Dragon Gang’s destruction

Part 58


If was already nighttime when a black car slowly parked at the side of a tall building. From inside alighted a young man wearing a blue ball cap and a black jacket. As he walks towards the building where flashing lights can be seen he doubled checked his surroundings.

Joe Wang's identified this place as the headquarters of the Dragon gang. His goal tonight is to cause its downfall and heavy losses.

So he turns around and walked to the opposite building. In a dark alley, his figure suddenly vanished and appears on top of that building. In just one leap he is able to move from the ground to the tenth floor. This is one of the effects of having 5 spheres in his dantian.

As Shin Jiao traversed the rooftop, he scanned his surroundings and found a couple of people guarding the roof of the Dragon gang's headquarters. Using just pieces of pebbles on the ground, he began throwing them to those guarding the roof. Each pebble caused those who would be hit to become unconscious.

Joe Wang didn't bother if they live or die.

He is already aware that the lives of these people are full of bloodshed. He knew this because all of them are holding guns and from one look they seem to be professionals at taking people's lives.

Joe Wang quickly jumps towards the roof of the Dragon Gangs headquarters and stealthily slid through the door. He uses his absolute senses to look for security cameras and their blind spots. Because of this, it took him too long before he can reach the main office of Long Ao.

Scanning the luxurious office, he saw many valuable things in that place. And one of those is a stone crystal which was used as a part of the decoration inside an aquarium.

When Joe Wang saw the stone crystal his eyes immediately lit up.

"Space stone! That is a space stone." Joe Wang muttered in excitement.

A space stone is just a medium tier material in the cultivation land which is used for a single purpose only, and that is to create storage space.

The space stone is actually just a medium to be able to access that dimension in space. And through his master's research and discoveries, they realized that the dimension is actually a borderline within worlds. This borderline dimensional is very stable and cannot be invaded so many cultivators and even the immortals use it to store many of their things. However, the bad news is, no living creature with a soul can enter this dimension that is the reason why it cannot be entered or turn into a gateway.

After taking the stone crystal, Joe Wang immediately put it in his pocket. With the size of the stone crystal, he can craft at least 3 to 5 storage items with a storage capacity of 100 square meters. That space created would be this huge, like a whole house, because Joe Wang is very proficient in array lines.

If a normal artificer made a storage space using a space crystal, they can only make 3 to 10 square meters. This is due to their low understanding of array line programming.

However, Joe Wang was taught by his master about array lines and rune programming. Hence he is really good at it becoming one of the greatest artificers in the immortal realms.

Joe Wang began scanning everything and felt that there is something wrong. Hence he expanded his search and immediately found another room, a hidden room.

Following the secret trigger, he immediately discovered a problem.

It needed the thumb mark of Long Ao to open the secret door. Seeing that it seems impossible to open it using the conventional way, Joe Wang decided to spend precious energy from his sphere to reshape the wall.

Not long later, the thick multilayered wall suddenly had a circular hole big enough for him to crawl inside.

"Hmm… this place is vacuumed. I think he is storing a lot of things here in secret." Joe Wang thought as he walks inside carefully.

Suddenly he heard from outside the office people are actually coming.

"Shit! I need to close that gap." Joe Wang thought.

Then after expending energy from his sphere he covered his hand, and began to manipulate the element and cover the outer layer of the hole.

Upon covering, Joe Wang notices the vacuum immediately happened as the air rapidly vanished in his surroundings.

"This is bad, if the air disappears completely, then I would suffocate in this place… Hmm…"

Suddenly he was struck with an idea.

Using a single finger, he filled it with energy and began making a hole on the wall facing outside of the building.

"That should do it." Joe Wang muttered.

However, just for this heist, he has already spent at least two full spheres of energy. He could not stay any longer in this place. So he immediately began rummaging inside the safety boxes and found a lot of valuable things.

"Hehe… this might not be of any use to my cultivation. But for artifacts, these materials are good, especially this one." Joe Wang lifted a thumb-sized diamond and carefully scrutinized it.

From the corner, he saw two huge black bags.

"I guess this is put here just in case of emergency," he muttered as he began filling the two bags with all the stuff inside the room.

Outside of the secret room, a group of men walks inside Long Ao's office.

"Hey, where's the boss? Can you call him?"

