The tragedy of Bailing Ao Part 1

Part 46


The branded clothing shop slowly gathers some people as the onlookers tried to see what is happening inside the shop. From outside one can see a couple standing in front of a very beautiful and charming young woman who stood confidently in front of them.

However, this scene suddenly changes when the young woman wearing the blue mini skirt seems to have tripped.

Almost everyone knew what the woman is thinking from that fake fall.

Then she suddenly extended her hand to grab the young woman in front. Yet, what baffled the audience is the next action of the falling woman.

Her feet suddenly slid forward as her stiletto suddenly broke its heels and she was sent sliding forward making her leg do a split position.

Joe Wang who is sitting on the sofa had a full view of her red and black laced sexy panties. If he was a normal young man, it would truly cause him to have a nosebleed. He can even see some curly hair peeking from the side of that alluring scene.

The mini skirt of Catherine Lu was totally ripped as she had a look of someone who could not describe the pain they were feeling. She can't even scream as it seems that her legs were dislocated or something.

Though she can do plays, arts, and music, she has not learned to dance as dancing was not her forte.

Everyone was too stunned to do anything at this time.

Suddenly everyone was awoken as they saw a young man took a coat from the cloth rack and quickly draped it to the woman's waist. His action was so smooth and fluid that everyone has no time to react.

Although Joe Wang caused the woman to suffer such humiliation, he still considered her as a woman with dignity, he has already seen enough. So he decided to help her.

But who would have thought that when the woman felt Joe Wang's presence she would suddenly grab his arm? Then with a pleading whisper, she said.

"P… P… Please help me… My… my waist… it… it hurts so bad… I… I can't bear the pain."

Joe Wang can see that tears are almost welling on the side of her eyes.

Without a word, Joe Wang suddenly lifted her up.


She whelps at the pain, as she was carried by Joe Wang like a princess. Joe Wang didn't bother with this and just looks at Melissa Krin and gave her a signal to follow.

"Can I use your resting area?" Joe Wang asked the stills, stunned manager.

The manager subconsciously nods her head.

However, the man with Catherine Lu suddenly extended his hand and stopped Joe Wang.

"What are you doing?" the man said with a stern voice.

He looks at Joe Wang with a haughty expression, but deep inside he is already fuming in rage. He didn't expect that a random nobody would suddenly carry his fiancé.

Joe Wang didn't bother with the man as he suddenly took a side step and quickly dodge.

"You…" but before the man can react, his arm was touched by a soft slender hand.

"Please, don't worry. Your fiancé may have been injured. My boyfriend is going to take care of her. Just wait here okay?" Melissa Krin said with a smile.

Although she didn't know why Joe Wang would go to such length as to help that arrogant school mate of hers, she still trusted him as she followed the two to the resting lounge of the shop.

Joe Wang put the woman still grimacing in pain on the sofa.

He has already scanned her body and saw that she broke some of her tendons and some were swollen. He knew this pain as when practicing martial arts, his master made him experienced such pain before. So with a slight lifting and move of her leg, he has already placed her tendons and muscles in the right order.


Catherine Lu cried again. However this time she didn't feel any of that stinging pain. The tears on the sides of her eyes have already flowed down making her look pitiful. In fact, if she didn't wear too much makeup, she would look like a pure angel. But because of her competitive heart, she thought that putting on more makeup on her face would make her more beautiful than Melissa Krin.

When Melissa Krin enters the room, Joe Wang beckoned her to come closer.

"Heal her right leg muscles and tendons…"

Joe Wang's words made Melissa Krin dumfounded.

However, an expectant feeling swells deep in her heart. So she stepped forward and carefully followed Joe Wang's instructions.

This is because; Joe Wang didn't want to use the natural energy in his body to heal the woman. However, Melissa Krin has already learned Qi channeling at this early stage. She can already show a faint amount of Qi on her palms. However, it is still not enough for a Qi release.

As she carefully healed the leg of Catherine Lu many onlookers on the side are watching in astonishment.

The slightly glowing palm of Melissa Krin made them feel like they are seeing some miracles happening.

And true to what they were thinking, after ten minutes the grimacing face of Catherine Lu has already relaxed as she showed a comfortable expression.

Suddenly, Melissa Krin staggered back as she felt weakness all over her body.

