Master Wang’s visit Part 1

Part 59


Another week has passed and it was the weekend once again. Joe Wang decided to spend the weekend along with Melissa Krin. The two have already planned their weekend day together days before. Joe Wang wanted to have a peaceful and fun day with Melissa Krin, so he just let her do the things that she wanted to do these days.

The two first went to a park and hang out in there for a while. Joe Wang had his hands full with the picnic food that Melissa Krin cooked. She was really happy that she skipped while walking towards a grassy area of the park.

"Joe, we can sit here!" she called while pointing at a place under a tree.

Joe Wang agrees and sets everything in the area which they chose. Melissa Krin happily prepares the food as the two began eating.

"Hey, since we started dating, this is our first official date, right?" she teased with a smile.

"Sigh, I know I'm a boring guy and I don't know how to impress a lady. But hey, this is me… I hope that you didn't regret showing me your heart." Joe Wang said while caressing the soft hair of Melissa Krin.

The two became lovey-dovey as they suddenly seem to be in a world of their own.

Suddenly a football came flying toward the two followed by a few young people.

Joe Wang nonchalantly swings his hand and swatted the football away which flew past the group.

Everybody was stunned and became angry at what had happened.

"Hey, what did you do that for?" shouted a burly young man wearing a sleeveless shirt and blue shorts.

The others following him already had their eyes on the young woman lying on Joe Wang's thigh. One of them suddenly walks forward and flashed his gentlemanly smile.

"We are sorry for the intrusion young man. As an apology, can I invite the two of you to join us?" he said kindly.

Joe Wang turned to look at their large group behind the men. It seems that these people are a group of college students having a picnic. But he gets bad vibes in this group of young men and women.

"Why if it isn't our school belle, Miss Krin." The young man suddenly said as he steps forward upon seeing Melissa Krin's face while still lying on Joe Wang's thigh.

Seeing this, she took a deep breath and sat up.

"You know what, you guys should just let us be… I and my boyfriend are not bothering you, right? Why bother us then?" the said without any courtesy.

She was too immersed in their conversation as Joe Wang is telling her his days in school. Now, these people have just interrupted their happy time together.

Everyone was dumbfounded upon hearing her words. There was news on the campus that Melissa Krin already has a boyfriend. But many just brush it off.

"No, this is impossible! You are just joking, how can a pleb like him be worthy of your beauty? Hahaha…" the young man said.

However, Melissa Krin just gave him a cold gaze.

"Don't bother with them. Let's just continue… where was I…" Joe Wang waves it off as he turns towards Melissa Krin who is still having an annoyed expression.

The two then entered their own world once again which annoyed the group. The young man which seems to be coming from a rich family suddenly wanted to step forward, but suddenly a voice interrupted him.

"What are you guys doing?" an angry female voice said.

When the group turned they saw two gorgeous beauties walking towards them. Once again, Joe Wang and Melissa Krin's time was interrupted.

"You should run away now, or else I will beat the crap out of you people." a cold and threatening tone coming from one of the women made the men suddenly felt their backs drenched in a cold sweat.

When Melissa and Joe saw the two women, a surprised look on their faces was shown. This is because the two are people they have known.

The young miss of the Qin family, Elvira Qin a cultivator, and the young miss of the Lu family, Catherine Lu. They didn't know how the two became close to each other but it seems that they came here together.

After getting rid of the guys, they stood in front of Joe Wang and Melissa Krin with a sweets smile on their faces.

"Well, well… what a nice coincidence." Elvira Qin said with a sweet smile on her face especially when she turns her gaze at Joe Wang.


"What are you guys doing here, ruining our date?" Melissa Krin interrupted Joe Wang.

"Oh, really? I… we just came by and saw you guys in trouble. As acquaintances, we decided to help you." Elvira Qin said shamelessly.

"Well, I haven't introduced myself properly… I'm Elvira Qin, and this brother is?" she said while extending her soft and fragrant hand to Joe Wang.

"Ah… I'm…"

"Don't answer! Don't mind her, she's just a nuisance." Melissa Krin angrily glared.

"Hey, Don't forget, my cultivation is still higher than yours. Plus you are an unlicensed and undocumented cultivator. Don't you dare glare on me…"

"Oh, yeah? So what? Do you think I can't beat you?"

"Che, you're all talk, come on then!"

The two ladies suddenly began to challenge each other as Melissa Krin angrily stood up. Joe Wang wanted to stop her, but she looks at him with a look of determination.

"You are my man… I won't let others take you away from me," she said in a serious tone.

Joe Wang sighs helplessly as he just turns around and carefully packs everything. The two women began walking in a secluded area with many trees.

"Guys, don't go overboard… Miss Qin, you are the senior here, okay? Both of you be careful." Joe Wang reminded.

Hearing his words, Elvira Qin became elated. Her heart suddenly jumps upon realizing that Joe Wang is also thinking about her. Then she recalled the feeling she had that day when she was being healed by him.

"Are they really going to fight?" Catherine Lu said in a timid tone beside Joe Wang.

She too has the same idea, but her purpose is to befriend Joe Wang and Melissa Krin. Because she learned that the couple is not a normal one. With the way she was healed that time, she knew that if she has friends like them, then she can at least belong to the real elite people of this country… the cultivators.

She already met, Elvira Qin a well-known figure in the school, and learned about her having a crush on Joe Wang, so they decided to meet the two this day. And luckily they were informed of this place where the two are dating.

"Yeah, I guess so but hopefully not that hard. Elvira is far stronger than Melissa, so she should control her strength."

"Really, then how strong are cultivators then?" Catherine Lu asked with interest.

Joe Wang slowly explained to her the basic information about cultivators which one can find in the books. But of course not many would read about them because they think those are just fairy tales. Only those in the Martial Academy would take these things seriously.

As Melissa Krin and Elvira Qin position themselves facing each other, they began to revolve their Qi in their bodies. Melissa Krin, as usual, did her stance in boxing, while Elvira Qin also prepares to fight.

Then the two began to clash.

Elvira Qin was amazed at Melissa Krin's speed. Although she has higher cultivation, it seems that Melissa Krin is proficient in fighting. Every move of her opponent is lethal and if she became careless she would be defeated by her.

So she focused and uses her strength to try and overcome Melissa Krin. But who would have known that she can't even hit Melissa?

Elvira Qin's arms are now hurting from the dozens of punches she receives from her opponent. But she has never landed a single hit because of Melissa Krin's footwork and strange dodging technique.

Suddenly anger filled her eyes as she gathers a large amount of Qi in her hands. She could not believe that a mere 5th level body refining cultivator could defeat her who is already a 1st level spirit refining cultivator.

So she wanted to go all out.

Dashing forward, Melissa Krin was caught off-guard as she didn't expect the sudden raise of Elvira Qin's Qi and power, but it was all too late.

By reflex, she still tilted her body to the side. Trying to dodge that fast punch, but of course, it would still connect.

Suddenly they saw a flash of shadow and appears in-between the two.

Joe Wang didn't have a choice but to intervene. If not, then Melissa would be hurt badly.

He held Melissa Krin's shoulder, while his other hand parried and diverted Elvira Qin's punch. The energy from her punch traveled towards a tree and tore a fist-size hold on its trunk.

Everything became silent with Catherine Lu having her jaw almost falling to the ground. Suddenly a loud sound of paper cup containing soda falling to the paved pathway resounded.

Joe Wang suddenly turns his gaze around and found three people whom he knew. Seeing these people, he could help but curse inside his though loudly.

"What the heck! This should be a peaceful day! Why?"

However, not only that but all the incredulous look on the people around them made him truly feel helpless.