Cultivator's fight

Part 34


The busy restaurant full of people doesn't seem to notice what is happening on a certain table where two men are trying to threaten a beautiful young woman. Some have glanced this way and have already noticed the situation but they would not let themselves be involved in such an incident.

Even the security personnel of the restaurant didn't make his move upon seeing the two people. He knows that the two belong to a gang that is also famous in the area, the Golden Tiger gang.

The people of the Golden Tiger gang are like the Dragon gang who controls an area. They would also work as hired thugs for the rich and powerful. Nobody knows the background of the Golden Tiger gang, but one thing is for sure. The other gangs won't dare face this gang head-on because of its scary unknown background.

Right now, the two thugs beside Melissa Krin are members of such gang. This is because on their clothes there is a patch of a tiger's head gold in color.

Although the situation looks dire and dangerous, Melissa Krin's heart slowly became tranquil and calm. As she revolved her Qi within her dantian, she felt strength slowly enters her body making her confident in facing her opponents.

"Hehe… I think she is really afraid." The man holding a knife beside her said while stretching forth his hand.

He could not control himself anymore and wanted to take advantage of the two beautiful twin peaks which seems to call him to touch them.

His action didn't escape Melissa Krin's eyes and grabs this opportunity to act.

"This is my chance! Now!" she thought as her small clenched fist quickly moved.



The sound of something cracking was heard which permeated all over the restaurant turning the atmosphere silent.

The people could not believe what they are seeing.

A gentle-looking young woman has just sent a grown man flying towards a wall in a single punch. This made everyone gasp in disbelief. Who would have thought that a young frail-looking woman would have that kind of power? This is truly something unheard of and almost impossible.

"Are they making a movie?"

"They are using wire right? That seems impossible."

"I think this is just a publicity stunt."

The people in the restaurant began to talk about the scene they are seeing.

Everyone is already at awe this time and even the companion of the guy whom Melissa Krin sent away could not even react with his mouth wide open.

Even Melissa Krin herself could not also believe that her punch could have such an effect.

The man sitting opposite her has regained himself and quickly jumped out of his chair.

"You b*tch! Do you think you can get away after that!" he shouted as he too took out a small folding knife under his black jacket and sent a direct stab towards her chest.

The guy didn't bother whether she is a woman or not, in his mind, he needs to kill her because he feared the strength she just showed. In the gang, they are aware that there are people who are called cultivators. The cultivators are powerful people which the government is also trying to find for some unknown reason.

So right now in his eyes, this woman is clearly a cultivator and is very dangerous. If he could not kill her immediately then his life would be in danger.

The stab of the knife is very fast which gained gasped of disbelief from the people around the restaurant. They did not expect the man to be such a ruthless person to stab someone without scruple.

But in Melissa Krin's eyes, the man's movement is a bit slow making her frown a bit. However, she didn't relax and immediately went to a stance.

Her boxing stance is almost perfect and flawless as she executes her forms like she has done it hundreds of times before.

The knife stabbing towards her chest is now directed towards her head as she bends her body. Seeing the tip of the knife going straight towards her, she easily tilted her head although a bit clumsy but still dodge the blade without a hitch.

She didn't throw a punch yet because she is still a bit hesitant to fight the guy due to her inexperience in battles.

The guy didn't stop with that one move, he sent a couple of stabs and slashes towards her as she dodges them all. At first, her movement is a bit clumsy, but after a few attacks, she can now move flawlessly as she can now adapt to fighting.

She is now feeling confident of herself to be able to fight the guy.

Suddenly she saw him sent a stab, but as soon as she dodges, the knife in his hand suddenly changed direction. From a stab, it turned into a slash towards her neck.

Melissa Krin was a bit stunned, but immediately steeled her heart and sent a punch towards the man's shoulder. This is one of the acupuncture points that Joe Wang showed in her mind. The point would weaken the opponent's strength and can disable their ability to continue fighting.

Unless that person knows medicine and acupuncture then he can't escape this. Even if the enemy has cultivation higher than a single realm, this attack would still be useful and effective.


"My arm! What did you do?!" shouted the man in anguish.

But Melissa Krin did not answer and just made her move. She threw two jabs towards the man's head and a single uppercut making the man flew backward and hitting a table.

The man became unconscious after that hit, and his head now looks like a ball of swollen tomato.

"Take that!" shouted Melissa Krin as she excitedly did a victory pose out of her excitement.

