The tragedy of Bailing Ao Part 2

Part 47


Several people are rolling on the ground while wailing in pain. While two are standing in the middle, a young man and woman with a relaxed expression.

The young woman is showing an excited look on her face as she tried to control her feeling and heartbeat. She has just fought a fight, but in this fight, she learned how to control her strength so as not to kill anyone.

Melissa Krin also tried to convince Joe Wang not to overdo his attacks and not to kill anyone. As a law-abiding citizen, she didn't want to violate her morality as a human. So she would always pull her punches.

Seeing this, Joe Wang shook his head as he just helplessly smiles. He knew that she was right. They have to power within their hands to control the fate of anyone they meet and that they should not lower themselves to the level of these people.

"Let's leave… We can't let the police find us here." Melissa Krin said as she drags Joe Wang towards their car.

The two left without a trace as they drove away.

As soon as they left, two men got off from a blue sedan car.

One of them is smoking a cheap cigarette as he flicks it to the ground. The two are wearing black long trenchcoats which made them look like gangsters from the movie.

"These f*cking bastards are useless. They can't even beat a frail woman and a high schooler. What a waste…" a bespectacled man said as he suddenly waves his hand and an arms-length blade appears on his hand.

"Let's finish these f*ckers off and blame it to those two. Let's see how they can handle this."

"Let's quickly finish up then."

The man said as the two began killing the thugs who showed a petrified and terrified look on their faces. They didn't think that their employers would kill them at this time.

The large man who was beaten by Melissa Krin was not satisfied with this so he forced himself to fight back. However, the two are experts in fighting so he was still killed.

No one expected that the brawl just before would end into a mass murder case of 20 people.

But the two just left just like that as if nothing has happened.

Suddenly after the two left, a loud scream of a woman called the attention of the security and other people in the parking lot. Then they saw 20 dead bodies on the ground lying on their own blood.

When the two killers saw this, they showed an evil smile on their faces as they left the place driving their car.

The blue sedan car went to a mountain road towards the outskirts of the city where a medium-sized villa lays. Inside a particular room of the villa decorated with modern western architecture, a fat man is sitting on the sofa with a petite woman on his lap with her hair in a bun. The woman is moaning in pleasure as she moves up and down the fat man's body.

The fat man is already panting as his face showed a perverted expression of ecstasy as he climaxed.

As the woman went down the fat man's lap she frowned in discontent. It has just been ten minutes since they started and the fat man has already done with his orgasm making her feel annoyed in displeasure.

Knock! Knock!

Suddenly a loud knock sounded through the door.

"Come in!" said the fat man as he covers himself with a blue bathrobe.

The woman, on the other hand, walks to the side of the window and stood there while lighting up a smoke.

Two men wearing a trenchcoat enters the room.

"It is done… Those bozos can't even handle two young people. So we killed them and planted some evidence on the area." the bespectacled man said.

"What? I thought I told you to catch them? I want that woman! I don't care about the boy…" shouted Bailing Ao.

When the woman heard the report, she just showed a frown in her face as she continues smoking. Her gaze is outside the window.

"Both of you are just stupid fools. I don't want this thing blown up! Why did you do that?"

"Boss, you told us to make them suffer, right?"

"Yeah, but in front of me… idiots." He scolded.

"I want to f*ck that woman in front of that boy's face and see what his reaction is. Then I want to cut his d*ck like what they did to my son."

Bailing Ao has already discovered that Joe Wang was with Melissa Krin at the time she was taken a hostage. And they suspected that it was Joe Wang that did those things to the young masters, which included his own son.

"So, that was your plan… Nice… very nice."

Suddenly, an eerie voice reverberated through the air.

When the four people inside the room heard this, they immediately become defensive. The two men in trenchcoat took out their arm length blades, while the woman in the window jumped towards the side of the fat man. Both of her hands are already holding a reverse curved dagger.

However, right at this moment, the fat man is already shivering in fright. That voice was very eerie that it made him feel like death is coming for him.

From the shadow of the maroon curtains, a tall figure appears.

It was Joe Wang covering his face with a cloth.

The four didn't know that within the room there is already a fifth figure. This made them became alert as they look at Joe Wang.

