Invisible part 3

Part 57


Delta East High School evening class…

Memei Yi is currently walking with Tai Hong towards their night class. Unlike Joe Wang who would always go home immediately, the two needs to take the evening classes and reviews as they are aiming to get at least a passing grade for them to be able to enter the top university in the province.

However, the two seem to be not alone as right beside Memei Yi is an annoying person which is being glared at by Tai Hong.

Mark Xiao, the student council president, is currently talking enthusiastically and with fervor at Memei Yi. She didn't want to embarrass the student council president because the young man had not done anything bad towards her. In fact, he is offering her a lot of help with made her gain much information about the school.

However, Tai Hong is truly annoyed because he could not defeat Mark Xiao in terms of eloquence in speech and suaveness. As someone trained since his childhood to be a leader, Mark Xiao is truly good at talking and entertaining others.

Tai Hong is still steaming in anger at the trap which the *sshole has set up for them, but it seems that Memei Yi is just okay with it. So he decided to just walk with them and be on guard.

With the warm smiles of Memei Yi, Mark Xiao became confident of winning the heart of the woman he likes. But right at this time, a student suddenly ran towards the three.

"There… there is an accident! Our queen Beiring Jin was seen taken by some people in a van!" shouted the student while trying to catch his breath.

This accident was already been reported by the people who had seen it, but many students are still unaware of the accident that happened. But this time, the news has begun to spread throughout the school grounds.

Inside the principal's office, a few school leaders are already in a discussion.

"What should we do? Beiring Jin is a very important student that has the chance to enter Martial Academy." Jingan Ko, the gym teacher and in charge of the martial hall of the school, asked with worry in his eyes.

He has helped and trained Beiring Jin since he saw her potential. But now that an accident happened, he could not sit still and do nothing.

"We have already called the authorities. Don't worry too much teacher Ko. Plus we already have another hope for the Martial Academy, the girl Memei Yi." The vice-principal replied calmly.

The other leaders of the school nodded their heads in agreement.

This made Jingan Ko a little angry, before the battle between Memei Yi and Beiring Jin these people would always support Beiring Jin. But now with just one loss, their attitude has already changed? He truly wanted to teach these old farts a lesson. But he reigned on his anger and decided to act alone. He would try to find Beiring Jin and the unknown student that was taken along with her.

Inside an old factory where many goons are standing on guard, a loud cry was heard all of a sudden.

The guards outside just look at each other and smirked, they are already aware of what is happening inside and expected these noises and more.

Inside the factory, the figure of a young man sprawled on the floor while whining in pain and the stunned expression of the people around him can be seen. No one was able to react right at this time because of the sudden event which no one ever expects to happen.

They clearly saw that Joe Wang was punched by Qindong Ao, but then suddenly they heard a crisp sound of a bone-breaking, and then followed by Qindong Ao crying in pain.

Joe Wang suddenly smirked and with a quick move disappears from his position and in no time suddenly reappears. It took him more than ten seconds but the people around him didn't notice it because they are all focused on the howling Qindong Ao on the floor.

"Well, well… I guess you didn't take heed of my warnings. Did I tell you to not bother me anymore, right? I warned you of the consequence, but no… you would not listen and instead plan this… this petty revenge. It was you who started this. It was you who provoke me, so what's going to happen next can't be blamed on me. This is all on you." Joe Wang calmly said as he leisurely walks towards Long Ao.

When Long Ao wanted to tell his men to attack, he noticed that the people inside the factory have already fallen unconscious to the ground.

This scene made Long Ao shiver and be drenched in a cold sweat. He didn't know what happened, but from looking at the calm expression of the boy in front of him, he feels like looking at a very poisonous viper.

He never has thought that a seemingly ordinary boy could be this strong to such extent that it feels inhuman.

"Wait a minute… is he… is he a cultivator? Then if so, he would be in trouble if he kills me… Hehe… this would be my chance." Long Ao thought as an evil scheme suddenly enters his mind.

Long Ao is a very agile person with a great background in martial arts as an MMA fighter. So with a quick movement, he tossed the chair towards Joe Wang and suddenly dashed behind him. His target is another student, Jean Xi.

He heard from his brother that this student named Joe Wang actually liked this little girl. So if he held her as a hostage, then he can assure his safety. Plus he can still see his men outside of the old factory. He is banking on this situation to win his victory.

