The Martial Hall

Part 53


A large number of students are gathered in the cafeteria picking their food for their lunch. The school cafeteria has a variety of food to offer. Since it is one of the first-class schools in Delta City, the cafeteria offers buffet-style food with a variety of cuisine from different countries.

When Joe Wang saw the food on the serving counter he was a bit astounded. Plus the cafeteria is huge filled with magnificent decorations. It's like a five-star hotel dining hall.

The three talked while eating as if nothing had happened a while ago.

Not long later, Joe Wang and the two with him return back to their classroom and resume the class for the rest of the day.

However, while in class, Joe Wang can sense that someone is looking at him with malicious intent. He turns his head and saw Jean Xi suddenly turning her head to the front as if she was caught red-handed.

Joe Wang shook his head as he didn't want to mind the childish action of the young woman.

The indignation and the resentment of the old Joe Wang is nothing to him. Because when he entered the body, with his power as a great immortal, the traces of the resentment of the previous owner immediately vanished. Although the memories of the old Joe Wang are left, he would not choose to avenge the ghost, because it would not give him anything.

Instead, he would live a good life and enjoy a few years of being a mortal before advancing to the immortal world. He didn't know how long it would take, but it is still his final goal.

Contrary to Joe Wang's calm and composed demeanor, Jean Xi is uneasy.

She has called Qindong Ao, but her calls are unable to connect. She didn't know why but she has a bad feeling that it was connected to Joe Wang. In these two days, she has observed the changes in Joe Wang's demeanor and temperament. It seems that he was changed into a new man after experiencing a brush with death.

Although she didn't know what happened at that time, she was well aware that Qindong Ao and his group went overboard with what they did to Joe Wang. At that time she only wanted to teach Joe Wang a lesson so that he would not pester her anymore in class.

But everything went south and the accident happened. Though she showed a calm expression, in truth she had nightmares.

Luckily after hearing that Joe Wang was okay and that she wasn't implicated, she calmed down a little. But now that she could not contact Qindon Ao, a bad premonition is actually boiling deep in her heart. And the culprit is Joe Wang.

So, she wanted to kill the guy for being a nuisance once again in her life.

While being nervous, Jean Xi began to think of a way to get rid of the pest. At first, she thought that Qindong Ao is a great prospect for a powerful boyfriend, but it was all a dream.

She didn't want a boy with money, she already has enough money. What she wanted is a boy who has both money and power. So her gaze went around the room and landed on a young man with a big build. Although she forgot his name, Jean Xi can still remember that this guy is a member of the athletics club. He is the vice-captain of the grappling team and has already represented the school for the provincial tournament.

That afternoon, Jean Xi hatched another of her plans to get rid of Joe Wang whom she considered as a nuisance in her eyes.

After the classes, the three immediately went out of the class building and directly go to the martial hall.

Once inside, Joe Wand was astounded of the place. It was really huge and the facilities are top-notch. It looks like a first-class fighting arena and a practice gym for rich people.

"This is nice." Joe Wang muttered.

Suddenly, Joe Wang was stunned as he saw something which blew his mind upon scanning the whole area with his absolute sense blast.

Though he could not cover the whole arena as the whole place is too huge, in a corner post he saw traces of... an array formation.

He never would have expected that the whole arena actually has array formation surrounding it. However, it is not new. Is seems that the array formation may have existed for more than thousands of years ago.

Though it is already fading, as someone who is also proficient in arrays, Joe Wang can immediately know what its purpose is.

"This array… this is an imprisonment array." Joe Wang thought.

"This place is where people in the old days imprison those they have caught. And in my guess, this is also a place where they torture and execute them."

As his mind drifted somewhere, they reached the middle arena.

"Welcome! I never would have thought that this little miss is brave enough to enter our territory." A young woman with short hair said as she steps forward.

"Our captain is excited that you have come… but we are not." The woman said with a grin on her face.

"Do you think you can offend us and just waltz in here like it was nothing? We will let you see what happens to those who offend us." the young woman added as she suddenly runs towards the three.

When she was about to reach the end of the elevated arena ring, her figure suddenly jumps upwards and somersaults through the air then lands in front of the three.

Without a word, she immediately sent three fast kicks towards the three people in front of her.

Her leg was too fast that only a blur of her afterimage was left.

Pa! Pa! Pa!

Three crisp sounds echoed through the air.

However, the onlookers have their eyes wide open upon seeing that the three students are still actually standing in front of the young woman.

But before they can react, Memei Yi with an annoyed face sent a frontal kick at the young woman.

The young woman though a bit stunned was not able to dodge the kick. So she immediately defended against that kick with her hands crossed hand against her chest.

She is confident to be able to handle the impact of that kick, but to her surprised, she realized that she has underestimated her opponent.


Her figure flew backward like a kite with a broken string and landed on the soft floor of the raised arena.

But the impact of that simple kick from Memei Yi was too strong that both of her arms are now broken with her internal organ also damaged.

The young woman caught out a mouth of blood before fainting on the spot.

"Vice-captain! Hurry! Help the vice-captain!" every member of the club in that area shouted while rushing towards the stage.

"That was a very vicious kick! You must pay for that!" shouted one of the young men in the group.

He then immediately ran towards Memei Yi and sent a jumping punch towards her.

Before Memei Yi could move, a hand patted her shoulder and a handsome young man with a delinquent aura step forward, it was Tai Hong.

He calmly smiles at her and said coolly.

"I will save you this time."

He immediately sent out his fist meeting the large fist of the young man in the air.

Bang! Umph!

The two figures immediately jumped back as they separated.

Tai Hong is showing a smug look on his face as he looks at the young man with a bulky feature in front of him. While he keeps on opening and closing his fist.

Joe Wang almost laughs at this situation. Though Tai Hong wanted to show off in front of Memei Yi, it seems that he can at least hold his ground. But still, it is clear that he had hurt his right hand.

"Sigh, this would be a long fight." Joe Wang muttered.

"Why did you say so?" Memei Yi asked as she lazily folded her arms.

Joe Wang immediately noticed that her tall peaks are now bulging seductively. However, of course, he has no reaction towards it. He just found it very beautiful to look at.

"Well, both are actually having the same strength. If they fight, then we don't know who would win." Joe Wang said.

Then suddenly, they saw Tai Hong and the young man began to exchange blow with their fist and kicks. And true to Joe Wang's deduction, the two have the same strength and skill, so both suffered from that bout.

Joe Wang scanned the surroundings once again and saw a group of men sitting in a private room looking down on the arena and the two people fighting.

These men are discussing something while pointing at the arena below.

"It seems that they are here as spectators." Joe Wang thought.

Then suddenly he saw the young beautiful woman with perfectly toned muscles bowed at the group of men and walks down the stairs. Her gait is light but steady, in contrast to her sexy physique.

The woman is wearing a black body fit racerback tank top and an exploration jogger pants. Her hair is tied in a ponytail bearing a heroic aura.

"So it seems that young miss Yi is truly someone brave. You really live up to expectation." Beiring Jin said as she walks towards Joe Wang and Memei Yi.

The two women look at each other in the eye and waited for each other's next move.