A student’s life part 2

Part 49


Five people are standing in front of the gate while a crowd gathers around them. The crowd began to murmur things and jeer at the person in the middle of the four young men surrounding him.

"That's him right?"

"Who would have thought that he is a 'eunuch', Hahaha…"

"I know right, but, are you sure that thing is limp? It's… not normal... I mean... you know."

"Haha… He is shameless to this extent, if it was me, I would have left the school and hide."

Different opinions of the students around them were heard by Joe Wang and his face turned gloomy. He now understands what's going on. It seems that someone deliberately spreads the video that was taken when he was shamed before the old Joe Wang was murdered.

He has already taught a lesson to that hooligan Qindong Ao. But it seems that he didn't learn his lesson and did such a foolish thing. So deep in Joe Wang's mind, he decided to find that fool and once again beat the crap out of him.

"Hey limp d*ck, get out of here. You're just tarnishing the reputation of our school. Pack your bags and go home," shouted one of the male bullies surrounding Joe Wang.

Hearing this shout everyone was suddenly riled up. They too think that Joe Wang should just go home and not tarnish their school's reputation. This is because his half-naked pictures and video are all over the place.

"If I were you I would scuttle and run crying." Suddenly Bart Liang steps forward and drew closer to Joe Wang.

Then suddenly when their body is in front of each other in close proximity enough for a hug, Bart Liang sent a quick punch towards Joe Wang's stomach.

However, Joe Wang didn't even move and let that fist connect. There are already 5 spheres in his dantian, his physical strength is also at the 5th level of body refining realm, so he just let Bart Liang's fist connect as it would not even cause him any damage at all.


Because of the angle and the improper posture of the fist of Bart Liang, the joint of his fingers were dislocated. What Bart Liang felt is not punching flesh but instead punching a cement wall.


"Ahhh… my hand! He… he broke my hand!" Bart Liang shouted as his face grimace in pain.

Everyone was startled upon hearing this as they stood rooted in their place stunned. They never would have expected that a mere boy could do such a thing. Plus they clearly saw that it was Bart Liang that made his move first.

"Trash…" Joe Wang muttered.

He then takes his step forward and walked towards the gate.

"Stop him! I want him dead!" shouted Bart Liang in the middle of gritting his teeth.

With this shout, his underlings immediately moved and ran towards Joe Wang as they attack him from behind.

One of the student underlings of Bart Liang with a crew cut hair sent a roundhouse kick at Joe Wang's head, while the other two sent a straight punch at his back and shoulder.

The three attacking's formation is a well-coordinated and practiced motion which is very effective. These three people have been Bart Liang's underlings and have been trained by his family privately. Although they acted as a student, in truth, they are his professional bodyguards.

Joe Wang already knew the action of the three but he didn't want to make his move yet. It would be easy for him to do anything towards them, but he disdained fighting just for the sake of it. So with a quick movement, he dodges each and every punch sent to him with ease.

Everyone turned agape upon seeing the scene in front of them. It's like watching a Kung Fu performance in the street where three people continuously attack a single person. And that person only dances with ease as he dodges each of their fists and kicks.

Panting heavily in front of him, the three people still have their fighting stance. However, Joe Wang just flashed them a sneer. Then he turns around and walked away. It turns out that he is already at the entrance of the gate.

"Get him!" shouted Bart Liang as he chases after them while holding his hand in pain.

"Boss, he already entered the school gate. The school rules specifically told us not to fight inside the school." One of his student bodyguards said.

Bart Liang gritted his teeth and angrily turns around. However, the people have already dispersed and ran towards the gate. He also noticed that the person he was bullying has also escaped.

"You shit head! I will kill you!" howled Bart Liang in rage.

Inside a classroom, Joe Wang chooses the farthest seat. This is an almost vacant seat as it is where the lowest scorer would sit. However, Joe Wang didn't mind. He remembers that the previous Joe Wang would always sit in the middle as his grades are average.

But this time, he didn't want to sit there. At the back, the teacher would not bother with him as the students at the back would always be disregarded and were deemed as hopeless students. Although it is a bit demeaning it is one way of teaching the students that if they didn't work hard, they would always be left out, because this is the true way of society.

