A student’s life Part 1

Part 48


The clear blue morning sky was a dazzling sight to behold as one starts a new day.

In a blink of an eye, a few days have passed and it's time for the students to go back to school once again after a long school vacation.

Joe Wang has already returned to his home and did a few reviews on his school work and did some more research on the life of a high school student in this world. A surprising fact is made known unto him in his travels outside and the dealings he made in making money to buy cultivation resources, this continent is divided into two parts. There is an area for the mortals and the area for the cultivators.

For mortals, they occupied a total of 24 provinces with one big city each, more than hundreds of small cities, not including the towns and villages. This comprises a larger part of the area that belongs to Jino's country.

This world is called Berth, and there are a total of 190 plus countries with different ethnicity, color, belief, and practices.

When he thought about it, this is kind of like Earth but the only difference is the second world which existed within this mortal world, the world of powerful beings called the immortals.

This is actually not a piece of common knowledge in this world but upon reading and doing some research, Joe Wang discovers the existence of this world on the surface. He knows that deep down there are more to this than meets the eye. All he can read are legends of powerful beings, monsters from the myth, and stories that show blurry figures which he himself recognizes in one glance.

"Damn, it's like living in the cultivation land once again… However, this time technology is already abundant and is being used by many."

While browsing, Joe Wang suddenly saw something that made his eye turned in slits.

Laser weapons…

He knew about these kinds of weapons. As an immortal artificer, he actually can create one with the right materials. However, what he is seeing right now is something new. This is the latest weapon that the government has researched and produced.

It is said that the laser weapon is powerful enough to destroy tanks in one shot.

In this statement, Joe Wang agrees.

Then excitement immediately filled his eyes as he immediately thought of another way to gain more resources for cultivation.

That night, before sleeping, he called Melissa Krin and the two talked for a while.

Just in case of an emergency, Joe Wang has already made ample preparation before classes started. He is actually feeling excited to go to high school again.

This is because back on earth, his high school life was bland and boring. And also the memory of the original Joe Wang from this world is truly pathetic. So at least before living an unfettered life, he didn't want to waste this experience. Plus his age right now is really too young to explore the world outside.

Morning comes and his parents have already prepared breakfast as they busily scuttle to prepare for work. Joe Wang opened his eyes as the golden rays from the sun kiss his glossy cheeks. Throughout the night he absorbed just barely enough natural energy to fill a fourth of a sphere in his dantian.

Shaking his head he truly wanted to go to Melissa Krin's apartment, because that place is already attracting more and more Qi and natural energy. It is like a cultivation cave where one can cultivate one's heart content.

Ring! Ring!

As soon as Joe Wang opened his eyes, his phone rang.

It was Melissa who called him and the two talked for a while. When Joe Wang went out of his room, he can smell the nice aroma of the dish his mother has cooked.

"Hey son, move faster! You're going to be late for the first day of school!" his mother urges.

Seeing his sister and father already eating on the table, Joe Wang joined them and the family ate together.

His sister would always turn her gaze towards him every now and then. Joe Wang can see that his sister is actually quite a beauty herself. However, her seemingly shy and introverted attitude just like the old Joe Wang ruined her beauty.

Plus the way she dresses outside is something that could not attract anyone's attention, so she was easily tricked by 'that' man from before.

Joe Wang flashes a gentle smile at her, which made Cynthia Wang unable to regain her composure and blush.

In truth, she truly finds her brother very handsome. In fact, when Joe Wang returns home a few days ago, the whole family was shocked at his changes.

After dinner, Joe Wang walked to the bus station with Cynthia Wang. The two didn't bother their father to send them to school, so they would always commute.

Cynthia Wang was surprised when she noticed that Joe Wang is following her.

"Hey, why are you not going to school?" she asked while stopping on her tracks.

"I need to go to Delta Uni first, and then go to school." Joe Wang replied with a smile.

Then suddenly she realized something.

