Master Wang’s visit Part 2

Part 60


Nobody expected to see scenery were two young women are fighting an intense battle and then suddenly a young man dashing forward breaking the fight.

Everyone was dumbfounded at this unbelievable sight, and those who took their phone and caught the videos are still unable to put it down with their hands shaking in excitement.

"This is a true fight of masters… Those who claimed to be masters in the videos are fakes. This is the real stuff, I can't believe those beauties could fight like that."

"I think they are using special effects, right? I mean… that's… that's impossible?"

"I want to be like those women. I think they are cool!"

A hushed discussion just outside the grove of trees began to ensue.

However, Joe Wang is currently not looking at those people. His gaze is on the three young people standing not too far from them with a dumbfounded look on their faces.

Wewei Yi and Tai Hong are walking down the park along with Beiring Jin. The three saw each other at a shopping area near this place and decided to pass by the park for some fresh air. But they didn't expect to see a great spectacle of two women fighting.

When Wewei Yi and Tai Hong saw this they were both dumbfounded. But for Beiring Jin she was calm, she already saw something more spectacular than this.

But suddenly the three saw a familiar figure suddenly flashing towards the two fightings, it was Joe Wang.

"I think this is enough…" Joe Wang said as he separates both women.

"Humph… If you didn't interfere I could have won." Elvira Qin muttered feeling a bit angered.

"Che, look at your pitiful appearance, you can't even land a hit on me." Melissa Krin sneered.

"Really! Do you want to go again?! I dare you!"

"Yeah… Come on! Let's go!"

"Will you both stop! You're acting like kids…" Joe Wang interrupted at their bickering.

"It's her fault…"

"No, it's her fault!"

"Okay, enough!" Joe Wang once again interrupted.

He stood in front of Melissa Krin and checked her hands which seem fine.

"You're good… Let's go." He muttered.

"Hey, what about me? My arm hurts…" Elvira Qin frowns as she coquettishly said.

She then showed the black bruises on her arms. Although she is already a spirit refining realm cultivator, her foundation is not that good from the looks of it.

Joe Wang felt a little perplexed at this scene. However, he is not a heartless person so he walked towards Elvira Qin and look at the bruises. When he scrutinized it closely he was surprised.

"You… you can use Qi fist already? But how thin was this?" Joe Wang asked in amazement.

Melissa Krin just smiled sweetly.

Filling his palm with natural energy, Joe Wang sent out a calming pulse on Elvira Qin's arms and healed them in an instant. Since those are just light bruises, it was too easy for him.

But what surprises him is the reaction of the girl. He can clearly see the feeling of ecstasy in her expression. This made Joe Wang feel awkward and immediately finished what he is doing.

"There you're good now…" Joe Wang said as he lets go of her arms and turn towards Melissa.

The two walked as Joe Wang waved his hand towards the three people he knew.

"Hey, guys! What are you doing here?" Joe Wang greeted.

"Hey, Joe, who are they? Do you know them?" Tai Hong asked in curiosity after seeing the beautiful appearance of Melissa Krin and Elvira Qin.

But before Joe Wang could answer, Wewei Yi suddenly exclaimed.

"I knew it! That is Elvira Qin! She is Elvira Qin, right? Oh my… Oh my… It's real!" she excitedly exclaimed as she began running towards Elvira Qin.

They were dumbfounded upon seeing this scene. The calm and collected Wewei Yi suddenly became a fangirl.

"Joe! Wait a minute!" called Elvira Qin however, Wewei Yi suddenly stood in front of her.

With an excited look on her face, Wewei Yi extended her hand and said.

"Hello senior! I'm Wewei Yi from the Yi family. I am honored to meet you."

Elvira Qin was taken aback, however she soon realized who the young woman in front of her is. She was the young genius of the Yi family.

"Oh, aren't you the promising prodigy of the Yi family? I saw you in the last competition, you were really awesome." Elvira Qin complimented.

She could not deny that the young woman is really a promising cultivator. In the last semiannual martial tournament, she has seen the young woman fighting against someone more powerful than her. The person is already almost a 1st level body refining cultivator, but he was still defeated by her.

"Senior you jest… actually you are my idol. A 1st level spirit refining realm cultivator at a young age. You are the true prodigy." said Memei Yi with a glint of fascination in her eyes.

Joe Wang just turns around and looks at Tai Hong and Beiring Jin.

