Hidden Agenda

Part 41


On the road, a pudgy middle-aged man is behind a luxurious vehicle. Beside him is an already ripped clothing of a woman. A perverted yet satisfied grin is on his face, this man is the mayor.

When the situation seems chaotic, the mayor calmly stayed to the side and would casually peek inside the room. When Elvira Qin was changing he saw in that small slit the white skin and the curvaceous body, of the young woman inside the room.

He truly wanted to push that beautiful yet feisty woman on that sofa and f*ck her. In his mind, he is imagining the scene where he is on top of her delicious body as he moves his d*ck in and out while listening to her sweet moaning voice.

But of course, this is just his imagination. How a lowly man like him can dream to catch that high and lofty princess of the Qin? But his imagination can still run wild.

Suddenly his hand subconsciously drew near that ragged clothes on the side as he grabs it and drew it closer to his nose.

The virgin scent of Elvira Qin clouded his mind with desire as he unconsciously shifted his already bulging lower part.

Joe Wang had an incredulous look on his face as he looks at the old man in front of him. However, Master Wang maintains his amiable smile towards the young man who seems to still be in his high school years.

"Ahem… Master Wang, I… I think I should say no to this, right? I mean, I am just a high school student. After this school year, I might or might not be able to go to college. So entering the cultivator's society at this age is somewhat… awkward, right?" Joe Wang asked with a sheepish smile on his face.

"Cough… Cough… Ah… I'm already getting old and a bit agitated. My enthusiasm has once again blinded me… I am usually like this when I see talented people like you. And don't want time to be wasted. I am an old man now and have just reached the spirit refining realm in my cultivation. Sigh…" A heavy sigh followed his words.

Memories of his younger days suddenly enter his mind as Master Wang recalled his days as an active cultivator.

He truly wanted to reach the peak at least break through to the core-forming realm. But from the looks of it, it seems impossible already. At his age, he just reached the 8th level of the spirit refining realm which is only enough to land him a job in the cultivator's society as an adjudicator.

And so, he didn't want Joe Wang to waste his time while he is still young.

"Tell me, young man, how are you able to hide your cultivation?" he asked in curiosity.

"Me? I… I never said that I am a cultivator." Joe Wang replied with confusion in his eyes.

"What? Then… then how did you teach that pretty young lass how to cultivate?"

"Oh, that… I just learned it from someone. And then I tested it on her since she trusted me I was happy to have a free Guinea pig. Hihi… Ouch!"

Joe Wang chuckled, however, a loud smack on his head suddenly interrupted him.

"That hurts… you… Oh… Hehe…" Joe Wang's guilty and sheepish smile made Melissa Krin almost laugh.

She knew that he is just fooling around at the old man, but she could not help herself to smack his head upon hearing that she was just a Guinea pig.

"Anyway, Master Wang I actually know what you mean. But as I said, I am not a cultivator, hence I can only say no."

"Tsk… Then that is too bad."

"However… I… I can actually help you with something." Joe Wang said with a mysterious look on his eyes.

Upon hearing his words, Master Wang could not help himself to look at Joe Wang's eyes. And upon seeing his expression his old heart suddenly skipped a beat. The look on that young man's eyes immediately gave him hope.

"You see our power is too weak right now and many people are bullying us. In a week before the school year starts, I can reach a level where I can concoct a pill for you. It is called the core establishment pill. My condition is only simple, please protect us." Joe Wang said his condition but in the end, politely presented his request to the old man.

Upon hearing his words, an exciting feeling rose up in Master Wang's old heart. From the name of the pill, his dream of reaching the core-forming realm would come true. This is a chance of a lifetime and for an old cultivator like him he would pass it by.

"Young man, I wanted to trust you but... I still need some proof that you are able to concoct the medicine. Would that be fine?"

"Sigh… I guess you have your own circumstances. Anyway, here this is just a simple pill to replenish your physical energy." Joe Wang casually tossed out a pill that he always makes.

Master Wang felt a bit hesitant but he still takes the small pill. Once the pill touches his saliva, he immediately noticed it turning into a liquid.

