Exposed secret

Part 31





With blood dripping down from the corner of his mouth, Joe Wang showed a sorry figure while being beaten by a huge and bulky man. The man has already removed his outer coat as he seems to have exerted too much effort in beating a weak-looking brat.

"Hey! Do you need any help? It seems that you're having a hard time beating such a weakling. Haha…"

The other people in the old storage house jeered as they laughed at the bulky man.

Suddenly anger filled his face as he launched another barrage of punches towards Joe Wang who just lay on the ground unmoving.

"Hey, hey! Don't kill him! We still need that brat, after the boss is finished with her."

Meanwhile, the eyes of Melissa Krin could not help but tear up as she watches in horror the sorry figure of Joe Wang. She continually cried and shouted but the men seem to not have heard her words as they laugh at the scene in front of them.

As these bunches of people are bloodthirsty hoodlums, they didn't mind seeing the bloody scenery.

It has almost been 30 minutes since Joe Wang was beaten by the bulky man. And now his figure is already not moving as if he were dead, while Melissa Krin has been tied to a pole as she repeatedly tried to run towards Joe Wang. Her face is already covered with tears as her heart felt like breaking.

Joe Wang told her to trust him and do not worry. But ever since the beating has begun, he has never communicated his thoughts towards her which made her worry. She then began to cry as tried to force her way as she shouted until her voice became hoarse.

Even at this time, her eyes did not move from the lying figure Joe Wang on the dirt-filled ground.

"He is still breathing… but if he does not receive any help then his life would be in danger. No… it can't be… I… I need to do something, but what? What should I do?" she thought as another line of tears flowed out of her eyes.



Then from outside, the people in the old warehouse can hear the arrival of a bunch of cars with loud reeving in their engine. After the engines were turned off, the sound of doors opening and closing can be heard as excited voices echoed through the warehouse when four people enter through the huge door.

"My… my… look who it is… I never thought that this little lady has a trick of her own. Falling from the roof and then returning as if nothing has happened. That was… amazing… Hehe…"

The young man who said that was the one who scared Melissa Krin into jumping from the roof. At that time he was truly afraid and anxious. But knowing that the woman is fine and nothing happened, anger filled his heart. Now all he wanted to do is to kill that woman.

Upon seeing Melissa Krin already tied to a pole and looking helpless, his mind suddenly changed. His greedy eyes immediately run thought her curvy body and stayed in those plump twin peaks.

Even the men around this place could almost not hold themselves upon seeing a goddess-like beauty in a helpless situation. Each of their crutches could not help but bulge in this beautiful and arousing scenery.

"Melissa… this is not your day my girl. Today I will have fun with you, and then all the people in this place would rape and shame your body. Then I will sell you to a prostitute den where you will start to serve men. Hahaha… That is what you get for offending this young master." this time, Sikong Wu shouted as his evil intense gaze went towards Melissa Krin.

But no matter what they say, Melissa Krin's mind is not on them. Her eyes are glued at the sorry and bloody figure of Joe Wang lying on the ground.

Suddenly, one of the men blocked her sight which woke her from her stupor. Then her eyes shifted towards the four figures that are currently looking at her as if she is naked. The looks on their eyes truly disgust her to her core and made her shiver.

She didn't know what would happen next, yet she can't help but worry for Joe Wang's sake.

"Let's not wait! I'll go first!" suddenly one of the young masters rushed forward and quickly unbuckled his belt.

"Wait! What's this? She is my ex… so I'll go first." shouted Sikung Wu as he quickly grabs the young man's arm.

"F*ck you, Sikong Wu! You always have your ways before us… this time, let me go first. I'll give you that car of mine outside." shouted the young man as if he felt that he is being taken advantage of.

They knew that Melissa Krin is still a virgin, and the young man wanted to be the first to taste her fragrant looking body.

As the two argues, one of the four suddenly rushed forward to claim his prize also.

This situation made, Melissa Krin bit her lips and just silently cried. The helplessness she is feeling is unbearable that she wanted to die.

However, something which she didn't expect happened.


A loud cry from behind the group echoed through the old warehouse.

Then when the four turn their heads, they saw their men already lying on the ground with an unknown status.

Even Melissa Krin had her eyes wide open at this time.

"The four of you are the culprit? I've waited for a long time and I was getting bored playing dead."

A voice suddenly attracted the four young masters and Melissa Krin as a bulky man suddenly drops down the ground and reveals the figure of Joe Wang which is standing behind.

Melissa Krin's expression immediately changed into a happy one as she saw that Joe Wang seems unhurt.

At that time, when he was being beaten, Joe Wang blocked his cultivation and let the man hit him. But no matter how hard the man hits, Joe Wang's physique is truly strong, hence he has to bit a part of his lips just to show blood. That's why no matter how hard the man throws his punches; Joe Wang would never get hurt.

Of course, he still needed to act so that he can wait for the real culprit to appear. Or else the abduction would be useless.

His target is to eliminate the root of the problem.

Joe Wang was listening to the four arguments on what they would do to Melissa Krin and this made him truly angered. Hence he decided to CUT the root of this problem.

"Why should I suffer alone! Let me welcome the four of you to my realm. Hehe…" Joe Wang suddenly loudly thought.

Melissa Krin immediately heard this and squinted her eyes.

"You! You must be the guy with her in the hospital…"

"Hey, don't be foolish. I think this is beyond our strength." One of the young men said as he noticed Sikong Wu walking forward.

"What are you afraid of? I got this." Sikong Wu said as he suddenly pulled a small semi-automatic handgun.

Then he pointed it at Joe Wang.


Sikong Wu said with a sinister smile on his face.

However, before he can pull the trigger the figure of Joe Wang disappeared.

Shadow step!

This martial art was developed by his master. This move greatly helped him in his time in the cultivation land and especially when he ascended to the immortal plane.

Since Sikong Wu and the rest of the people are just mortals, they are unable to see the quick movement of Joe Wang. And before they knew it, he is already back in his place and now holding the handgun in his hand.

"How?... Are… are you ghost?"

Fear immediately crept through the hearts of the four young masters as they immediately turn around and run towards the huge door of the warehouse.

However, since they have offended Melissa Krin, Joe Wang has already decided on their punishments.

So before they knew it, the four felt the world turning around as their vision immediately turned dark.

Joe Wang didn't waste his time on them as he immediately walks towards Melissa Krin and broke the rope on her body.

"Are you okay? I'm sorry…" Joe Wang said but suddenly he stopped as Melissa Krin's fragrant body hugs him tightly.

"This is truly a bliss! Why is her body so soft! Please don't let go yet!" Joe Wang thought as he savors the hug.

But of course, he immediately noticed that he is not having any reaction which made him immediately turned gloomy.

"Do you really like being hugged by me?" Melissa Krin suddenly asked with a smile on her lips while her head in on his chest.

Joe Wang unconsciously nods his head.

"Yes, of course… but… what a shame… If only I'm a complete man, then I can…" Joe Wang thought but suddenly he stopped.

He immediately saw Melissa Krin lifting her head and showed a look of disbelief in her eyes. She is an intelligent girl and has already pieced some of the puzzles that she heard while they were in the hospital and now. Joe Wang forgot to remove his connection with her in his anxiety and was stunned when hugged by her.

"Little Joe… is this true? I mean… you… you can't…" she said while looking at his crotch area.

Joe Wang unconsciously swallowed his saliva at his folly. He didn't expect that she would learn of his secret this early. But what can he do? The cat is already out of the bag. All he can do is accept the fact and deal with it.

But before he knew it, Melissa Krin hugs him again and this time planted a sweet kiss on his lips.