A messed up situation

Part 27


In a small private booth of the antique auction house, four men and a boy stood at the opposite side of five men. The five men forced themselves inside the booth and are now showing an angry look on their faces.

From outside the door, a group of people wearing a black suit suddenly appear but was soon dismissed due to an unknown event.

When the five men saw this they smirked.

Their bodies are bulky and look strong and intimidating, coupled with their gangster-like attitude one can feel pressure from their gazes.

While this is happening, one of the middle-aged men turned towards the other men and Joe Wang.

"I would like to take this opportunity to practice… please allow me." The middle-aged man said with confidence while cupping his hands.

Joe Wang's mind went blank as he watched the people with him in wonder and astonishment.

He never would have thought that the people in this room that are with him are martial artists or might even be cultivators.

Joe Wang is now waiting in anticipation on how the martial arts in this world in the hands of masters.

So far, he had seen Vincent Lee fight. Though it was a good fight still it was very messy and they would always show a lot of unnecessary movements. Each strike spends too much energy and very inefficient. That's why with only a couple of blows, they would already feel their body weak and unable to go on.

He didn't want to criticize anyone because right now, if there are no cultivators in the peak of the body refining realm in this world, then Joe Wang can consider himself to be the most powerful being on this planet. But of course today he discovers that this is not true.

The cultivation strength of old man Tang is at the body refining mid-stage. So this means that if he can recover, this old man might live for at least up to 100 years. But if he broke through the body refining realm and advance to spirit refining realm, then his lifespan would go up to another 100 years. And he would gain strength that mere mortals would wish they have.

So right now, Joe Wang is very excited to see the cultivation level of the middle-aged man. Maybe he is more powerful than the old man and they are just hiding it.

Xiao Tang looks at the middle-aged man with helplessness.

He knew that this friend of his is very much into martial arts and always trains. He wanted to fight for real to see if his skills can advance but he wouldn't always have that kind of chance. So this guy deliberately made the man angry just for this chance.

With a nod, he stood up and was about to walk towards the five men but a fist comes flying towards him in an instant.


The middle-aged man came flying towards the wall in a sorry state.

Then the two of the five men began to throw punches at him as he struggled to fight back.

Everyone was dumbfounded at this scene even Joe Wang didn't expect that the man who looks confident would be beaten like this.

"STOP! WAIT for a second!" the middle-aged man shouted after pushing his two opponents back.

He struggled to stand up as his body wobbled.

"You just caught me off guard. You shameless bastards! Let's go at it again."

The leader of the men signaled his goons with his eyes and one of them suddenly flew towards the middle-aged man.

With a single punch, the middle-aged man once again tumbled to the ground and was immediately showered with a rain of punches from a bulky man.

Old man Tang wanted to rush and help the son of his friend but the old man on the opposite side of the seat shook his head. He didn't want to trouble old man Tang because of the foolishness of his son.

This old man is Long Mo and is Old man Tang's friend since they were young.

The two were best friends even to this day.

Even their youngest sons also became friends.

Before everything can go sour, the figure of Joe Wang suddenly flashed as he held the man's arm. No matter how hard the man tried to punch the middle-aged man his arm won't move.

"I respectfully advise the five sirs to please get out of our room." Joe Wang said calmly as he pushed the man away from the middle-aged man who has his face already in black and blue.

The simple push of Joe Wang sent the man tumbling on the ground as if he was suddenly out of balance.

Seeing this, everyone in the room was astounded.

How can a young man have too much strength?

"Sorry boss, I just tripped." The man said with an awkward expression on his face.

But when his eyes landed on Joe Wang he immediately showed an angry face.

"You dared push this daddy! Let me show you the result of your ignorance."

The man suddenly rushes towards Joe Wang, but when was close to him, he fell down to the floor already unconscious.

Joe Wang is calmly holding the man's wrist.

Everyone saw what happened but they were unable to react. Everything happened too fast.

The motion of Joe Wang catching the man's wrist and then shifting his position to the man's side and sending the blade of his palm to the man's neck which made him fainted.

His fluid motion seems like he is just dancing while fighting with the man who made everyone showed a dumbfounded look. They never would have expected the young man to be a martial arts master and an expert.

But the man would not give up; he wanted the people in the room to know the price for offending him.

"Everyone! Bet all of them!" the man commanded as he also rushed towards Joe Wang.

