Weird move

Part 54


Two beautiful and attractive young women are standing in the middle of the arena facing each other in a duel. The crowd has started to fill every seat in the surrounding. This duel has been known throughout the school due to the publicity made by the athletics department of the school.

They had a great standing in the school and have gained more importance when it comes to education. This is because the athletics department produces a martial artist. This is not known many but in the upper echelon of every city in the whole world, there are powerful beings. Being a martial artist is like an entrance ticket to becoming a higher and more respected being in the country which is called, the cultivators.

Joe Wang has already known that there is a cultivation society but he didn't know how ordinary people can enter it. But now from the looks of it and from what he is hearing from the students, it seems that the way for ordinary people to enter the cultivation society is to be admitted to Martial Academy.

As he listens to the discussions around him, Joe Wang has now clearly understood what is happening. It seems that Beiring Jin is a candidate for entering the Martial Academy. The school hopes that she and some members of the Kendo and Wushu club could pass the Martial Academy assessment. That way the school can gain the prestige that has eluded them for many years.

Although the school has trained many hopeful martial artists and has given them good facilities, yet it seems that every Martial Academy assessment, the students would fail. And this is happening for many years now.

Last year was the worst when the captain of the close combat team, the one with the highest possibility in entering the academy and Beiring Jin's senior, was beaten by the other school because of some circumstances.

So now, the school has another hopeful candidate and they didn't want to ruin their pride and hope anymore.

That's why in this duel between Bering Jin and Memei Yi there is a martial artist facilitating this fight. He is the gym teacher and the trainer of Bering Jin, a 2nd level body refining cultivator Jingan Ko.

Jingan Ko is a low-level cultivator, who has lost hope in cultivating and just like other low-level cultivators, he wanted to find talented people who have a hope to be a cultivator. This way he can help other young people to attain cultivation. This is his way of washing his own shame for being a failure in cultivating.

"Remember this is only a challenge, a simple duel. No one should lose their lives today." Jingan Ko said as he stood between the two.

With a raise of his hand, the two women tighten their fists for a fight.

When Jingan Ko's hand lowers Beiring Jin immediately dashed forward like a tiger. She threw out a straight punch towards Memei's face.

"What a vicious punch. If this connects then that little girl would surely faint." an old man muttered while watching.

"It would not be that easy." the other old man replied.

Memei Yi immediately turns her head sideways dodging Beiring's fist by a hair's breathed. But it didn't end there as Beiring Jin began to bombard her with multiple punches like a Gatling gun.

Pow! Pow! Pow!

The sound of Beiring Jin's fist breaking through the air can be heard from the arena. When the audience heard this they were all dumbfounded.

"Is this real?"

"This is not possible, right?"

"How could she throw her punches that fast?"

"Wow, I think I want her to be my girlfriend… that way I'll be safe."

These are some of the things that the students and the teachers watching this duel think. Due to the fast punches of Beiring Jin, everyone was awed and they marveled.

"Memei has potential, too bad that her spiritual root has not been fully opened yet. I think she trained but her master doesn't know how to control her thunder spiritual root. This half-ass cultivation style and technique would ruin her future… Sigh… forget it, it is her luck to be the childhood friend of the old Joe Wang. After this, I can help her to improve her cultivation, plus… she can be my second disciple. Hehe…" Joe Wang thought as he watches the exquisite figure of both women.

"That one is not that bad either, unfortunately for her, she has a very low aptitude just like Melissa."

The two continuously fought in the stage, but Memei Yi has not yet attacked and just dodges perfectly while Beiring Jin throws her punches.

"Is that all you've got? All you did is dodging? Pathetic…" Beiring Jin suddenly said after distancing herself from Memei Yi.


Memei Yi suddenly giggled as she looks at the heavily panting Beiring Jin.

"You didn't hit me yet and you are already out of breath? That's too disappointing, I was hoping for more…" Memei Yi casually said as she patted her shoulders.

It was a sign that her enemy is weak and it would be easy for her to defeat them.