As he dashes as fast as he could he can see the figure of Jean Xi on the ground covered with the debris from the broken boxes. Her head seems to be wounded and there are also some bruises on her body. But Long Ao didn't care anything about this. What he wanted is to take the girl as a hostage.

But as soon as he reached out for the girl on the ground littered with broken wooden crates his vision suddenly turned dim as he felt a dull pain at the back of his head.

"Are you okay?" Joe Wang asked Beiring Jin who just stood dumbfounded while looking at him with her jaw open in shock.

She did not expect that the clumsy-looking guy whom she started to like would be this strong. But upon hearing his words, her heart suddenly began to beat faster. She didn't expect him to talk to her.

"What… what should I say… what… What should I do?" thought Beiring Jin as she panicked a little.

Seeing her reaction Joe Wang calmly walked behind her and removes the thing binding her hands.

"Thank you…" Beiring Jin said with a blush on her young beautiful face.

Joe Wang just smiled as her gesture and then turns his head towards, Qinndong Ao.

"Take care of our school mate Jean Xi. I will take care of this guy." Joe Wang said as he walked towards Qindong Ao who seems to have fainted because of pain.

When Joe Wang squatted and was about to touch Qindong Ao, he suddenly turns as he threw a stab towards Joe Wang's chest.

But suddenly, Qindong Ao's hand was grabbed by a very strong hand. But before he could cry out and shout, Joe Wang's other hand grabs his jaw. With one move, he dislocated it making Qindong Ao wanting to cry in pain but unable to.

"You will suffer today… But before that, I would like to tell you something… I will kill your older brother and destroy the Dragon gang which he built with his own sweat and blood. Because of you… everything that you and your brother have will be gone. But you... I will not kill, you'll just be crippled by me. For not learning your lesson and threatening my parents… and… my friend, this is your consequence, you can only blame yourself for it." Joe Wang said as he suddenly made Qindong Ao faint before the later can react.

Then Joe Wang made his next move and took care of the remaining gang members in the old factory. Though he didn't kill them, he causes them to not be able to use their power to intimidate and hurt people… he crippled all of their hands and cut their tongues. This way he would stay invisible in the eyes of others and the authorities.

After finishing what he wanted to do, he saw the two women already inside one of the cars in the old factory's garage. It seems that they never noticed what he did so far, so everything was good.

"Student Joe… she… she's bleeding." Beiring Jin said with a concerned tone.

They both heard and saw what Jean Xi did inside. Though it seems that she was the reason why all this happened, her repentant attitude in that dangerous moment made the two felt a little forgiving to her actions yet still a bit conflicted.

Joe Wang opened the other side of the car passenger door, and then Beiring Jin was stunned with what Joe Wang did next.

He ripped part of Jean Xi's clothes and used it to bandage her wounds. Beiring Jin just sat there dumbfounded, but she can see that Joe Wang's eye doesn't contain any malice or perverted thought so she felt calm. She truly likes this guy who seems too clumsy at times and too direct. But his strength has now attracted her the most.

"There, she is fine." Joe Wang said as he turns towards the driver seat of the car.

He tried to recall how Melissa Krin drove her car and with his sharp observation and knowledge he can deduce how it is done since it is an automatic transmission or A/T car.

At first, he is having a hard timing in controlling the gas so the car's mobility is not that smooth. However, after a few minutes, he can now smoothly drive the car on the road.

"Student Joe, she… she's awake." Beiring Jin suddenly grabs his attention.

Joe Wang turns his head behind and looks at Jean Xi's pale and bloody figure.

"How are you?" he asked nonchalantly.

Jean Xi didn't reply and just looks outside the car window with a conflicted expression on her face.

Joe Wang didn't bother with her as he continues driving.

"Hey, do… do want to eat something?" Beiring Jin asked as she took out wrapped bread on the side.

This was already in the car.

Jean Xi just shook her head and with a guilty look on her face continues to look outside the car window. She didn't know what happened and how they escaped, but she didn't want to pry in this issue anymore. She has already felt guilty and wanted to say sorry, but she couldn't. She didn't know how, as her mind was truly muddled and her body still full of pain.

Joe Wang sent the two young women to the hospital and leaves them there. He then secretly told Beiring Jin to reveal what he did and gave her an alibi of what happened inside the old factory.

After that, he drove away.

He needed to finish some business, and if he is successful he might gain something from this. The car sped through the road and his direction… the Dragon gang headquarters.