As Joe Wang took his seat the boy next to him who's wearing at least two to three earrings on both ears with his hair dyed in yellow looks at him incredulously.

Then he came close to Joe Wang.

"Hi, you're Joe Wang right? I know you because you are a very famous person in school. I'm Tai Hong nice to meet you. I saw what you did back there. I never thought that you have an awesome Kung Fu. It's a pity you didn't beat them though." He muttered.

Then when he returns to his seat he raises a thumb's up and winked.

"Is this guy stupid or something?" Joe Wang thought.

Then suddenly in the corner of his eyes, he saw a familiar figure in his memories. It was the girl who causes the death of the previous Joe Wang, the class beauty Jean Xi.

Then following behind her is the class monitor who is a tall slender girl wearing a spectacle and downing a long silky hair, Binbing Qin. She is Jean Xi's best friend.

Both of them can be considered as top beauty, but Binbing Qin is already working as a model. She became a model just this school break and in that short period of time, her popularity has skyrocketed. Although she is not a famous celebrity, yet her impeccable beauty, great body, and perfect height made her look like an angel. So her posters and images are all over the place in Delta city. Plus she is promoting a very famous brand.

Binbing Qin is quiet and kind to everyone. However, no one knew that she is actually the princess and pride of one of the richest families in the province, the Qin family the owner of the Pegasus group of companies. Last school break, because one of their companies needed a model she was pushed by her older sister to try. Nobody expected that the public would accept her image, which causes the rise of that brand in sales. So this pushes her further to fame.

When the students inside the room saw the two, they were ecstatic. Many girls immediately ran towards the two and began chatting with them. Some even took pictures of BinBing Qin excitedly and took her autograph.

Joe Wang just took a glance and turns his attention back to the book he is reading.

However, as soon as he didn't pay attention to that side anymore, the gaze of Jean Xi turned towards him. When she saw that he was acting like nothing is happening, she felt a bit baffled and disappointed.

She didn't why she hated Joe Wang, but she wanted him to feel shamed and stop looking at her. But this time something has changed, and she didn't know what it was.

The day in the class was a bit boring for him so he acted like listening to the teacher, but his other hand is making some sketches and blueprint plans to create armor for Melissa. When he discovered that this world already has the ability to create laser rifles, he knew that the protection talisman and pendant would not be enough to keep her safe.

So he needed to make something to protect her from any danger, now that she is already a cultivator.

Unknown to him as he was deeply engrossed in drawing while pretending to listen, his seatmate is secretly looking at his drawing.

At first, Tai Hong was smirking, however, as he watches the drawings his eyes suddenly turned serious. The words written on the sides are very familiar to him. And upon seeing them his heart could not help but beat faster.

"This guy… he is not just any common bloke. I knew that there was something wrong when I saw his movements. So it turns out that he is a cultivator." Tai Hong thought as he continues watching Joe Wang's drawings.

Not long later, he can see the whole picture of the drawing and be amazed.

"That's a combat armor? It looks thin and flimsy… But from the materials written on the side, it would be as strong as laminated steel plating… this is crazy, who is this guy?"

When the bell rang, Tai Hong's attention was taken aback and he suddenly looks at the time. When his gaze returns to Joe Wang's draft he saw something different. It was a drawing of a girl.

"What? It is all a dream?" he thought as he glances once again at what Joe Wang was doing.

Joe Wang had noticed the changes in Tai Hong's eyes and knew that he seems to have discovered something. So when the bell rang he immediately changed what he is drawing on the pad.

After school was over, the night class would start. However, Joe Wang didn't want to attend his first night class as he wanted to see Melissa Krin. So he went out of school and turn to a corner.

Suddenly, in front of him stood around five people and it seems that they have guessed he would be walking this way.

"Hihi… do you think you can escape me, fool? You broke my arm this morning. So now I'm going to break both your arms and legs to pacify my rage." A young man said with a sinister gleam in his eyes.

This young man is Bart Liang.