Stone betting Part 1

Part 23


A scornful grin appears on Du Liang's mouth as he watched the scene in front of him. The raw stone that Vincent Lee opened is actually empty.

"Hahaha… I knew that the young man is just a joke. I just don't know why Master Lee trusted him."

"Yeah, I agree with you… I guess although Master Lee is good in business still sometimes he is a bad judge of character."

"Look at the smug look on his face. I think he's just a high school student right?"

"Young, ignorant, and arrogant. What a waste."

The people around them started to laugh, jest, and scorn Joe Wang as he was the one who agreed with the bet. Even Vincent Lee showed a disappointed look on his face.

However, Ju Gidong standing on his side frowns. After a while his eyebrow crest as he seems to have realized something. Then suddenly upon observing the stone on Vincent Lee's hand, Ju Gidong's eyes lit up.

Although Joe Wang told them that the lines are just for show, however, Ju Gidong realized that Joe Wang is not a simple person. So he nudges Vincent Lee to the side.

"Cut through the lines." Ju Gidong whispers.

When Vincent Lee heard this, his eye showed a doubtful expression. He didn't know why Ju Gidong is telling him this, but right now, the line which Joe Wang has written has actually magically disappeared.

Although he can't remember most of the lines, he still remembers one. This is the line closest to the small portion which was cut. Although he is still doubtful, he has no other choice but to trust Ju Gidong. Hence he wrote a line on the stone and asked the stone cutter to cut through it.

When the people saw this, they all could not help but show a sneer on their faces. Although they respected Vincent Lee, however, his action just shows that he is a bit desperate as if he didn't want to lose any money.

Du Liang didn't let this rare opportunity go to shame Vincent Lee.

"Haha… Brother Lee, don't be a sore loser, it's just 1 million, and you still have one stone left and two other from you… esteemed guest."

When Vincent Lee heard his words he almost erupted in anger. Although he realized that it's just 1 million but the shame he felt and the fun time he promised Joe Wang, is what makes him uncomfortable.

Hence he wanted to save his face at this time and decided to trust Ju Gidong his good brother.

It didn't take long when the stone was cut and presented to Vincent Lee. Although the stone cutters are not permitted to reveal the stones they cut, yet base on the trembling hands of the stone cutter, Vincent Lee suddenly had a great premonition.

And so without a word he immediately opens the stone and in front of all the people, a dark green emerald was shown. As soon as the emerald was shown gasp of disbelief can be heard all over the place. Many could not believe the luck of Vincent Lee.

"That's a dark green low-grade emerald right?"

"The value of emerald is lower than jade, but that's a dark green emerald."

"It's just a window, we can't tell the price just yet."

"You're right. But if it's just this, I can pay 20,000, Mr. Lee."

"The most I can spend is 50,000 credits."

"Everyone calm down… Let's open it first." Vincent Lee said feeling a bit excited this time.

Contrary to the excited expression on Vincent Lee's face, Du Liang is looking gloomy. He knows that if the emerald inside the raw stone is bigger than the jade he has, then he would lose this bet. But if it's just as big as half a fist, then he has a chance to win.

So he is desperately cursing the stone in his heart so that it would change into a wasted emerald.

However, it didn't take long for him to realize that the odds are against him.

The end product of the raw stone is actually just a little smaller than Du Liang's fist-sized low-grade jade.

Hence the bet is already tied, but Vincent Lee still has three more stones.

Nobody raised a prize yet because they know that there is a bet between the two groups. So every one of those jewelry businessmen waited patiently to the side.

When Du Liang showed a worried look on his eyes, the man beside him assured that the other stones don't contain anything.

And so with excitement in his eyes, Vincent Lee didn't bother with those people who wanted to buy the dark green emerald and just open the other stone on his hand.

However, his excitement turned into sadness upon seeing that the other stone didn't contain even a single precious gem inside.

This made Du Liang heave a sigh of relief.

"Well, I guess it's a tie. We both are going to just sell these stones then." Du Liang said as he turns his gaze towards the man who offered for his jade stones.

But before he can move, Joe Wang suddenly stood up and cleared his throat.

"Ahem, I guess you're not a man of your words, Mr. Liang." Joe Wang said while walking towards a stone cutter.

"Young man, don't talk down to your seniors. You're just a pup and we're just lucky to guess the emerald on Mr. Lee's raw stone. But if you want to have a bet with me, then you are way over your head." Du Liang retorted.

But Joe Wang didn't bother with him as he just gestured for the man to cut through the lines he marked.

The stone is Melissa Krin's and she became excited to know what's inside her raw stone. She didn't want to bother with the bet and just wanted to experience stone betting.

Seeing that the people didn't bother with him, Du Liang suddenly was enraged.

"Young man! I challenge you…" Du Liang shouted while taking a glance at the two stone experts beside him.

With a nod of their head, his confidence soared up and shouted.

"If that stone of yours has a jade, of course, you would automatically win. But if it's empty, then would do dare bet with me and lose this game?... This is all of nothing. I'm willing to bet four million in this."

When the people around them heard this, they were all flabbergasted.

In this instance, if the stone has a precious gem, then they would immediately win. But if it's empty they would automatically lose.

Although it is unfair, it takes guts to bet like this.

This is a challenge for the young man's ability and also Du Liang's money.

In their normal bet, Joe Wang would have just won 1 million. But this time, he would automatically win 4 million credits.

This made the hearts of the two women became confused and worried at the same time. However, they too fell excitement and thrill at this kind of bet.

"Sigh… I wanted to give him a chance. But he just made his own grave... If he is excited to be buried then let me help him." Joe Wang thought as he smirked.

With a nod of his head, he extended his hand towards Du Liang.

When the people saw this they felt that the young man is truly stupid.

The two people behind Du Liang are well known for their expertise in stone gambling. Although what Du Liang has chosen is not that great, but three of his stones have jades in them. This only means that they have the ability to see which stone has a gem and which stone doesn't have one.

With this in mind, all the people in the area already thought that Joe Wang is already a loser. So they despised him for being ignorant and an arrogant fool.

"I hope that you would be a good sport, Mr. Liang…" Joe Wang said with confidence clearly written in his eyes.

After both men let go of their hands, Joe Wang stood beside Melissa Krin who craned her neck towards the person cutting the stone. She can't wait to see what's inside that stone. She is not worried about anything because she knows the ability of Joe Wang and she is confident that anyone would not be a match for him.

Not long later, the man who cut the stone has already stood up. But as soon as he took a glance at the stone, he was rooted to the ground.

His strange behavior didn't escape Joe Wang's vision. Although he could not use his absolute sense within a long distance, there is another way to use it so that he can reach 500 meters. That skill was taught to him by his master, it is called Absolute Burst. This is a skill to use the absolute sense like how the bats are able to fly at night, like a sonar wave.

So even though the distance of the man is a bit far for him to use his absolute sense, Joe Wang used Absolute Burst to sense the stone in his hands.

And when he saw what's inside the stone, his mouth slowly curved up.

"Hehe… I guess my senses are a bit off. The stone inside is far more precious than I ever thought."

After thinking that, Joe Wang immediately made his move and approached the stonecutter.

This is because he has already seen, Du Liang giving off a strange aura and the stone cutter taking a glance at him.

So before the stonecutter could move, the fresh-cut stone has already disappeared from his hands and is not being held by Joe Wang.

"Alright! It's time to unravel the mysteries of the stone!"