The chase

Part 28


The hospital is currently bustling with people as patients, nurses, and doctors are running around. This is the usual scenery in this place because this hospital is the biggest hospital in Delta city.

In a private room, a young man is currently lying on a bed and around him are people whom he knows.

"What is his condition doctor?" an old man asked with worry in his eyes.

This old man is Jimin Tang, and along with him are the other four in that private room in the antique auction house.

"Elder Tang, to tell you the truth… we don't know." The doctor said with an awkward look in his eyes.

"According to all his tests, his health is in perfect condition." The doctor added.

"Then why isn't he waking up?" suddenly Melissa Krin butted in as her eyes are already red.

The two might not have been close at first but she has already treated Joe Wang as someone important to her and close to her heart like a real... brother. So she felt very heavy as it is filled with worry and anxiety.

While holding Joe Wang's hand Melissa Krin carefully caressed it.

That night, she stayed with him as the rest went home and rested. Melissa Krin insisted to be with Joe Wang. And unknown to her, her actions are known to Joe Wang and this made her became an important part of his life.

It was almost midnight when Melissa suddenly woke up.

"Ugh… I'm hungry…" she muttered as she held her stomach.

Because of her anxiety, she fell asleep next to Joe Wang and forgot that she hadn't had her dinner yet. The three actually talked about having dinner after going to the antique house, but because of the accident, the plan was changed.

Melissa Krin walks out of the private room and directly went towards the hospital's cafeteria. While choosing some food, many eyes were glued on her.

It could not be denied that Melissa Krin is truly a country toppling beauty. Only her temperament makes her unapproachable and those who wanted to know her would unconsciously take a step back. Only those who are brave and like challenges would approach her.

However, once people talked to her, they would discover that she is a very friendly and warm person.

At this time, Melissa Krin just bought some cup of noodles and bread. She would just take it up to Joe Wang's room and would eat there.

Suddenly, four people approached her with a smile.

"If it isn't student Krin… What are you doing here?" a young man wearing a blue t-shirt said with a smile.

"Did you know that senior Wu is in here that's why you visited the hospital?"

When she heard this, Melissa Krin suddenly noticed the young man behind them with a bandaged arm. When their eyes met, she immediately felt her heart skipped a beat.

"Sikong Wu!" she said in her mind.

Although he had hurt her, she could not deny that he was the first man who stole her heart.

So seeing him right now made her blush a little.

But remembering what he and her best friend did in that camp and inside the tent turned her blush into anger.

When Sikong Wu saw that look on Melissa Krin's eyes he was elated. He knew that she still loves him, and his confidence rose to the highest.

Sikong Wu is a handsome man and no one can deny that. He too is rich and grew up in a powerful family of Wu from the capital city. But when his father lost his favor with his clan, they were sent to Delta city and were assigned to take care of the clan's already failing business in the city.

But who would have thought that his father would be able to revive the failing business? And made it grew to what it is today.

Sikong Wu is now enjoying that luxury that his father has worked hard to accomplish. However, his father is not contented in spending his life in this small Delta city. He wanted to go back to the capital and show to the Wu family that he is worthy to live there.

However, Sikong Wu didn't care.

This is because, in the capital, his cousins would always show off in front of him. But here, he is the boss, he can have as many followers as he can and he can have as many women as he can.

But all of that changes when he met and saw Melissa Krin. Her beauty, intelligence, temperament, and angelic smile and voice have always been the contents of his dream for a long time.

Then after a long time of courtship, he finally stole her heart.

Their first kiss was very memorable to him, so he wanted more.

Yet, because of his forcefulness, he lost his chance and got angry. Hence he wanted to rectify the situation, but who would have known that he wasn't able to find her in the forest. So to bent his anger, he f*cks Melissa Krin's best friend, which is actually one of his women.

When he returned to school, he actually didn't meet her. And unknown to him, Melissa Krin is avoiding him as quickly as she could. And the fact that he as her boyfriend didn't know where she lives outside of the campus dorms gives him this headache.

And now seeing her reaction, he is confident that she didn't know what happened at that time.