"My calls can't get through… I tried it several times already."

"Sigh… what should we do about that Golden Tiger gang then?"

"Hmm… The boss said that he is going to do something very important today. So, let's just take care of them the old way."

"Haha… I like that… I saw the Golden Tiger gang leader's woman the other day. That woman is one fine piece of meat. I can't believe that coward actually gets to bang a woman as beautiful as her."

"Well, let's take our boys and rough them up. Then we can take that woman in here and gang bangs her… Hahaha…"

"I like that! Let's go!"

Suddenly, before they can go out.

Ring! Ring!

The phone in the office rang.

Picking up the phone a domineering voice said.

"Hello! This is Dragon Business and recreational center…" the man suddenly stopped.

Suddenly his face turned gloomy and in a panic.

"What! What happened?" cried the men around him.

After a while, the man holding the phone suddenly seemed lifeless.

"I… I think we are finished." He said in a low and almost lifeless tone.

"What do you mean?" the other men anxiously asked.

The man then told them what one of their men said. They are currently in a hospital taking care of all the injured men. It seems that the man who called arrived in the area an hour just an hour ago. In his panic, he immediately called for an ambulance and began helping his brothers forgetting to call the other gang members. In that place, it seems that their boss has already died while his younger brother was unconscious.

He told them that all their men's tongue was cleanly cut, but not bleeding. And every one of them has been crippled.

What made the men in that room became tensed is because the men who went with Long Ao are their best fighters. Without those men, the Dragon gang would surely collapse.

Upon hearing the bad news, all the men in Long Ao's office turned gloomy with a panic expression.

"What should we do?"

"Let's bailout!"

"Wait a minute, where is your loyalty?"

"Loyalty my ass, the Dragon gang is now finished. We must take our losses and run."

"Hey, we should find Long Ao's treasures." With that suggestion, the group of men began rummaging through the office.

Meanwhile, inside the secret room, Joe Wang felt a little worried. He didn't want to spend more energy but it seems that he has no choice on this.

"Sigh… Let's just open this wall then." Joe Wang said as he began deforming the wall facing the outside of the building.

Not long later he was able to get out and carefully covered his tracks.

However, he suddenly heard the secret door opening.

This stunned Joe Wang. He didn't expect that these people can open the vault.

However, he didn't have time to listen to them as he quickly jumps down while carrying two bags full of stuff, and directly walked to the parked car.

"Well, I'm done with you all." Joe Wang muttered as he left that place.

The next day…

Everything was silent except for the news that a group of a gang which the authorities identified as the Dragon gang members were found crippled in an abandoned old factory. Not only were they crippled, but they were also found with their tongues cut off.

This news immediately erupted through the whole of Delta city. Everyone knows that there would be many other gangs that would swallow the Dragon gang after this incident.

But none of this matters to the three people walking to school that morning.

Joe Wang, Memei Yi, and Tai Hong meet each other on their way to class.

"Hey, I heard that Beiring Jin was kidnapped, is that true?" suddenly Tai Hong asked.

"Yeah, I heard it too. I think that the school principal and the leaders are going to make a big fuss about it." Memei Yi added.

"I don't know, maybe they will not." Suddenly someone from behind them interrupted.

It was Mark Xiao the student council president.

He flashed his gentle smile at Memei Yi while handing her a milk drink. Then turns around coolly while waving her goodbye.

"Grrr… that… that was a bit cool." Tai Hong said under his gritted teeth.

He could not deny the suave action of Mark Xiao which is really attractive to the girls. It shows because right now almost all of the students are looking at Memei Yi with jealous eyes, and some have a star-struck expression upon looking at the leaving figure of Mark Xiao.

Memei Yi nonchalantly extended her hand and gave the milk drink to a random girl.

Then the three continue walking to their classroom.

Seeing this, Tai Hong could not help himself but look at Memei Yi with a mesmerized expression.

"Damn, you're really cool too…"

Meanwhile, in the corner of his eyes, Joe Wang saw a beautiful young woman standing on the doorway not too far away before entering the classroom.

Their two eyes met and with a gentle smile, he nodded his head to greet her.

Beiring Jin saw Joe Wang's silent greeting and a tinge of pink immediately appear on her cheeks as she shyly nodded. She then walked happily to her class.