Two versus one

Part 35


The fighting in the restaurant has already attracted a bunch of people who held unknown power and authority in the province. This all started when the news of a young man who moves like a ghost appears on TV and the internet.

The sensation was widespread that is become viral throughout the whole province gaining the attention of the government itself. Hence the reason why there are these many giant figures right now in this place.

Meanwhile, Melissa Krin has already hardened her heart to fight against the man even though she is at a disadvantage.

"I can do this… his movements are actually not that refined. If only I can calm down and concentrate then I might have a chance to win this fight." she thought as she tried disregards the pain of her broken rib.

Gritting her teeth she calmed herself down and suddenly revolves the Qi in her dantian. When she did this, a surprised look on her face appear.

Though she can feel the Qi in her body being depleted slowly, the pain began to lessen.

This means that if she continually revolutionizes the Qi in her dantian, her wounds would automatically heal themselves little by little.


"You will pay for that!" the bald man suddenly shouted as he stood up from the rubbles.

The food has been scattered and the bald man's clothes are stained with the sauce. This made him looks like someone who just came out of a garbage bin.

Seeing that her opponent now became two, Melissa Krin immediately tried to circulate the Qi in her dantian to recover her wounds faster.

As she slowly backs away while still staying on a defensive stance, she began to make plans subconsciously.

Meanwhile, on the side, the people began to discuss.

"Master, do you think that girl can survive this? If not I can help her, then we can take her to our sect." a young man standing beside an old man with white hair said while his eyes could take themselves off on Melissa Krin's figure.

When he first saw Melissa Krin a while ago, he was immediately attracted by her beauty. And when he discovered that she is a cultivator like himself, he immediately coveted her as his own.

Now that he has a chance, he wanted to help her and then grab the opportunity to take her back.

But the old man beside him can already see what his disciple is thinking and feeling a little disappointed. He can see that the young woman has an exceptional beauty and is very attractive, but what disappoints him is the way his disciple looks at the young woman.

As a master, he felt ashamed of the way his disciple is acting right now.

With the presence of many powerful figures in this restaurant, his disciple is truly making him lose his face.

So without warning, he immediately smacked the back of his disciple's head.


The young man almost lost his balance by that blow as he rubs his head while grumbling.

Although the cultivation world is overbearing and follows the rule of the jungle, they could not go against the higher-ups of this land.

The cultivation world has already recognized that the normal people are the source of their population. If they treat normal people with prejudice, then it would not give them any advantages. It might even cause war to happen as the history of this world has experienced thousands of years ago.

And this is also the reason why the government is tagging and monitoring all the cultivators in every city.

The old man knew this, hence he felt disappointed at the mindset of his disciple.

But he could not deny the fact that the woman is truly talented. With just a cultivation level of a 2nd level of the body refining stage, she is able to fight against two more powerful cultivators than her. This would only mean one thing; she has an innate fighting or learning ability.

"This young woman can only belong to my Jade sect. Although she just awoke her spiritual roots, we can nurture her to be an ace of the sect and the cultivation world." Suddenly a woman wearing a red veil on her face said.

Everyone turned their eyes to look at the woman who just spoke and their eyes immediately went wide in disbelief.

This woman is very well-known in the cultivation world as the Red Moon master, the leader of the Red Moon sect which only admits women as their disciple.

This Red Moon sect is a very powerful existence in the cultivation world, with many allies due to the inter-marriage between sect disciples of the sect and the other sects, hence making them powerful along with their allies.

When the young man heard this he gritted his teeth in anger. But what can he do, even his master reprimanded him.

But this didn't deter the young man from his goal of getting the beauty in his eyes.

When the two men, has positioned themselves in front of Melissa Krin who looks like a trapped rabbit, an evil grin appears on their faces. They felt that they have won this fight.

Although the woman is very agile, her skill is still unrefined.

But what they didn't know is that Melissa Krin has now learned from her mistake. With her fast learning curve, she has now adapted her body with fighting in just a few exchanges from her opponents.

Because the two seems confident, they didn't attack her immediately and waited for her to recover a bit. With a tacit understanding, they waited until they can see that she has now recovered her breath.

