Stone betting Part 2

Part 24


The place where people cut stones is an open area except for the part where the stone cutters work. Right now, that place is brimming with many people as they watch the situation where a bet is happening.

The once rowdy place suddenly became silent as all the people in the area became quiet. Everyone is currently looking at a young man standing in the middle holding a cut stone in his hands.

As the light reflects through the stone, a green gleam can be seen bursting around the place.

"A… a… a pure… a pure Jadeite. That's pure jadeite. Holy shit!"

"No way! This is impossible… how can pure jadeite appear in this place?"

"To be able to see a raw Jadeite is my luck… I'm glad that I visited this place today."

Disbelieve can be seen on the faces of the onlookers. They could not believe that such a lucky person could appear in this place. In the history of the stone and antique market of Delta City, this is the first time that such a precious and pure jade appears.

This immediately rallied everyone's attention and excitement.

A proud smirk appears on Joe Wang's mouth as his eyes showed a challenging look at Du Liang.

Vincent Lee and Ju Gidong are stunned in place and unable to react, while Melissa Krin's hands are already trembling in excitement.

Although she didn't know about anything, yet through the discussions of the people around her, she knows that the stone she had is very precious.

Before everyone could come to their senses, Joe Wang extended his palm towards Du Liang.

"Pay up!" he gestured with a grin.

Upon seeing the smug look on the young man's face, Du Liang's eyes suddenly burned with rage. His senses became muddled and didn't bother with anything anymore. All he wanted to do is to pummel the young man in front of him to a pulp.

When he was still young, Du Liang grew up in a chaotic environment. He would always be embroiled in a fight between gangs and those low lives. As he grew up, he became a thug himself and crawling from being a lowly errand boy into now a gang leader, Du Liang still carries the same temperament and impulsive behavior every now and then.

Hence this time, his patience has already come to an end, and without thinking he succumbs to his carnal and bloody nature.

Upon throwing that punch, everyone immediately gasped. Even the people behind Du Liang are unable to move. Although they know that it would cause them trouble, yet since their boss has already made a move, they decided to just clean up after.

But what surprised everyone is the nonchalant reaction of the people behind the young man. It was as if they didn't care about what would happen to him.

As Du Liang's fist came closer towards Joe Wang's face, he suddenly tilted his head sideways and just let the large fist pass by.

Joe Wang didn't make a move yet and just continue on dodging the rapid punches being thrown. Since Du Liang's stance is firm, Joe Wang didn't bother to counter his attacks. He just dodges easily and calmly without exerting too much effort. Although he can see many holes in his opponent's attack, those are not something that knocks the person down immediately.

Then suddenly he saw Du Liang making a wrong move, and quickly grabs the opportunity. Without using his arms which is currently inside his pockets, Joe Wang took a step forward and with a casual move of his shoulder, hit Du Laing squarely on his chest.

Joe Wang's other foot has already found themselves behind Du Liang's feet.

With this simple move, the figure of Du Liang flew backward and hit the wall with a loud thud.

The impact, the pain, and his fatigue immediately made him faint on the spot.

Upon seeing that their boss is already rendered unconscious, the people behind Du Liang took action as they jump towards Joe Wang.

Suddenly, he was besieged by more than ten people.

Vincent Lee and Ju Gidong realized that Du Liang brought a lot of his men in this place. However, the two are already astonished at what Joe Wang did.

But now, they are worried because right now, the young man is surrounded by ten burly men. Some of them even took some pipes on the side as a weapon.

Vincent Lee and Ju Gidong made a move and stood in front of the two women who clearly showed fear in their eyes. They are there to protect the two in case something may happen, along with Ju Gidong's bodyguard, they stood like impenetrable walls.

Joe Wang still stood in the middle with a lazy expression on his face.

With his cultivation level now at 3 spheres, he has enough strength to face even thirty people without sweating, what can a mere ten people do?

Hence without even taking his hands in his pocket, Joe Wang suddenly leans his body forward.

When the goons saw this, they immediately went into a defensive stance.

However, they found themselves unable to react because Joe Wang suddenly disappears from where he stood.

Confusion immediately envelopes the surroundings as the people began to turn their heads trying to figure out where Joe Wang is.

Suddenly, they saw a figure of a man flying towards the wall where Du Liang hit. And then before his figure could fall, another one flew towards that same spot.