"Hey, fatty. You came too fast… I think your kidney has a problem. Plus your thing is… wayyy… bit small." Joe Wang said with a smirk.

"I think that sister over there is not yet satisfied."

"Who… who… are you? How… how did you come into my room?" Bailing Ao suddenly shouted.

"Well, your balcony is open. What did you expect?" Joe Wang said with a smile appearing on his eyes.

"Kill! Kill him!" shouted Bailing Ao in panic.

The two men immediately moved as they rushed towards Joe Wang. They brandish their blades with precision targeting his vital parts. However, Joe Wang moved like a graceful snake as he dodges each of their attacks.

"Hmm… too weak." He muttered as suddenly one of his hands flew towards the blade of the bespectacled man.

Hitting the butt of the blade, it flew out of the man's hand into the air, while sending the bespectacled man staggering a few meters back towards the fat man's direction.

Then as the other man attacked, Joe Wang dodged up and suddenly rolled on the back of the man as he sent a kick to the air.

This kick connects to the falling blade which skewered the bespectacled guy right on his chest as he was trying to continue charging towards Joe Wang.

The left hand of Joe Wang snaked towards the arm of the other man holding a blade, as he landed. Then with a tug, the man was surprised at Joe Wang's strength as his figure suddenly flew towards the two people who are slowly retreating to the door.

The woman has a quick reaction as she suddenly jumped up and kicked the figure of the flying towards the ground. Then she landed in front of Joe Wang.

As soon as she landed, she brandished her two daggers and began attacking Joe Wang.

Her swift movements made Joe Wang realized that the woman is actually a cultivator. When the two were f*cking, he never saw any spiritual undulation on the woman. However, now that he was fighting with her, he can see a thin line of aura.

1st level cultivator…

Joe Wang smirked as he suddenly moved his foot and kicked accurately at one of the daggers on the woman's hands. Upon contact, the woman grimace in pain as her hand loosen which made the dagger flew towards the already escaping fat man.

While the two are fighting the fat man quickly opened the door and run outside. But before the door would fully close, he felt his leg go numb as he fell. Then he saw a dagger embedded on his thick fatty calf.


He cried as he crawled.

Joe Wang didn't bother with the woman anymore as he suddenly sent out a quick punch on her abdomen making her body fold like a shrimp. Then with a twist of his body, he kicked the dagger on her hand towards the forehead of the other fallen man killing him on the spot.

"No… No… please spare me." suddenly the woman begged with heavy breathing as she could not catch her breath after that punch.

Joe Wang smirked as he lifted his hand to grab her neck.

As soon as he was about to hold her, many footsteps can be heard down the corridor outside.

This span of seconds where Joe Wang has not focused his attention on the woman, she quickly grabs the sharp hair ornament on her head and stabs it toward Joe Wang's neck. She was truly vicious as her movements were silent and precise.

However, before that sharp tip could reach Joe Wang's neck it has already stopped inches away from his skin.

"What a bad girl." Joe Wang said while twisting her hand with a crack.

Before the woman could scream, he has already lodged the tip of the hair ornament in her eyes using her own broken hand.

She couldn't even scream as she died instantly.

Meanwhile, outside the room within the corridor, eight men came running towards Bailing Ao. They saw him lying on the ground trembling with some foam gushing from his mouth. Then on his leg where the blade was still lodged black colored vein has already spread.

"Boss! The men shouted…" they didn't know what happened as they immediately ran when they seem to hear some commotion outside while their boss shouted.

While others are trying to assist their boss, some went to the room with their guns ready. When they open the door, they saw three people. But from the position of the three, it seems like they were fighting against each other.

This baffled the people in the room. Then they look at the woman and considered her to be the assassin. This is because they had never seen her before.

The matter was blown up as the police investigated. With Joe Wang's machination, it pointed out that Bailing Ao is trying to clean up a gang, but after killing the gang, he was assassinated by an unknown woman.

This case opens up a lot of other brutal gang-related cases that supported their suspicion, and since Bailing Ao is already dead the authorities did hesitate and dug up everything.

Yet, the news died down as the claws of the Dragon gang interfered.