"You… Yahhh!!!" shouted Beiring Jin as she immediately got angry with Memei's provocation.

She was the proud captain of the Kendo and the Wushu team. She has practiced martial arts since young and has reached a higher understanding of both sword and hand to hand combat. So this provocation is kind of like her reverse scale and has truly enraged her.

Suddenly she turned her palms into claws and sent a dragon claw move towards Memei's shoulder. If this hits then she can dislocate the annoying proud woman in front of her. That way she can bend her anger towards her enemy.

"Not good!" the referee immediately realized what is going on, but it was too late.

Jingan Ko was too immersed in watching the graceful stance and action of Memei Yi that he was taken aback at the fatal move of Beiring Jin.

However, a smirk appears on Memei's beautiful face as she suddenly lifted one of her hands while her other hand with palm downwards took a defensive position.

When the claw strike of Beiring Jin was about to hit Memei, she suddenly did a Tai Chi classical defense movement, the cloud hand.

However, this movement of Memei is not that simple. Because of her years of training plus her uncommon physique as a half step cultivator, her speed in executing the movement was too smooth like she has practiced this one movement throughout her whole life.

Catching the claw strike and diverting the force, Memei immediately shifted her stance and moved closed towards Beiring Jin.

This smooth flow of action caught Beiring Jin off guard and using her own momentum. Memei suddenly drew a circular motion from her arms and sent Beiring Jin flying out of the ring while still tumbling through the air.

Although this move seemed simple and not fatal, in truth is would cause Beiring Jin greater damage.

Joe Wang can see that the young woman would hit her head upon falling on the ground. Since everyone was stunned at this situation he suddenly heaves a helpless sigh.

He didn't want to be known or to be famous but he also didn't want a semi promising student to lose her life and Memei Yi to be troubled. Hence he immediately moved and appears near the falling spot of Beiring Jin, and then he acted like a fool as he appears as he tripped on something.

Joe Wang has already calculated his move, but he didn't expect that Beiring Jin to twist her body in the air as she tried to gain balance. However, this move made her susceptible to more injury in her fall. So without a choice, Joe Wang extended his hand while shouting.

"Oops! I tripped! Look out!"


Some people who heard him rolled their eyes because who would say those things when it happened, but what happened next thoroughly stunned everyone.

Two bodies connected with each other and fall to the ground. However, their position is a bit vulgar.

Joe Wang is on the ground with his back, while Beiring Jin has both her legs spread wide open while sitting at the top of his crotch.

What made the scene more vulgar, are the two hands of Joe Wang holding the tall peaks of the beautiful Beiring Jin.

The two seemed to be stunned at this situation along with everyone around them. Beiring Jin herself still is confused as her vision is blurry. However, she immediately felt something strange. Two huge hands are actually grasping her big chest and every now and then would twitch.

This immediately made her face flush red in shame and anger.


The sound of a phone camera taking a picture woke everyone from their stupor and immediately a loud slapping sound followed.


"Perverted bastard! How dare you!" shouted Beiring Jin after slapping Joe Wang.

She immediately stood up and ran away like an angry little girl.

"What a lucky guy!"

"I wish I was in his position. With Miss Beiring on top of me… I can die already."

"I will kill that bastard! That was Joe Wang right? The eunuch…"

The mixed reaction of the students and teachers in the crowd immediately erupted.

Memei Yi was still stunned as the situation that is happening before her eyes. In her anger, she wanted to teach Beiring Jin a lesson, but she didn't realize that she would be throwing her opponent towards her friend, Joe Wang's location.

But the dazed expression on Joe Wang's face is making her heart furious.

She immediately jumps down the arena and ran towards Joe Wang. She then grabs him as they ran out of the martial hall.

"Hey, guys! Wait for me!" shouted Tai Hong following behind the two.

Everyone was in a cacophony of discussion and began sharing online what had happened in the martial hall. They know that it would become an explosive news tomorrow morning in school.