The cultivator’s society Part 5

Part 40


Joe Wang didn't expect that the combination of mental fatigue and the use of his mana would cause him to feel weak. Luckily for him, the pendant hidden under her clothes emits a large amount of natural energy. So Joe Wang didn't bother with anything and just absorbed the contents.

However, after he absorbed the large mana contents of the pendant, he saw the eyes of the young woman he is treating already open and she is currently glaring at him with disbelief in her eyes.

Elvira Qin was unconscious at that time but suddenly felt a very warm sensation entering her body. That warm sensation made her tremble in delight. If she can moan she already did, however, she can't because everything around her is dark.

Suddenly she felt the warm energy stopping which made her feel a bit disappointed. Then she felt a warm hand is grabbing her chest. Though it didn't touch her boobs, the skin in the middle suddenly experienced a very warm current which made her heartbeat quicken.

In her mind, she became excited again and began moaning in pleasure. However, this is only in her imagination as she can't still move her physical body.

Then she suddenly feels the sensation around her body coming back, as the pleasure inside her intensify.

Joe Wang didn't recognize the twitching of Elvira Qin as he was fully concentrated in absorbing the mana in her pendant. His large hand is laying in the middle of her chest in-between her perky but not too large virgin bosom.

Suddenly, a low moaning sound began to escape her small mouth. But this resonates with the sound in Joe Wang's ears as the energy inside the pendant was at the peak of being finished.

Elvira Qin is in the height of her orgasm as the wonderful sensation in her body keeps increasing to the point that made her mind blank.

With a twitch of her body, she came.

She slowly opens her eyes and immediately felt the wet sensation between her legs making her blush a little. However, when she saw a handsome young man standing beside her while one of his hands is right in her chest.

Her mind blanks out.

She immediately threw a slap towards Joe Wang's face.


This slap from a 1st level spirit refining realm cultivator is not light, making Joe Wang see stars as he flew to the wall.


Then she shouted loudly.


Immediately everyone outside the door, rushed in to see what's going on.

But as soon as they saw the almost half-naked young woman on the sofa and the sorry state of Joe Wang, everyone was stunned.

The quick one to react was Melissa Krin as she immediately got hold of the jacket on the sofa's sidearm and cover it on Elvira Qin's body.

The young woman on the sofa was stunned at her quick moments and showed a grateful look on her face. But her expression immediately changes when she realized who Melissa Krin is.

Silence engulfs the room as an awkward atmosphere surrounded them all.

"Ugh…" Joe Wang groans as he picks himself up and slowly stands.

"Damn, that hurt! You… you ungrateful bi… woman." Joe Wang said in anger.

However, when he realized that the woman is now covered with a jacket and the whites of her shoulder blades are showing he realized what had happened.

"Ahem… Since you are fine now, you should go." Joe Wang said in a dignified manner.

Upon hearing his words, Elvira Qin immediately blushed in shyness.

How can she go? Right in-between her legs are dripping wet, she can't just run around like that.

"Alright, everyone please go out first." Angel Mei Ong this time gestured.

The police who wanted to ask the young woman on the sofa relented as they too were pushed out by the two ladies. And to their surprise, the young frail-looking woman is actually able to push them out of the room with ease.

"Let her get dress first before asking her some questions." Melissa Krin said as she turns around and enters the room.

When the police wanted to enter, the old man to the side suddenly steps forward.

"Captain Michael Ko, please wait for a while okay?" Master Wang said with a smile.

Inside the room, Elvira Qin is glaring at Joe Wang who had an awkward look on his face. When he scanned her, he immediately saw her panty that is already wet. He didn't know if she peed on herself or something and he didn't want to pry on it.

He carefully walks towards the small clothing cabinet on the side and took out a dress which is owned by Angel Mei. Then he walks to the side of the young woman.

"Here, you can change into this."

When Elvira Qin saw the dress, she frowns but she has no choice. She can't let the other people see her sorry state. Gritting her teeth she slowly sat straight.

When Joe Wang saw her action and the jacket slowly falling he immediately turns around with respect to the woman. Although she is the enemy, in his eyes, she is just some willful second-generation spoiled brat.

And she was already taught a good lesson.

Plus he is sure that Angel Mei Ong has already calculated the damage and they would make them bleed a little money for what they have done.

