
Part 55


When Joe Wang and his group walked out of the martial hall, the students began to raise an uproar especially those who idolize Beiring Jin and the young men who treated her as their goddess.

But the three didn't mind the commotion because it didn't matter to them if it's a fight they want Memei Yi and Tai Hong is enough to beat them up.

However, Joe Wang can sense a malicious intent among the crowd. Though he didn't know who it was, he did really care as long as they target him, he would gladly trample them under his feet. Right now while walking his mind is full of the sensation he just felt a while ago. He can guess that Beiring Jin is an athletic woman because her muscles are firm.

Plus she is clearly wearing a pull up which means that the size of her bosom is not what it seems. Anyway, it still made him feel a bit depressed upon realizing that he can't enjoy those things even if he wanted to.

"Hey, Joe! What were you thinking? Don't tell me you're infatuated with Beiring Jin because of that indecent thing?" teased Memei Yi.

"Haha… Dude, you are one lucky guy, many men would change with your position at that time." Tai Hong added while laughing.

The three teased each other on their way out of the school gate.

Joe Wang felt happy at this time and he was really glad to have returned being a teenager again. Experiencing the last term of his high school life right after he reincarnated is like fate giving him back his long lost life when he was taken to the immortal world by his master.

He looks at the two people in front of him with grateful eyes. They are his first friends in school. In the old Joe Wang's memory, he barely recalls anyone who became close to him or someone he can even call his friend. This is due to his personality of being a loner and an average dreamer.

Plus the old Joe Wang is very conscious of his impotence. He didn't want others to discover it. However, he was truly an unlucky fellow.

Right at this time, Joe Wang felt something pricking his heart and he knew that this is the old memory of Joe Wang. This is not his resentments or something. This is just a mystical feeling which people called conscience.

"I guess even though I want to do it. I still have to teach those people some lessons on what they did to this body… But that can wait. I want to enjoy my school life first." Joe Wang thought.

However, one of the classrooms are windows, a beautiful young woman looking down on the three people walking with annoyance clearly written on her face.

Jean Xi had seen what had happened in the martial hall on her phone. She felt perplexed and somewhat baffled at that scene where the beautiful Beiring Jin is riding on top of Joe Wang. How could a useless piece of trash Joe Wang have the great luck of such coincidence as to be able to touch the goddess's bosom?

"I must do something about that guy… I must make sure that he would not tattle. I need help from the Dragon gang. If Qindong Ao is useless, I can just contact his older brother Long Ao." Jean Xi muttered as a glint of killing intent appears on her eye.

When her gaze diverted back to the classroom and the beautiful young woman beside her, Joe Wang turns his gaze towards her. He saw Jean Xi and Binbing Qin's figures sitting near the window while they are chatting happily.

"I hope this foolish girl won't do something that she will regret. I don't want to hurt women, but if I am provoked then I can only do as much." Joe Wang thought as his figure walked out of the gate.

In a blink of an eye, it was already Friday.

After a few days, Joe Wang has already adapted himself to his school life. These days he discovered that a shadow seems to be always following him. At first, he didn't mind it, but Joe Wang felt a bit irritated so he used his absolute sense and discovered a shy looking woman who would seldom look at his back.

It was actually Beiring Jin.

He was a bit surprised after that accident and her slapping his face. They didn't have any communication what so ever. But now why is she following him?

But Joe Wang didn't mind the young girl. In his eyes, she is just someone who suddenly became curious about a random person.

"What am I doing? Why am I looking at him like this?" shouted Beiring Jin in her mind while biting her lips while taking a glance at Joe Wang's back.

Ever since that day, though she was humiliated, she actually realized her predicament especially upon seeing the video on the net.

She knew that if Joe Wang wasn't there, she would have been in a greater predicament or even worst, her life would be in danger. So right now her feelings are conflicted to the clumsy looking young man. However, when she recalled what she saw at that time she could not even forget him.

His beautiful starry eyes, handsome face, plus the sturdy muscular muscles hidden by his school uniform. That is something that seems to have captured her heart.