However, her expression suddenly changed from seeing someone she loved to someone who disgusted her.

That sudden change in her expression was caught by Sikong Wu and this made his heart skipped a beat.

"Don't tell me she knows what happened? Damn it! Damn it!" he curses in his heart.

But suddenly a crafty thought came into his mind as his facial expression changed.

"If I can't have you in a nice way, then I will just have you in a forceful way."

Melissa Krin didn't notice this change in Sikong Wu's expression.

"Pardon me, but I have a relative here. So I'll be going first."

"Wait, why are you a stranger? We just wanted to talk… come on."

"Yeah… we can about school."

Suddenly the four men became forceful as they tried to grab Melissa Krin's arm.

When the people in the cafeteria saw this, they immediately acted like they didn't care. This is because, from the looks and clothes of the young men, they seem to be from an affluent family. So they didn't want to poke their nose into a situation where they cannot handle it.

"Hey! You rascals!" suddenly an old man shouted with a heroic bearing.

Of course, not all the people in the cafeteria are cowards. Although it was already late at night, this grandpa decided to take a small stroll and eat something. And upon seeing this situation, he actually wasn't scared.

When the four young men heard this they immediately turn their gaze at the old man who stood up with his cane waving in the air.

The four of them laughed at this scene.

"What are you going to do old man?" jeered one of them.

Suddenly they heard running footsteps and immediately turn towards Melissa Krin's location.

"Oh no you don't!" one of the young men wearing a red coat dashed towards Melissa Krin who is already running as fast as she could without looking back.

But before he can catch her, he suddenly stepped on something which made him lost his balance and drops on the floor with a loud bang. And they two following him also trip on his body.

One of them even stepped on his butt which made him winched in pain.

"Useless dirtbags." Sikong Wu muttered as he also chased after Melissa Krin while dodging the three people on the floor groaning in pain.

He has lost her in the forest and he would not let this chance and lose her again.

As the two ran towards the hospital corridor, Sikong Wu started to gain on Melissa Krin. She has already thrown the cup noodles and the rest of the food in her hands towards him, but he still continues chasing after her.

Desperation already enters her heart as she tries to find a door or an office to hide in.

Suddenly, she saw the door for the stairs.

Without a second thought, she immediately rushes to the door and opens it.

She began running through the flight of stairs as she goes up. Although she is already tired, upon hearing the rapid footsteps of the one chasing her, an unknown strength would always push her forward.

Then when she heard another group of footsteps rushing up, her heart sank.

"Little Joe, please… please wake up and save me…" Melissa Krin shouted within her heart as she reached the end of the stairs.

Upon opening the door she immediately ran out and tried to find a way out while catching her breath. But to her dismay, she is already at the rooftop of the hospital and there is no way out.

Seeing this situation, tears began pouring down her beautiful face. She knew that these people would do something to her and they seem to be not scared at all. Right at this moment, she was awoken at the cruelty of the world.

She suddenly feels that as someone without power, she could not even save herself. How can she survive this then?

Then a figure enters her mind and her heart slowly calms down.

Suddenly the door loudly opens with a bang.

And the figure of Sikong Wu appears while trying to catch his breath. Then not long later, three other figures followed behind.

"This crazy bitch made me really tired. I'll f*ck her until she would lose her consciousness."

"Yeah, brother Sikong… I know you have your eyes on this girl, but I think you should teach her some manners."

"This should be the usual right? All for one? Keke…"

"I can't wait to taste the number one ice beauty of the campus. This would be soo good! Hehe…"

Hearing the lascivious words of the men, Melissa Krin's heart immediately panicked.

Suddenly she remembers the amulet.

But as soon as she touches her pockets, horror can be seen in her face.

She left it in the room inside her bag.

"Come on… Come here little birdy. Hehe…"

As the group of Sikong Wu showed their sinister expression, Melissa Krin's face suddenly turned stiff.

Then confusion, amazement, and fear appear on her face.

These changes in her expression made the four men confused.

But her next action made all of their faces turned pale.