Joe Wang showed a faint smile, he knew that this experience would teach Melissa Krin about human anatomy faster than being in a class. By using her small amount of Qi and almost perfect control, she was able to navigate it throughout Catherine Lu's body. In fact, five minutes ago, she has already finished healing the swollen muscles on her hip and pelvis and began exploring.

"Are you okay?" he softly asked as he gave her a pill to recover her Qi.

Melissa nods her head. In fact, she was excited because she felt that her understanding has taken another step forward. She felt that she is like a heroine in a novel learning many skills to improve herself and become the strongest.

The two stood up and was about to walk out when the man with Catherine Lu suddenly stood on their way.

He could not hide his angry expression anymore as he felt that the two deliberately take liberties of his woman's body. But the thing that ticks him the most is the closeness of the beautiful young woman to the 'boy'.

"You have to pay for what you did to my fiancé. Watch your back… boy." he said in a low but threatening tone.

Joe Wang just smirks.

"If you don't move out of the way, I assure you that you will be picking your teeth on the ground."

This simple word from Joe Wang made the man suddenly felt chills down his spine. So he unconsciously took a step to the side and made the two pass.

Joe Wang and Melissa Krin walks out of the room and paid for the clothes. The two continued shopping like nothing has happened.

It was already night time when they went out of the mall after eating their dinner.

Walking down the parking lot, the two stuff the bags into the trunk of the car.

When they turn around, they suddenly saw a group of around twenty people suddenly appearing in the parking lot.

Those people who saw this scene immediately scuttled, even the security guards seem to have vanished from their post.

"Hehe… The woman is a true high-quality good. It's a shame… truly a shame. Keke…" a large bulky man stepped forward with a long metal pole on his hand.

Joe Wang became alert at this time as he stood in front of Melissa Krin. This would be good practice for her, but he is not sure if she can face 20 people at once.

"Take the woman and kill the brat… The authorities would not interfere." The man confidently said.

From his words, all the men confidently took out bladed weapons from their pockets.

"Who are you, people? What do you want?" Melissa shouted in agitation.

However, her voice is like an aphrodisiac making all the men around them almost went wild.

"That voice would truly make a good moaning sound in bed… Keke… f*ck the boss. If you fall in my hand I will have you tonight. Hihi…" the man said perversely.

"Hey, boss. How about us? We wanted to share the fun too."

"F*ck off!"

"Kill that, 'boy' first then we can have the spoils."

The men around Joe Wang and Melissa Krin suddenly began moving forward.

While this is happening, Joe Wang is saying something to Melissa Krin in a low voice.

"Look, this is what the reality of this world. Not everyone would consider you as a human. Now, the question is… what makes you different from them?"

"If you wanted to fight, fight, if you wanted to kill, then kill… with a 'good' reason. You must harden your heart to face your reality. If not, then those whom you love would be the one to suffer, not just you. Now... decide." This was the twisted reality that has been embedded in Joe Wang's soul ever since he started in his path in cultivation.

Karma is a very strong force. Both good and bad karmas would affect someone from ascending to either the immortal heavenly realm or the immortal demonic realm. Lucky for him his actions made him balance the good and bad karma in his life hence he was able to ascend to the immortal heavenly realm.

After hearing his words, Melissa Krin immediately showed a determined look on her face. She would not let just anyone step on her and threaten her as a weak woman. The figure of many people suddenly came to her mind as she gritted her teeth. If she would not become strong in both body and mind, then those figures would continually trample on her and those people she loves.

Suddenly, she took a stance and faces the people in front of her.

"Haha… this woman is a fighter. This is truly amazing. Come on, let me see your skills… woman." The bulky man loudly laughed.

However, before he can think of anything, his mind went blank as he saw two blurry figures began beating his men. Even with knives on their hands, his men look like punching bags as they would be sent flying with a punch or two.

"Heh… I was too flustered. These guys are weak…" suddenly Melissa Krin's relieve voice was heard.

"Umm… How about, that one?" Joe Wang asked as he pointed at the bulky man.

"Well, I haven't vented my frustrations yet. I want to face him myself," she said with a smile.

When the man saw Melissa Krin took her boxing stance and slowly approached him. He could help but feel his back drenched in a cold sweat.

Her fist are like that of a praying mantis ready to strike its prey, while her eyes are like that of a tiger, as her quick and nimble legs look like dancing snakes swaying from side to side making the man's head felt dizzy.

She is like an approaching goddess, but not of love but of war.

Joe Wang watching on the side could not help mutter.

"That's my girl."