The arrogant blind fool

Part 26


The night sky is already high and the people inside the antique store are becoming denser. This is because tonight is the night that the antique house is going to hold their auction. This is also the reason why Vincent Lee invited the group in this place. He wanted to at least show his capability to win the support of the young powerful person with them, Joe Wang.

However, because of the mishaps in the stone betting market, his mood was a little sour. But everything turns out okay as he noticed that the two young women are without an escort, and because of his fondness on Melissa Krin he volunteered himself to be one.

Ju Gidong is already talking with someone he knew and is being followed by his bodyguards. And Joe Wang is in a room which he didn't notice has a label.

Private Booth.

At this time, Joe Wang is currently absorbing the karma energy which has accumulated inside the old body of Jimin Tang. However, he suddenly noticed something peculiar.

And as he absorbs the amount of karma in the old man's Tang body, his expression slowly changes.

That is because the amount of chaotic karma energy on the old man's body is truly terrifyingly huge.

And as he clears it up, he noticed that the old man actually has a core in his dantian.

Upon realizing this, Joe Wang's eyes almost pop out. Memories then flooded his mind as he reminisces his time in the cultivation land.

Though he is different, he was not shunned by the cultivators around him.

This is because his master has built a place where cultivators and mortal has a chance to live together in harmony.

There he meets a lot of youngster like him which can cultivate and wields great power and strong martial arts. Although at first, he felt a little envy, Joe Wang didn't fall depressed due to his master teachings.

Because of his lack of aptitude and impatience in cultivating, the spheres in his body grew really slow. For Joe Wang cultivation is boring, and he prefers to learn other stuff, like alchemy, crafting, array formation, and medicine. He didn't know why, but whenever he is in a learning mode his cultivation would also grow with him. And from then on, Joe Wang's style of cultivation focuses more on academics and learning.

When his mind became distracted, he accidentally absorbs the energy rapidly making the old man winced in pain. But this turn of events made old man Tang surprised.

Although he felt a really painful stinging sensation in his dantian, he discovered that there is actually a large amount of Qi entering his body.

Then he realized the reason why.

Inside his body, the chaotic karma energy disrupted his Qi and his meridian. To stop his body from suffering more the Qi he has absorbed has automatically combined with the chaotic karma. This is the reason why he could not cultivate anymore since last year.

He thought that he has reached the bottleneck because he is unable to feel the Qi. But what made him feel despair is when he suddenly could not feel his dantian and his core anymore.

But now, everything is a difference.

As if being freed from their prison, the Qi in the old man Tang's body immediately rushed into his core as a warm feeling envelops his body. Little by little his strength came back to him that his face even seems to have become a bit younger.

"This is miraculous…"


"Old man Tang is regaining his cult… his vitality." One of the old men excitedly exclaimed but suddenly changed his words.

In this room, only he knows that old man Tang is a cultivator. But of course, he would not say it out loud because, in this day and age, cultivators are currently being suppressed by the law because of their power and destructive nature.

If the city discovers you as a cultivator, you would be marked and monitored. That way, the city enforcer can make sure that cultivators are controlled.

However, the exemption to this is Joe Wang.

When he first appears and was in the news, the police have already monitored him and found that he is not a cultivator because of his aura. So, they just branded him as someone who is skillful in martial arts.

It didn't take long for Joe Wang to absorb a large amount of karma in old man Tang's body. And now he feels that he needs to refine the karma energy and turn it into energy which can conform to his cultivation.

"I'm done… congratulation on your recovery senior." Joe Wang said while cupping his hand with a smile.

"Ah, this young one is truly humble. I really like it. Since you have helped me a lot, you can have the bead for free and also this…" Jimin Tang handed Joe Wang secretly a small package wrapped in paper.

Then in a low voice, he said.

"Open it when you got home. This is not the right place."

With a nod of understanding, Joe Wang kept the package in his pocket.

Suddenly, the curtain in the room opened.

Joe Wang was shocked to see that under the room he can see an auction hall.

"This is an auction hall! There is an auction today? Wow!" Joe Wang said happily.

Although Joe Wang is an old ghost, the attitude and memory of the real owner of the body have already merged with his. So every now and then, he would exhibit a childish attitude unconsciously. Just like what is happening right now.

"I want to see this, this is exciting!" he said with excitement in his tone.

When the men saw and heard this, they suddenly realized that Joe Wang is truly still a boy. Though sometime his aura would change to that of an old man. But now, they can truly see him acting his age.

"Young lad, we are going to buy some precious artifact. You're going to help us right?" a middle-aged said with a smile.

Joe Wang while looking outside just nods his head happily.

This made the old men in the room feel happy and youthful.

They remember their little children and grandchildren and suddenly feel like missing them already.

Then suddenly the light dimmed and a man stood in the center rostrum.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, the moment that you have been waiting for tonight, the auction are starting…"

The emcee introduces the product and the things they would auction, and this made a lot of people feel excited.

Then the first item was presented.

It was a simple wooden hair ornament inlaid with gems.

When the emcee saw that the people seem to have lost their interest, the man began to talk.

"This is an old wooden hairpiece of a well-known palace maid in one of the five long lost kingdoms. It was told that she is very powerful… cultivator… but she is hiding from her enemies. This hairpiece was able to transform her appearance hence making it easy for her to escape…"

With a tinge of mystery in the atmosphere, the emcee or auctioneer presented the bidding price began the bidding signal.




That was the highest price, and a woman in her 30's was able to get the hair ornament.

Suddenly, from a booth, a casual voice echoed. It was timed when everyone was silent, hence his words were heard by many.

"Just a piece of low-class antique, what is there to be happy about?" The man said with disdain.

Everyone who heard it turned their eyes on that private booth.

The booth is about two booths away from where Joe Wang and the old men are staying.

When Joe Wang heard his words, he immediately smirked.

"He's just a clueless and a foolish man." He muttered.

But the old men heard his words as they knitted their brows. Suddenly, the voice of old Jimin Tang was heard from behind.

"He's just an arrogant blind fool."

Then the group saw that Jimin Tang is now fine and his breathing is now stable. When he began to meditate, Jimin Tang suddenly felt anxious. He didn't want those enforcers to discover that he is currently cultivating.

And now that he is done, he surprised everyone on how his body recovers almost completely in an instant.

The old mangled bones of old Tang's hands have now gained some flesh on them, and his overall appearance actually changed, from a rugged and tired old man to a nimble and strong-looking man.

Only the two people in the room were shocked about his recovery, the other old man, Joe Wang, and old Tang himself showed a calm expression.

"Some people don't understand the value of things that's why they would scoff others like that. Remember young man you should not be like that." old Tang said while advising Joe Wang like a grandfather.

"Don't worry, senior! I would never be like that person."

Suddenly, someone forced his way into Joe Wang and the old men's private booth.

When the man saw that the group is all old men, she showed a contempt look on his face.

"Just some trashy old men, I thought you all are something." The man said while turning around and started to walk back to his room.

But suddenly, old Tang's son, Xiao Tang opened his mouth and shouted.

"For courtesy's sake, please close the door rude man!"

When the man heard this, he began to seethe in anger.

Joe Wang noticed from the looks of the man that he is actually intoxicated. Though he can pass it off as someone not knowing what they are doing, the problem lies with the man if he decided to attack the people in the room. If so, then these old men would suffer. So Joe Wang decided to stand up and confront the man to prevent bad things from happening.

"You f**cking old men! Let me teach you some lesson!" suddenly shouted the man as he steps inside the private booth.