Seeing that Joe Wang turn around, Elvira Qin didn't hesitate to remove her already torn clothing and carefully put on the dress. However, there is still a pain in her ribs because of the effort she exerted when slapping Joe Wang.

She grimaces in pain but was able to put on the blue dress.

"I'll be going out now… I… What you did today was over the line. I could have let you die, but I didn't. You have pointed a blade to my woman… I will forgive you this time, but you have to pay for the compensation… Hopefully, our paths would never cross again." Joe Wang said then he quickly went out.

"You… you took my first time. Do you think you can escape me? I… I will have you as my man… and… and." Elvira Qin thought to herself but suddenly blushed upon remembering that wonderful sensation that invaded her whole body.

It was like she felt heaven twice in her lifetime.

"They said, that if it's your first time it would hurt. Why don't I feel any pain down there?" she thought as her finger slowly crept towards that place.

But then the door suddenly burst open as a disheveled man rushed in.

"Young mistress! Young Mistress, are you fine?... What did that guy do to you? They said that your brain was bleeding and that your inner organs are damage? Do you feel pain anywhere?" her guard immediately asked a series of questions that almost dumbfounded her.

But upon knowing her condition, she was stunned. Brain trauma? Internal bleeding?

Then why didn't she feel anything except the pain on her ribs?

However, before she can think again the police enter the room.

"Young miss. I am Captain Michael Ko… I would like to invite you to the precinct to explain yourself in this incident."

Hearing his words, Elvira Qin felt a little angry.

The reason why she went here is for the car protection unit. She needs those things as a lifesaving item in their upcoming clan tournament.

Since the focus of the elders in her clan is on her older brothers, she wanted to prove herself.

But everything backfired, even with the help of a powerful outer elder of her clan she still didn't succeed. Plus she almost lost her life.

When she was about to agree, Master Wang stepped in.

"Captain, this is now the matters of the cultivator's society. I hope that the police can step down."

Upon hearing the words, cultivator's society, a look of fear and respect can be seen in the eyes of the policemen in the room. As the police, they have learned that in this world there is a higher existence which controls the whole country. And that higher existence is the cultivator's society.

"We are sorry to interfere in this matter, Sir…" Captain Michale Ko said.

However, he showed a faint smile on his face.

Master Wang interfered at this time because he plans to have that haughty young woman owe him something. And he has already spoken in secret to the good Captain.

After the police have left, they informed them about the dead body outside and that they have already informed the Qin clan about the incident.

Master Wang just nods his head in agreement with what Captain Ko and his team did. He didn't want to bother with the trivial things anyway.

After talking with Elvira Qin, they reached an agreement that she would compensate for the damage in the car shop. As young miss of a big clan, giving out millions of credits is just a piece of cake for her. Upon coming out of the room, Elvira Qin saw Joe Wang sitting in one corner and playing with a mobile phone. The look of reluctance can be seen in her eyes. But she gritted her teeth and decided to walk towards Joe Wang.

"Hey, you… give… give me your number."

Upon hearing her words, the five people behind her were stunned.

Melissa Krin immediately frowns as a tinge of jealousy can be seen on her beautiful face.

"Me? Why should I? We are enemies right?" Joe Wang said without taking his eyes off his phone.

"You…" Elvira Qin was angry but she could not do anything.

She has already caused too much trouble. And she wanted to go home now.

Stumping her small feet in anger, she and her bodyguard walks out of the ruined car shop.

When her car left, Elvira Qin could not help herself but look back on the ruined car shop from the backseat. Then a beautiful smile appears in her face upon once again recalling that sweet sensation she has experienced for the first time. In her heart, she swore to find that young man again.

And then...

The people have already left and even the staff and the mayor were sent home early by Angle Mei and Master Wang. Since the damage is extensive, she decided to renovate everything.

From her calculation, the amount that the young miss of the Qin family is willing to pay is enough for her to rent a new building. This time, she would rent or build a two-story building.

After the fiasco, Master Wang calmly walks towards Joe Wang.

"Master Wang, thank you for your help in this mess." Joe Wang didn't put on any airs in front of this old man.

"Young Joe, you are too kind. This is something that I must do as an adjudicator. I always fix the damages that these cultivators do to society."

"I'm guessing that you are here for something right?"

"Yes, I want to invite you to the cultivator's society."

Upon hearing his words, Joe Wang almost let go of his phone in astonishment.