit stones.

So this place is bustling about as many would gamble their fortunes just to be lucky enough to find some precious ores.

While walking, Vincent Lee introduces many things to the group. He felt excited to see that he is useful to the powerful young person beside him.

"Brother Wang… Umm… can I call you that?" Vincent Lee thought for a while as he felt a little awkward calling Joe Wang, 'Young Joe Wang'.

"Sure, no problem," Joe Wang said with indifference as he roams his eyes to the bustling crowd of people.

"Hey, little brother Joe, I want to try and bet on stones." Melissa Krin suddenly said as her emotion was ignited upon seeing the exciting scenery in front of her eyes.

"Me too…" Angel Mei Ong followed suit.

The two girls seldom go out and this is their first time seeing such scenery. As women who like to go shopping and see new things, they wanted to experience such a thing at least once in their lives. Hence the two asked Joe Wang.

Although he is not interested in these stones as they contain more Qi than natural energy, Joe Wang decided to let the two girls enjoy themselves before going through with his business.

With a nod, the group went inside the stone betting market and they began looking at the stones.

As a famous jeweler, Vincent Lee has knowledge and experience when it comes to stone betting. Thought his success rate is only at 20% but he is confident of his own skills.

Hence he leads the group and began showing off his knowledge and skill to the three. Like a master of his own craft, Vincent Lee explained the things that they needed to know about these mysterious stones.

Then he casually picks out a stone and explained that the stone may not contain anything due to the shape and the pattern on its surface.

When Joe Wang looks at the stone he agrees with Vincent Lee. This is because the stone did not emit any Qi. With Joe Wang's level of cultivation, due to him making talismans the natural energy and Qi in his room became thick that he can absorb them without worry. Now inside his dantian there exist four spheres. Although the fourth one is still unstable, with enough time, Joe Wang can consolidate it and his cultivation would rise drastically.

His strength and speed are now comparable to at least ten times the strength and speed of a normal person. That's why; when he made his move in the car shop everyone could not see him clearly. The shadows he left would almost look like an afterimage.

As the group was led on by Vincent Lee, he suddenly stopped and walked towards a vendor on the side. He was surprised to see that the vendor's roadside booth has two stones with traces of precious stones in it.

"Hey, mister! How much for these two?" Vincent Lee asked as he held the two stones in both hands.

The two gray stones seem normal with brownish lines on them.

"Oh, those stones are very precious mister. I can sell them for 10,000 credits each." The man said with sparkling eyes.

Vincent Lee didn't bother with any trickery because he thinks that 20,000 worth of credits is just too cheap. Without a word, he took out his card and presented it to the man.

The man also took out a card and inserted it into a machine. Then he types in the amount and when he inserted Vincent Lee's card with his thumbprint, the transfer was completed just like that.

Joe Wang has already seen this with Melissa Krin so this is not new. But what, he could not understand is, why did Vincent Lee buy the two stones? From the Qi on the stones he is clear that although they contain precious stones inside, it is still not big enough for him to show an excited expression.

With this, he shook his head and just followed the group.

When they were about to reach the stone cutting area, Vincent Lee met an acquaintance of his. When the two met eye to eye, Joe Wang can see sparks flying all over.

"Enemy meeting in a narrow road." are the words that came to Joe Wang's mind.

The man who looks like in his 30's with a clean-shaven face, and a well-built body. From one look it seems that the man is someone who likes to go to the gym as part of his routine.

"Why if it isn't my old friend, Vincent Lee. What brings you to this place?" the man said with a beaming smile.

But from his words, Vincent Lee can feel sarcasm and jeering.

He remembers last time when they met, Vincent Lee lost big time, when the two bet on which stone they have chosen is more precious. Vincent Lee luckily picks a stone with emerald in it, but it was very small. While the man who has an expert along with him have won, two fist-size low-grade jade. Although they are low grade still there are two and both are fist size.

From the size of the jades, it cost hundreds of thousands already, while the thumb size emerald of Vincent Lee only costs so much. In this place, emerald cost more than the low-grade jade yet from the sizes, it is clear who won.

Vincent Lee already has anger filling his heart but he could not act now. Joe Wang is beside him and he didn't want to embarrass himself as their host.

When the man saw that Vincent Lee didn't seem to mind him, he sneered. Then his eyes saw the two stones on Vincent Lee's hands and a spark of cunningness appears on his eyes.

"Oh, you've chosen two wonderful stones. Why don't we bet on it like the last time? Or… are you scared to lose…again?" The man's provocation ticked Vincent Lee's veins as his patience suddenly erupted.

His heart has been filled with anger ever since he lost some money because of the guy. And now after seeing him, his heart was like a volcano erupting.

"You… you…" Vincent Lee said in anger like pointing his finger towards the man.

Ju Gidong on the side didn't mind the fiasco but would support Vincent Lee as his close friend. So he stood by Vincent Lee's side.

While this is happening, Melissa Krin and Angel Mei Ong are currently trying to pick some stones to cut too from one of the side booths. When Joe Wang saw the two he joined them and observed the stones.

"Little brother, which stone do you think we should cut. We need to choose one as a souvenir. Even if we can't cut anything precious at least we can take it back as a remembrance, Hihi…" Melissa Krin said with excitement beaming in her eyes.

"Umm… I agree…" Angel Mei Ong also said.

Heaving a sigh, Joe Wang approached the stall and picks out two small fist-sized stones. He can see the strong spiritual undulation on them. But it seems that those two stones are mixed with the junks or what they call useless stones.

When he inspects them, he suddenly knew why. This is because the two stones have already been cut.

"Young man, those things are empty. I'm just putting it there to throw after. But if you wanted them, I can sell them to you for… Let's see… 100 credit each?" the middle-aged man said.

When Joe Wang heard the price, he felt a little guilty. This is because the two stones are clearly not normal. Then he immediately used his absolute sense which is now at around two meters in diameter.

Although it still hurts his head when using them for a long time, inspecting the stones are enough.

When his absolute sense penetrated the two stones, his eyes went wide in disbelief.

That is because those two contain something very precious to him. One is earth attributed Emerald which contains enough natural energy to propel him to consolidate his fourth sphere, while the other one is a Jadeite the most precious form of jade.

Upon seeing this he immediately picks the two and casually picks another two stones on the side for the two girls.

In total, they paid 30,000 plus credits for all the four stones.

Then the three excitedly came back to where Vincent Lee and Ju Gidong.

The argument is getting hotter as Joe Wang can already hear a man shouting.

"Mr. Lee, you are just a coward. Let's bet on who's stone is more precious mine or yours? Let's say 1 million credits… are you man enough?" the man shouted with provocation.

Vincent Lee is now full of anger, but Ju Gidong on his side held him down.

"Don't bother with him, we are here to escort brother Wang. We can't trouble him." Ju Gidong whispers.

This made Vincent Lee woke up from his anger as if a bucket of cold water was poured on him.

However, a young man's voice was heard on the side.

"Okay, we'll bet then. How about one million for each stone? We have six in here, how about you?"

The argument has already attracted too much attention; so many onlookers are already in this place.

When the people heard the words of the young man walking along with two beauties on his side, they were astonished at his cockiness. But when they saw his appearance clearly, everyone felt a little disappointed.

"Che… I thought it was someone amazing. He's just a pup trying to impress the two beauties."