But before they can arrive, Joe Wang suddenly vanished and the man found his consciousness fading.

He also did this to the rest of the men who entered the room. Joe Wang was amazed at this because he didn't expect that his strength would improve after absorbing the karma energy.

However, he hasn't absorbed everything yet and the karma energy is in his dantian swirling like a boundless lake while they are being converted by his spheres and turning them into natural energy to strengthen the spheres in his dantian.

In his absorption, the karma Qi is left in his dantian while the natural karma energy is the ones being absorbed.

After taking down the 5 men, Joe Wang suddenly felt that his body is really heavy. He didn't know what's happening as the spheres in his dantian suddenly began to twirl like a whirlpool as it suddenly began absorbing the karma energy in his dantian in a rapid phase.

This made Joe Wang feel confused and alarmed. He didn't know what is happening with his body because this hadn't happened to him before. But suddenly he realized something.

Within his Kantian, the karma energy is giving off an unnatural aura. Then Joe Wang saw faces of countless people trying to ask for help, and then his vision was sweep into scenery where a person is kneeling on the ground stubbornly looking at him with disdain and anger.

Then Joe Wang saw within his mind the faces of many people that he hadn't seen before. From the looks of it and the clothes of the people, he can deduce that this is the history of the bead.

These are the accumulated karma of every person who wore or used the bead and the people they have met and have a connection with.

When Joe Wang saw this, he immediately realized how powerful the karma energy is. It is not some common energy that he can just absorb.

Because once you absorb the energy, you can actually feel the connection of the people who has karma with the previous owners of the bead. And this is what Joe Wang is experiencing right now.

A large amount of information is currently entering his mind, the mix emotions are making Joe Wang feel like his head is going to break.

Meanwhile, the men around him showed a worried expression on their faces. They didn't know what is happening as they carefully assist him to lie on the long sofa.

"All of you get rid of these guys." Old man Mo said with anger in his expression.

These people dare to be unruly in his place. He wanted to teach them a lesson, but when his youngest son wanted to show off, Old man Mo took this opportunity to teach him a lesson.

But it seems that he overestimated his youngest son.

He wanted to help but also wanted this silly man to get beaten up so that his fantasies about martial arts would stop. However, everything suddenly got out of hand.

Thankfully, it seems that their young guest is a good fighter.

He was very quick and has taken out the five men with ease.

The problem right now is his state. He didn't expect the young boy to suddenly fall down and it seems like he is unconscious. And this made the four men worry.

Suddenly from the already open door, a beautiful woman rushed in and with a worried look in her eyes look at the four men with hostility.

"What have you done? What did you do to Little Joe Wang?" shouted Melissa Krin.

When they heard the commotion they curiously peaked. And as soon as she did, she saw Joe Wang lying on the sofa.

Then in reply to her, one of the men in a suit which is standing close to Joe Wang said.

"Miss don't misunderstand, we didn't do any…"

"Shut up! This little brother helped us. I must pay this gratitude." Old Tang said as he walks towards Melissa Krin.

"Young lass, this old man is sorry. We should bring him to the hospital first then I will explain to you what happened."

After saying that, a group of men wearing black suits helped Joe Wang and immediately sends him to the hospital with Melissa Krin in tow.

That night, she informed Angel Mei Ong what happened along with Vincent Lee and Ju Gidong.

When the two men realized who Joe Wang become acquainted with, a cold sweat covered their foreheads.

The two old men are famous figures; they are the Tang and the Mo family leaders. These two men hold great power and authority in their respective families.

Although Ju Gidong and Vincent Lee are rich men, they didn't have the chance to mingle with these kinds of people.

And now, they are truly grateful for Joe Wang as they came to the hospital and were able to talk with the two elders.

That night, Joe Wang was unconscious however; he found that his absolute sense became stronger. His absolute sense is now like a spiritual sense when used. He didn't need to close his eyes and visualize things.

All he had to do is sent it out just like how he uses a spiritual sense.

This is because of the minds of the people which he has experienced. Their resentments and happiness made his mental capacity stronger as he overcomes those extreme emotions.

Although in a coma, Joe Wang is actually looking at everything that is happening around him.

Then suddenly while exploring he saw something or someone which made him feel uncomfortable.

And that someone is approaching Melissa Krin.