"You… you're meeting… Melissa Krin, right?" she stuttered a bit.

"Umm… big sister, you said you wanted to meet her, I can introduce her to you."

"Ha? Yes… I mean, no… but… but…" she suddenly felt her head go blank.

She is going to see the campus belle. This made her heart almost jump out of her chest. Melissa Krin is truly her idol and she would just observe her from afar. In some way or another, she wanted to know her of course.

Before she knew it, the two has arrived in front of a café near the entrance of the biggest university in Delta city, Delta Uni.

"Hey! Over here!" a beautiful voice called out to the two people.

Cynthia Wang froze on the spot, which made Joe Wang shake his head. He already knew that his sister would be like this so he gently tugged at her hand and held it as they walked towards Melissa Krin's table.

She felt a warm feeling entering her hand towards her body which suddenly calmed her agitation.

Suddenly, Melissa Krin stood up and hugged Joe Wang. This is their common way of greeting so it was by reflex. However, this act stunned Cynthia Wang and some of the people who noticed this.

"Damn it! A high school boy! Is she crazy?"

"Stupid, do you think our school goddess would like someone like that? He's just a relative or something."

"The boy doesn't look bad, why would that slut attract these handsome guys… this is truly unfair."

A hush discussion began to spread throughout the café. But the two didn't mind.

However, the woman beside Joe Wang had her mouth agape. She could not believe what she is hearing right now. Her brother… her unpopular, stay at home, stupid, and the unkind brother is actually the boyfriend of the school goddess?

She can hear clearly the whispers between the two, which are like lovers' sweet words of romance and like they are in a world of their own.

When the two separate, Melissa Krin has a tinge of blush in her face.

"Oh, by the way, Mel, this is my big sister…" Joe Wang introduced after they got seated.

"High, I'm Melissa Krin. Nice to meet you!" Melissa said extended her soft and fair hand.

Cynthia Wang also shyly extended her hand as they shook.

Then Joe Wang took out a small bag and handed them to Melissa.

"This are the bulk of stocks that I have made yesterday. I think it would last for about a week. So it's up to you to decide on the delivery." He said.

"Okay, rest assured, I will hand them over to Sister Angle. I think it's better if she can get it all at once, that way I won't be bothered to go and meet with her everyday… It's tiring, I want to concentrate…" she said with a hint of a smile.

Joe Wang knew what she meant, he knew that Melissa Krin truly enjoys the feeling of cultivating her Qi and perfecting her boxing skills. At this time, Joe Wang has already taught her some kicking skills which have now added to the explosiveness of her fighting ability.

After that, Joe Wang was sent to school by Melissa Krin and Cynthia Wang.


Delta East High school is the closest private top tier High School near Joe Wang's house. Plus his sister is also an alumnus of this school, so even though it is hard to enter this school, Joe Wang studied hard and barely made it.

When he got off the car, Joe Wang directly went to the gate and saw student gathering. It seems that there is some troublesome thing that's happening. But Joe Wang didn't bother with it. He didn't even use his absolute sense to check what's going on.

However, when he was about to reach the gate, he saw a student on the ground. It seems that five people are ganging up on the poor guy. Then he noticed a broken spectacle on the foot of a young man who wears the same uniform as his.

This young man is tall and looks handsome with an aura of a wealthy 2nd generation young master within him. His name is Bart Liang.

A member of the Liang clan in Delta city, he is one of the sons of the current head of the Liang family, his youngest.

Joe Wang has a faint memory of how this Bart Liang would bully him and other students in the school. However, since he belongs to a prestigious family, the school can't touch him.

Joe Wang didn't want to be bothered by this so he just continues walking to the school gate.

However, two big fellows stood on his way.

"Little Joe! Hahaha… come here! I never would have thought that you still have the face to go to school what happened?" shouted a young man with a vulgar tone.

When Joe Wang heard his words, he knitted his brow and frowns.