
Part 32


The morning sun's golden rays shine right through the window pane illuminating the once dark room. As the light begins to brighten the area, two figures can be seen sitting in a lotus position facing each other.

If one observes the scenery, there is a thin film and about two inches away that follows the contours of their body. Right at this moment, the Qi around the room is becoming a little turbulent as the figure of the young woman suddenly shook.

Melissa Krin slowly opens her eyes and a pleasant smile appears on her face.

2 days ago, she and Joe Wang were kidnapped by a group of people. Then it turned out that the one responsible is her ex-boyfriend and his pompous friends.

Then Joe Wang took care of the people they hired to help them, and give those four people a severe punishment. Joe Wang didn't tell her what he did to those four people but she knew that it was something that is not nice.

Then the two drove one of the cars and when they were inside the city, they left it somewhere and took a taxi home.

Then that night she decided to tell him what is in her mind. Although Joe Wang is younger than her, she didn't mind. Melissa Krin has been an independent woman since young. And so she has lived alone ever since then.

However, everything changes when she met Joe Wang on that fateful day in the forest. She experienced magic, adventure, and excitement for the first time. When they were kidnapped she realized how she felt for that young guy, though they just knew each other not that long.

His openness and frank personality attracted her. Plus he didn't even think twice to jump in every danger just to help her. She knew that he would be in danger if he saves her from those four young masters, but she saw in his eyes the determination to help. Hence she is truly felt grateful.

However, she didn't want to be a burden to Joe Wang. So she decided to ask and learn from him, and his skills so that she can at least protect herself.

And true to her expectation, Joe Wang agreed but asked her some weird questions. And then last night he instructs her to do something like feeling the air and the inside of her body. This baffled her quite a bit but still followed his instructions. After an hour or so, she discovered something.

Deep inside her body, she felt a warm sensation just below her navel.

At first, when Joe Wang touched her in that area, she immediately blushed and wanted to resist, but soon realized what he wanted her to do.

Joe Wang wrote something on the paper and she followed it step by step and began her path to cultivation.

"This is awesome! I think I have already reached the 1st level of the body refining stage…" she muttered as her eyes went towards the strange drawing on the floor surrounding her.

It was like some glyphs in the movies which are used by the witches, but with the difference of the yin and yang symbol in the middle.

She is sitting on the yin side of the glyph and Joe Wang is on the yang side.

Then she can see some stone powder around them.

What she could not believe is how those stones were turned into powder when they were really hard. Joe Wang called them as mediums, and then he said that if only those were spirit stone her cultivation would immediately shot up.

Melissa Krin excitedly and carefully stood up the ground and silently went out of the room. She didn't want to disturbed Joe Wang as it seems that he is still cultivating.

When he was able to walk out, she didn't notice that the door handle of Joe Wang's room has a small dent after she let go.

However, this is not in her mind currently. Because she suddenly felt that there is a faint stench emanating from her body. And she didn't want Joe Wang to find her smelling this bad. So she immediately ran towards her room and ran inside the shower.

"Too fast! I'm can really move fast now, amazing!" she muttered as she smiled.

When she extended her hand to twist the handle of the shower she was surprised at how easily she can twist it. It's as if she didn't need any effort at all.

While taking a shower, she excitedly practiced the forms that Shin Jiao taught her last night before cultivating. This is the basic fist form of boxing. Although there are many martial arts types in this world to choose from, Joe Wang told her that the most deadly martial art is boxing. However, if one does not know that right form and stance, then boxing is a double edge blade.

But since she is now a cultivator, her speed and reflexes are faster than normal humans. Hence boxing is the best for her right now.

And so, Melissa Krin excitedly practiced boxing while showering. She tried to hit the water as they sprayed towards her.

And what made her face shows an exciting look, is the way the water are being forced backward in each punch she threw.



Then she would smile upon hearing the loud noise that her simple and frail-looking arm would make.

If someone can see that a slender woman's arm can create such force, then they would surely widen their eyes in disbelief.