She could not deny deep in her heart how she felt as she fights against the man. She didn't even know how she did it, but still, she won.

The people in the area were stunned at this time. They saw everything and how that weak and gentle looking young lady was able to handle the fierce-looking man like she was playing with him.

But before she could celebrate more, a loud clapping sound reverberated through the air.

"Haha… This is truly amazing! I can't believe that a simple western boxing style has this ability." A bald middle-aged man said as he entered the restaurant beside a scarred face man.

The two have a dangerous aura imposing around their bodies, which made everyone in the restaurant shiver in fear.

"Everyone out!" shouted the bald man.

The people inside the restaurant immediately run outside as fear can be seen in their eyes.

"Young miss… We don't want to trouble you more. Just surrender, we won't treat you that badly. Keke… As you see my friend here has his eyes on you and wants you to accompany him for the night. I'm sure you would feel good afterward. Hehe…"

"Who the hell are you? It was you who started this and now you dare come here and cause me trouble? Come on! I'm not afraid of you!" Melissa Krin shouted.

Although she felt her body a bit afraid, yet she is willing to fight it out with the two. She is confident of her skills now and is not afraid of the two fierce-looking men.

Without a word, she immediately positions herself in a fighting stance. She is prepared to face the two people.

She took the initiative to attack with a very fast movement.

With only a blur appearing, the two men were taken aback at her speed. They didn't expect that a mere 2nd level body refining realm cultivator could have such a speed.


The bald man was sent flying towards the wall. Although he has higher cultivation, he truly looks down on his opponent.

Hitting the wall, and breaking a table, the bald man was stunned and almost fainted by that strong punch.

He is already at the 6th level of the body refining stage and is confident of his strength and physique. But he didn't expect that a simple punch from a cultivator at the 2nd level could send him flying even making him almost faint.

What he didn't know is that Melissa Krin's cultivation and physique are unlike the cultivation technique from this world. When she reached the 1st level of body refining realm, her bone marrow and skin has already excreted the impurities out of her body, hence making her far stronger than those normal cultivators from this world.

When Joe Wang taught her to cultivate, he didn't know that the cultivation technique in this world is very weak and is only focused on cultivating Qi. Although this could make them cultivate faster, their physique would fall low.

When Melissa Krin sent the bald man flying, she didn't stop and immediately faced the scarred faced man. She sent him a quick jab towards his chin.

But the scarred faced man didn't have any changes in his expression as he calmly extended his hand and blocks the jab that she sent.

With a quick move of his hand, he grabs her soft and slender wrist and an evil smile appeared on his face.

Melissa Krin was stunned and wanted to move but she was unable to take her hand. Her wrist was grabbed by the scarred face man like a strong metal shackle. She is unable to remove her hand from that large and strong hand of the man.

"Little girl… you are very feisty. I like it… Keke… I will enjoy your feistiness tonight." The man said as he suddenly sent a fast blow towards Melissa Krin's stomach.

Although it was fast, Melissa Krin didn't know why but her body unconsciously shifted sideward and dodges a fatal blow that would have made her unconscious.

However, her figure was still sent upwards while one of her wrists is still under the man's control.

While one air, she grabs this chance to send a casual kick towards the man's face.

Although he is confident of his strength, the scarred face man didn't underestimate Melissa Krin's strength. Hence he quickly let go of her wrist and crossed his arms to defend against the fast kick.

But he was surprised when he just felt a light tap from her feet and a strong push followed after.

Melissa Krin jumped backward and uses the man's arms to push her back as her figure gracefully somersaulted.

Upon landing, she showed a faint expression of pain as she holds the left side of her upper abdomen. From her breathing, it seems that she has just suffered from a rib fracture.

Although afraid and praying that Joe Wang should return but she remembers two days ago her hopelessness. If she would always rely on him, then she would just be a piece of heavy baggage and would be a burden to him.

And this she would not permit. Hence she gritted her teeth and face the scarred face man with a renewed determination.

Meanwhile in some corners of the restaurant, there still people who did not run away. These people are calmly watching the fight with great interest in their eyes.

Their interest is directed to the beautiful and graceful young woman who seems to look ordinary but packs a deadly fighting technique and strength.

"This is getting interesting… I did not expect that there are still rogue cultivator with such strength… truly fascinating, my journey to this place is very rewarding." muttered an old man full of white hair.