Her quick recovery almost stunned everyone in this restaurant. Who would have thought that it just took her around 5 minutes to be calm and composed? She even stopped holding her side which means that the pain has already subsided.

But before the two men can recover from their amazed expression, Melissa Krin suddenly rushed forward towards the two.

This time, her movements became smooth without any more unnecessary movements.

She first attacks the bald man without stop, sending a barrage of quick punches.

Though surprised, the bald man still has higher cultivation than her. So he immediately went to defensive mode and tried to block each of the blows while countering her punches.

Sneers appear on both men's faces as they view her struggle as for naught.

However, before the two can become smug. The bald noticed something…

But it was too late to react, as his body suddenly became weak.

This made him feel fear and immediately used all his strength to send a punch towards Melissa Krin's stomach.

The speed of the bald man is very fast and that punch almost connected. However, Melissa Krin suddenly bends down and lets the large fist of the bald man pass by her head.

Then she sent a charged upper cut towards the bald man's chin.

However, before her punch could hit the already surprised bald man, she felt a powerful blow coming from the side.

Luckily she didn't focus her mind only on the bald man. Because of this, she immediately noticed the scarred face man's reaction. When the man sent that kick towards her, she immediately shifted her body and that uppercut turned into an elbow blow towards the scarred face man's thigh.

Melissa Krin's figure rolled on the ground as she was able to dodge the ambush while countering the scarred face man.

Feeling the pain on his thigh, the scarred face man frowns.

He did not expect the power of the frail-looking woman to be this much.

He can feel a stinging pain on his thigh and it seems that she just hit a vital part of his leg.

"Haha… truly amazing. I will enjoy ravaging you." The scarred face man let go of all pretense and immediately rushed towards Melissa Krin followed by the bald man.

Seeing the two took the initiative to attack, Melissa Krin did not feel fear but instead excitement.

She didn't know why but her reflexes just became faster as she was able to get the grasp of her strength as a 2nd level body refining cultivator.

"Let's just weaken these two and play with them." she thought as a playful smile appears on her face.

Then the three began to exchange blows.

Meanwhile, not too far from the restaurant, Joe Wang is examining a particular herb.

Suddenly a smile appears on his face.

"I never thought that she has that talent… I hope that this would make you grow stronger." He thought.

Then his attention went back to the one in charge of the stall.

"I'll buy this one." He said gesturing at the herb.

"Ugh… Mister… this… this herb is not that useful. I was about to throw it out because no one is buying them. I still have many stalks of these in here." The man said awkwardly as he showed a bunch of such herbs under the stall drawer.

When Joe Wang heard and saw this he almost jumps in disbelief. For them, this might be a normal herb and looks useless as it can only be used to brew medicine for common colds. But in his eyes, he can immediately see the age of the herbs. The herbs in the basket and the one in the stand are at least 10 years. But the reason why it looks ordinary is that it looks like it is just freshly picked.

This might be the reason why now many would want to buy this herb.

So without a second thought, Joe Wang offered the man 100 credits for the entire herb.

Seeing that someone wanted to buy the herbs he was about to throw out, the man immediately accepted.

After paying, Joe Wang walked towards the restaurant and saw that the three people already looks exhausted.

Melissa Krin has bruises all over her body, but the two men didn't fare well too.

They could not understand how they are having a hard time facing a frail-looking young woman and merely at the 2nd level at that.

"What should we do now?" the bald man whispered.

But before the scarred face man could reply, a whistle coming from afar was heard.

"Shit! The authorities are here. Let's bailout!" The scarred face man said with a fearful look on his face.

The men inside the restaurant wanted to act at this time, but before they can move, they saw a young man that looks like a high school student walking inside the restaurant. Then suddenly that figure blurred and the two figures fell to the ground unconscious.

Then they suddenly discover that the young woman is now gone along with that high school student.

"What! How did that happen?"

"Is that a technique? I think we just found the man who can move like a ghost."

Those are the only things that the people in the restaurant can say as they shook their heads while disappearing out of the restaurant leaving only the two men.

Both the bald man and the scarred face man didn't expect this to happen and because of this, they were caught by the authorities.