"Grrr… I… I hate that guy!" she thought as she angrily stumps her feet while looking at Joe Wang.

"Ahem… Are you okay, BeiBei? You seem distracted these days… Don't tell me that you've fallen for the eunuch?" a girl beside Beiring Jin suddenly teased.

This almost made Beiriing Jin's heart jump in surprise. Her concentration and muddled headed mind are focused on Joe Wang's back that she could not think of anything else. And suddenly someone patting her back made her feel a bit annoyed.

But of course, Beiring Jin is not an ordinary young woman hence she didn't scream or even yelped.

That afternoon Joe Wang decided to stay at Melissa's place for the weekend. In truth his heart he misses her a lot, especially the cuddling and the time they spend together.

With his mind already excited in seeing Melissa Krin, Joe Wang didn't notice that he is being followed by two tall figures. However, this didn't mean that someone didn't notice this scene.

Joe Wang took out his phone and was about to call when he immediately noticed the two figures rushing at his side. Then from the corner, that sound of a rushing black van came rolling in.

"Joe Wang?" one of the men asked calmly.

Joe Wang innocently nods his head.

But deep in his mind, he is already heaving a helpless sigh. He didn't know why after just a week of quiet days, he would face another of this troublesome situation. So instead of calling Melissa, he decided to put his phone in his pocket and waited for what's about to happen next.

When the black van stopped on the road, another two tall men went out and blocked Joe Wang's way out with a big grin on their faces.

"Get in!" shouted the man near Joe Wang as he suddenly grabs his head.

However, before they can move a sudden flash of shadow appears behind them which took the men in surprise.


It was a young woman with a study sexy body standing behind them, Beiring Jin.

She actually saw what the men are planning as she was watching Joe Wang from afar. When they were about to move, she also made her move and sneak attack one of the men.

That hit from her punch made the tall grown man faint on the side of the road. She followed this up with a frontal kick towards the person holding Joe Wang.

However, her kick didn't connect as the man is actually very agile and dodge to the side. What she kicked was Joe Wang's butt and sent him directly flying inside the already opened door of the black van. This move of hers stunned her with her mouth wide open.

She didn't expect that the person she wanted to save was sent directly flying towards the black van.

This didn't escape the man who just dodges her kick. With a swift movement, he suddenly threw a straight punch towards her abdomen. This made Beiring Jin felt all of her strength suddenly faded. She was like a fish coming out of the water as she tried to breathe with difficulty.

"Take her too!" shouted the man as the three of them picks her and threw her inside the van.

Joe Wang saw everything that happened and felt a bit helpless. He didn't expect that his plan would become a bit complicated. He just wanted to go with these people for a while and then escape after teaching them a lesson. But now things became more complicated with the presence of Beiring Jin.

"Boss, we already got the target. Plus we also got an added beauty. Hehe…" the man sitting in a shotgun said after calling someone on the phone.

"Yes, boss… We will go to the hideout and wait for you there." said the man with a grin.

Both Joe Wang and Beiring Jin are already tied up at the back of the van while three men are watching over them. The men could not help but take special advantage as they tease Beiring Jin upon seeing her beautiful firm white legs and fiery thighs.

"Damn this girl has great long legs." One of the men muttered as he suddenly extended his hands as he could not control himself anymore.

Beiring Jin could not help but shout in a muffled voice as her mouth is already covered. Tears began to fill the corner of her eyes as she imagines the wicked gazes of the perverted people around her. Though she felt a bit regretful of what she did, she only regretted kicking Joe Wang but not helping him.

Seeing the predicament of Beiring Jin, Joe Wang turned his gaze towards her and winked.

Feeling a bit confused about his action, she was a bit stunned. But his calm expression didn't escape her observant eyes and she immediately felt a bit surprised deep in her heart.

Then she remembers what happened between them and realized that Joe Wang is actually not a simple boy. And because of this something deep in her heart grows.

It was hope.