"If you want your Qi to be replenished guide it to your dantian and not let it stay long in your stomach." Joe Wang added.

Master Wang followed Joe Wang's instructions and his eyes immediately widened in astonishment.

Melissa Krin's house

That night, Joe Wang called his parents and planned to introduce Melissa to them as his friend. This way they would not continually worry about him.

"Hi, mom! How are you?"

His mother immediately rained him with hundreds of unending questions.

"Mom, I'm doing fine… I'm staying at a friend's house now along with my master. Do you want to see them?" Joe Wang said as he drops the call and uses the video function of his Talk-Talk app.

Upon opening the phone's function he saw his parents sitting on the sofa and on the side is his snobbish older sister.

As they saw their son, a loving expression immediately showed on their face.

His mother unexpectedly has her eyes started tearing up and grumbled.

"Since that day you were missing your acting sneaky already… Joe Wang, tell me the truth? Are you hiding a girl?"

This question almost made Joe Wang stumble. He already told his parents that he is currently training with his master, however, who would believe him? Now he plans to act out something with Master Wang. So he grabs this opportunity so that the suspicion of his parents would be alleviated.

"Honey, what are you talking about?" his dad immediately scolded.

"Mom, I told you I will introduce you to my master and my friend today, okay?" Joe Wang said with a smile.

Then he walked to the side of the sofa where Master Wang is currently cultivating on the carpeted floor. Meanwhile, Melissa Krin is also on the other side sitting crossed leg.

In a whispering voice, Joe Wang introduced them.

"Mom, that old man is my master… and that young lady is my friend."

"Why are you so sneaky? Are you hiding something?" Joe Wang's mom loudly asked with a tone of suspicion.

Luckily Joe Wang is wearing a headset, if not, then Master Wang and Melissa Krin would be disturbed and would fail to absorb the Qi in the house.

This is one of the perks that Joe Wang said to Master Wang for being their temporary helper.

When his family heard his mom's voice, they also take a look at the two people sitting on the floor.

However, Joe Wang's snobbish sister suddenly has her eyes wide open in disbelief.

This is because she actually knew who the beautiful young woman in the camera is. She is one of the most famous campus belles in the university, Delta Uni, where she is also currently studying.

"Mom… mom… that… what did little Joe say? She… that woman is his friend? Is… is that for real?" Joe Wang's sister, Cynthia Wang said with a trembling voice.

But her parents didn't mind her grumbling as they continually talk to Joe Wang.

It clearly shows excitement written all over her face. She knew who Melissa Krin is as well as many on the campus. Not only is she very intelligent, but she is also one of the most beautiful girls on the campus.

Inside her mind, she is already plotting something.

"Since that little brat owes me once before and would always want to pay me back from what he did before, then this is my chance, Hihi…" Cynthia Wang thought as excitement swells up within her heart.

She would ask her brother to introduce her to Melissa, and then she would be her best friend. That way no one would bully her in the University just because of the rumor spread by that damnable guy.

In fact, deep in her heart, she is always grateful to Joe Wang when he told their parents about her relationship with that guy. And luckily it was stopped by her parents, else she would be one of those girls that have been used by that person and left to the side after.

She knew that if that had happened to her, she would kill herself.

However, the humiliation from that time is deeply etched in her heart that she blames Joe Wang for it. She blames him for ruining her first love.

But now, upon seeing Melissa Krin a hopeful glint in her eyes sparkled.

"Hey, little Joe when are you coming back?" she suddenly blurted out with a smile.

When her mother and father heard her words, they were stunned.

A pin-drop silence engulfs the three of them.

They can't believe their daughter who treated their son coldly would say these words. So the hearts of both parents swell up with joy as they look at the change of expression in their daughter.

"Cynthia my dear, are you willing to forgive your little brother now?" her mother asked while controlling her emotion.

Cynthia Wang nods her head lightly and smiled.

However, Joe Wang on the other line clearly saw the cunning glint in her eyes.

He knew that she recognized Melissa a while ago on the video screen.

"What is this little girl planning? Hmm… I wonder." He thought as he lifted one of his eyebrows.