The cultivator’s society Part 1

Part 36


A blushing young woman is being carried by a young man through the road as if they are escaping from something or someone.

Melissa Krin was surprised when she suddenly felt that someone carried her in a blur then found herself already outside the restaurant running.

Joe Wang has a calm look on his face as he carried her and the stuff they have bought.

The quick burst of movement of the Shadow Step could not be used in escaping long distance. However, with Joe Wang's strength, he easily carries the petite young woman in his arms.

Melissa Krin slowly leaned her head to his sturdy chest and calmly listened to his rapid heartbeat. She can now feel the pain in her whole body after the fight she had with those two powerful people. The wound she has suffered and the depletion of her Qi made her really tired and sleepy.

But before her eyelids could droop she suddenly felt warm energy pouring inside her body. This made her slowly woke up.

"Circulate your Qi." Joe Wang's voice echoed through her ears.

With a smile in her face, she muttered.

"I wish I could have set aside a protective talisman."

"If you get used to those things, then you would not grow stronger. The way you are right now is already amazing." Joe Wang said with a smile.

"Hey… why did you not help me back there?" she coquettishly asked.

"Well, if I did, you would not experience real fighting. And you will not be able to break through to the 2nd level of your realm."

Upon hearing his words, Melissa Krin just smiles and snuggled comfortably in Joe Wang's chest.

Seeing her acting cute and cuddly made Joe Wang's heart feel warm and touched. He didn't know what kind of luck he had in this lifetime to know a wonderful woman like her. She is kind, not overbearing, intelligent and with a good temperament.

Upon remembering his previous wife when he was in the immortal world, he could help but sigh.

But fate has its own way of manipulating things and right now Joe Wang is truly grateful for it to have him know this girl in his arms.

And soon, two days have passed in a blink of an eye after that incident.

Joe Wang was able to concoct basic healing and Qi recovery pills out of the herbs they have bought. Their trip to the market was truly fruitful because they were able to find herbs that are ten years and above in age.

They were even able to buy a hundred years old medicinal herb. Joe Wang turned them into a bunch of Qi foundation pills.

A Qi foundation pill has the efficacy that can help a body refining realm cultivator break through to the next realm which is the spirit refining realm. Reaching this realm a person can have the physique which is as sturdy as metal and strength of one ton.

With this strength, a cultivator is already a very destructive force to be reckoned with.

Hence, before they can grow, the government will already make their move to prevent the further cause of future problems. But of course, this is, if they could not control their strength.

"Hey Mel, come here… taste this." Joe Wang called Melissa Krin as she came down from her room.

The days of cultivating truly made her feel refreshed. Though she has not yet broken through to the 3rd level, being in the 2nd level is already something that she is happy. The qualitative increase in her strength has already made her a very strong woman among her peers, so she is excited at this prospect.

Who would not be, every human being has the wish to become strong and powerful and having a chance to have that strength would make people crazy and excited.

"Hmm… smells good. I'm glad to have you here at home little Joe. If not for you, I would always be hungry or eating outside. The food you make is very delicious and very nourishing… Hey, do you want to make me fat?" Melissa Krin coquettishly hugs Joe Wang.

The two exchange some sweet nothings as they spend their morning together.

Meanwhile, the city was once again thrown into chaos as the footage of a young and gentle looking woman fought against two brawny men who looks like goons.

This video was spread throughout the city which made the headlines new in no time.

When the video was first posted online, the viewers jumped from hundreds to thousands in just a day.

ThickSkinnedMonk: "This is my goddess! She is a true goddess."

Snickeringfool: "I think this is just a camera trick. How can a frail woman do those things?"

AliveInACloud: "This is like the thing I saw a few weeks ago. I think that in this world there truly are cultivators!"

KittyKat: "Hey, dude I'm with you… but does her skill looks like basic western boxing? Do cultivators do that?"

Hubris: "Haha… I don't care about anything as long as I can meet or see my goddess, I'm cool with anything."

As the online remarks began to flood in the full video of that fight was shown on TV that night and immediately made a sensation.

Unknown to Melissa Krin, those who are close to her at school has already recognized her and has now spread her name.

Meanwhile, inside a government building in a large office room, an old man wearing a blue Eastern traditional suit sits calmly in a long and comfortable sofa.

"Master Wang, you've come so far just to visit our small city. This is truly an honor." A pudgy man wearing a Western suit said with a fawning look on his sweaty face.

This pudgy man is the current mayor of Delta city, Mayor Munchin Yao.

When he heard that someone from the higher up is going to visit his office, he immediately paled. Although the mayor is somewhat dishonest in some ways, he is still a good mayor of the city. He has done a lot of things for the city which made it progress thus far.

"Hmm… Don't worry about anything Mayor. I just came here because of my daughter. Someone from this city has saved her life and I wanted to thank them." the old man said calmly while drinking his tea.

"Ah of course… of course… Having to thank them yourself Master Wang, would be their great honor. If this mayor can help you in any way please don't hesitate to ask, Master Wang."

"Yes, I need to know where this address is… this Angel 4S Car Shop." The old man said while handing the mayor a paper with an address in it.

In truth the reason why Master Wang went to Delta city if to find the Angel 4S Car Shop.

This is because of an accident that involved his daughter in college.

At that time, her daughter bought something from her friend which cost a lot of money. When she asked him for that money he was a bit hesitant to give it to her. But since he truly loves and pampered his only daughter out of his three children, he gives in and gave her more than 100,000 credits.

He thought that she would buy a new bag or new clothes. But instead, she bought a small box with a logo of Angel 4S Car Shop in it. At first, he felt that his daughter is truly foolish but since he loved her dearly he didn't bother.

After a few days, she drove back to college and that's where something had happened.

Master Wang received a call from an unknown person and threatened him. The sinister voice of that person made him worry about the safety of his daughter. So without a second thought, he immediately rushed out of his house and chased after his daughter's car.

Then from afar, he saw a huge accident involving a red car and a huge dump truck. Upon seeing this scene from far away, Master Wang immediately had a bad premonition.

However, as soon as he reached the site, he was dumbfounded.

The huge dump truck was actually wrecked at it hits the side cement barrier of the road at a fast speed. From the looks of it, the driver seems to have not survived the accident.

Then when he saw his daughter's car unharmed, he was confused.

After asking his daughter and those who saw the accident an impossible story was formed.

The people called it forcefield, just like in the movies. The eyewitnesses have the same testimony of seeing a golden thin layer surrounding the small car which lasted for a few seconds before vanishing. Then when he asked his daughter about it, she showed him the small box.

The once bright light of the wings in the logo has now turned dark. This means that the item has already been used.

Upon hearing from his daughter the background of this object, he immediately rushed into this city.

As an adjudicator from the cultivator's society, it is his duty to search for these kinds of objects and the presence of powerful unknown cultivators. And the one who made these things is not on their records. So that's why he immediately came to this city after searching through their records for the whole day.

It didn't take too long for the mayor and Master Wang to reach the car shop.

"Master Wang this small car shop is that place in the address." The mayor said as he followed behind Master Wang.

Upon entering the car shop a petite woman immediately meets them.

"Miss, may I have a word with your manager or the owner of the shop. Tell them its the mayor."

When the petite woman heard this, she showed a shock expression in her face. She could not believe that the mayor has actually visited their shop.

"Yes, please wait a minute Mister Mayor… sir…" the woman stammered as she ran inside.

When she came back two women and a young boy followed her out.

Suddenly the face of Master Wang changes upon seeing one of the women. He frowns as confusion and doubt can be seen in his eyes.