This made the rest of the eight men feel fear creeping down their spine. They didn't see what happened and this scared them to almost shitting their pants.

"Where are you… you coward! Stop hiding! Come out!" he shouted.

Although he acted tough, yet his facial reaction betrays his true emotion, while his hand holding a steel rod even trembles as if he is suffering from some seizure.

However, no one answered him and no matter how hard they try to look they can't find Joe Wang.

"I… I think that boy was the guy on TV, right?"

"Yeah… the one they say that moves like a ghost. I thought it was just hype, I never thought that it was all real."

Upon hearing the discussion of the people around them, the remaining goons of Du Laing became stiff in fear. They too didn't believe in the stories as it sounds absurd. But now, things are different and cold sweat has already covered their backs.

Then out of fear, one of them turned his head towards Melissa Krin.

He knows that the woman is close to the young man, so he would hold her as a hostage so that they can defeat their opponent.

Although it is disgraceful, if he will not do it, then they would be taken out like flies and be beaten. So without a second thought, he immediately dashed towards Melissa Krin who is standing behind Vincent Lee.

With a wave of the steel pipe he holds in his hand, he quickly struck Vincent Lee's head.

Although caught off guard, Vincent Lee was still able to dodge his head. However, the steel pipe hit him square in his shoulder making him fall to the ground in pain.

Seeing that his attack was successful the man showed a sinister grin on his face and quickly grabs towards Melissa Krin who now has her eyes wide open in fear and disbelief.

However, before he can lay his hand on her, it was hit by a very strong force breaking his bones.



The man cried in pain.

Everyone saw Joe Wang now standing in front of the man.

"I already gave you a chance to run away, but you didn't and just waited here for me to appear again."

"But what I hated the most, is when you extended your filthy hands towards my big sister. I guess you don't want to live anymore, right?"

Joe Wang said with his killing intent rising to the air.

"No… No… We… we're sorry. Please… please spare our dog lives."

The rest of the goons said as they kneel on the ground.

Although they like fighting and bullying, when faced with someone as absurdly strong a Joe Wang, they would rather surrender.

Suddenly, Du Liang woke up from the ground and suddenly stood up. He was like someone who was injected with adrenaline and is now in berserk mode.

"Who! Who dares beat this daddy!" he suddenly shouted.

But then he stopped as he saw the scene in front of him. Then he suddenly remembers what happened. With wide eyes, Du Liang couldn't think of anything and just took a step back.

When Joe Wang saw this he smiled.

Then he extended his palm and calmly said.

"It's time to pay up."

Although the commotion was too big, not one security personnel even bothered to intervene.

This is because of the backgrounds of the people fighting. They can push their rules on normal people in this place. But those with power and money, they would not interfere and would just let them resolve their squabbles by themselves.

The personnel would just be responsible for the aftermath.

But since everything ended well, they just let it go, just like that.

As Du Liang and his goons disappear, the group of onlookers along with the security people also scattered.

Those who wanted to buy the gems didn't make any offers towards Joe Wang because Vincent Lee has already put up his offer first. Hence they just approach Du Liang instead.

Melissa Krin is squatting on the ground and is currently talking with Vincent Lee. She is very grateful to him for blocking the man. As they talked, Vincent Lee showed a happy expression on his face. He is happy that his goddess is safe and is showing concern for him.

In his mind, being hit was all worth it.

This is true especially when Melissa Krin would unconsciously touch his shoulder because of her guilt.

The group earned four million credits; however, Vincent Lee didn't bother to accept any part of the bet. Instead, he just bought the fist-sized jadeite for ten million credits.

Upon hearing this, Melissa was a bit hesitant.

"Do decide big sister, we still have to go inside the antique store." Joe Wang said as he started walking.

Although stone betting earned them some money, Joe Wang was not really interested at the moment in them. This is because he could not absorb the Qi in those gems yet. And, though he can craft them into amulets and trinkets, it would cost him more energy in doing so.

That's why he just reserved the three raw stones on Angel Mei's hands for his future use.

As the group began moving again, they soon found themselves inside a huge antique storehouse.

The distance of the antique shop from the raw stone market is a bit far, so the people in this place were not aware of what had happened.

Upon arriving at the place, Joe Wang immediately senses something in the area which made him frown.