Melissa Krin is like a child playing with water as she concentrates while punching outwards without breaking her boxing form and stance.

After sending a few hundreds of punches, she suddenly felt something wrong within her body. Then she recalled what Joe Wang told her about her Qi depletion. If that happens then her strength would be gone and she would become as frail as a normal human.

"I guess, I can only send around 300 Qi powered punches before my Qi is depleted." She muttered as she relaxed her body.

Melissa Krin finished bathing and before putting on her clothes she stood upright and tried to gather the Qi in the air. However, she immediately frowns as she could not gather a large amount. All she can feel is the thin layer of Qi in the air.

It's like trying to fill a lake with a droplet of water.

Upon noticing this, she immediately went inside her drawer and put on her clothes. She needs to recover her Qi as the feeling of strength on her body is truly addicting and something that she never wanted to lose.

"I hope that she is still not finished cultivating." She muttered.

However, before she can get out of her room.

Knock! Knock!

Melissa Krin was startled and a deep feeling of enters her heart.

"Big sister, let's eat!"

The voice of Joe Wang, however, made her smile.

Since the two of them have already a tacit understanding of their feelings, she felt happy.

Opening the door, she immediately showed a frown on her face.

"Big sister? Are you still going to call me that?" she teased.

When Joe Wang heard her words he gave a wry smile.

"Alright, what do you want me to call you then? My queen? Or your majesty?"

Upon hearing his teasing tone, she frowns and pinched his side.

However, she immediately hugs him by his neck and gave him a peck on his lips. Then sweetly lean her head to his chest.

"Hey, after eating can you set up the… a… array? My Qi is already depleted." She muttered shyly.

When Joe Wang saw her blushing face, he could not help but sigh. He knew what she did in her room while taking a shower.

Ever since yesterday's event, the two became closer to each other and he realized that he also likes her. Joe Wang is not a fool and is not an old immortal who doesn't know the ways of the universe. As someone who has already experience a lot of things in his life, he knew that loving and be loved by someone is one of the keys to living a happy life as a mortal.

Of course, he is still confident that he can ascend back to being a deity someday, but that is for another time. Right now there is a beautiful young woman who is willing to accept him even upon knowing the defect of his current body.

"You're just teasing me like this because you know that I can't touch you right? Well… I can still do something about that…" teased Joe Wang while flashing an evil smile on his face.

When Melissa Krin heard this, her face immediately turned crimson red while pinching his side.


In truth, this is also one of the reasons why she can tease Joe Wang like this because he is harmless. Though of course having skinship and sex is also good, but as a young woman who, in the meantime, wanted to keep her virtue while loving someone, Joe Wang is perfect for her.

Joe Wang told her that it is only temporary she didn't mind. She knew that when that day comes she would be ready.

After eating, Joe Wang helped her to recover her Qi.

Today their goal is to buy some aged medicinal herbs. This is for her Qi replenishing and cultivation advancement, and so the two sets off to the Eastern Medicine market.

On their way, a black car is actually following them.

Inside that car, there are four people.

Two of them are middle-aged, and one is with a large knife wound in the middle of his face almost cutting his face in half, while the other one is bald, with a tattoo of a cobra covering the top of his head.

The two on the front driving the car is someone that Joe Wang could recognize. This is because those two are part of the group that kidnapped them yesterday.

"Boss, that guy is the one who took out the four young masters." The man in the shotgun seat said.

"Are you sure?" the man with a cobra tattoo on his head asked in confusion.

"Yes, boss… young master Sikong Wu said this personally while scolding us." the man behind the wheels confirmed.

"This is odd, I don't see any spiritual undulation from that boy. But the young woman is certainly a new cultivator. From what I see she is a 1st level body refining realm cultivator." the bald man said while turning his gaze to the man beside him.

However, when he saw the scared face man's expression he could help but feel a shiver down his spine.

The sinister perverted look on the man's face made the bald man sigh internally. He can see that the young woman is truly beautiful beyond compare, but being eyed by this bastard beside him truly made her unlucky.