"Oh, right… This is Melissa Krin, Melissa they are my friends in school… This is Tai Hong and Beiring Jin." Joe Wang introduces.

Melissa nods her head towards the two and smiled warmly. Tai Hong almost could not believe his eyes upon seeing her beautiful face.

"Joe, I want to go shopping… Let's go." Melissa Krin suddenly grabs Joe Wang's arm and drags him away.

"Bye guys! I got to go…" he said feeling helpless.

"Hey, you! Wait! Wait!" suddenly Elvira Qin came running after them.

Everyone was dumbfounded at this scene where Joe Wang was dragged by a woman and another one running after them.

"What the hell is going on?" Tai Hong said with a confused expression on his face.

"What are you doing let's go after them!" Memei Yi said as she also chased after.

"This is getting crazy." Catherine Lu muttered as she just shook her head and headed back to her car.

Inside the shopping center, six people are walking together while looking around. Joe Wang felt that the supposed date he should have with Melissa Krin turned into a group date.

While walking Tai Hong grabs the opportunity to approach Joe Wang as all the women went inside a clothing shop.

"Hey, buddy… my man. That woman is your girlfriend, right?" Tai Hong probed.

Joe Wang nodded his head calmly.

"Damn, you're one lucky guy… I never would have thought that you already have a girlfriend. I guess the rumor about you being a eunuch is not correct… Haha…" Tai Hong laughed while patting Joe Wang's shoulder.

Joe Wang finds this friend of his a bit amusing. In fact, he found that Tai Hong has a unique temperament and characteristic of not trusting any rumor unless proven as facts.

The first one to get out of the clothing shop is Beiring Jin. As she didn't bring any money, she didn't want to go shopping. Joe Wang noticed that Beiring Jin is looking at him with a complex expression.

"Are you okay?" Joe Wang asked.

She just nodded her head and smiled.

"Umm… I didn't have a chance to say thank you last time… so thank you. Thank you for saving my life." She muttered in a low voice.

Joe Wang nodded his head and smiled.

"It's not a problem, we are friends, right?"

"Umm… Yes, we are…" Beiring Jin replied a bit hesitant.

She already noticed the relationship between Joe Wang and the beautiful woman holding his arms a while ago, so she deduced that their relationship is not just normal friends.

Not long later, the three went out of the clothing shop and carried many bags on them. Joe Wang upon seeing this felt a little perplexed.

"Look, Joe, I bought this… It looks good, right?" Melissa Krin suddenly showed her new earrings at Joe Wang.

"Che, it doesn't look that good." retorted Elvira Qin.

"Check this out…" she said while showing them her shawl with intricate embroidery.

Memei Yi immediately replied.

"You look really good at it sister Elvi! You look more beautiful…"

Joe Wang didn't expect that his childhood friend would turn out to be a suck-up. Which made him chuckle unconsciously.

"Alright, that's enough all of you look beautiful, okay. Let's have lunch… I'm hungry. I didn't get to eat properly back then." Joe Wang said as he turns around to walk.

"Okay, then I'll treat everyone. Since little brother Joe is hungry I will pay for the food." Elvira Qin immediately offered.

Melissa Krin wanted to react, but Joe Wang held her back.

The group entered a private restaurant just outside the shopping center. This is a famous private restaurant within Delta City.

They got a private room and began to order their food. After ordering, Elvira Qin's expression immediately changes.

She suddenly stood up and faces the group.

With a clenched fist she looks at Joe Wang and paused for a moment.

Everyone was confused about what is going on. Even Joe Wang felt a little puzzled.

But they waited for her to prepare herself as it seems that she is going to tell them something important.

On their way here, Elvira Qin has already thought everything through. She also saw how Joe Wang treated Melissa Krin and his mysterious abilities. In their clan, she was called a prodigy, but in fact, she herself knew that her power is not enough.

The reason why she didn't go to martial school is that she didn't want to be sent to the cultivation society. With her meager power and ability, she would not be enough to fight against those monsters in that place.

Hence she wanted to gain more power before that. At first, she thought that with the protection unit she can at least protect herself, but she finds that it is still not enough. She needed true power and ability, but her clan could not give that to her.

"Joe… Joe Wang… I… I'm in…" Elvira Qin felt a bit hesitant.

But before she can finish, Melissa Krin suddenly stood up.

"No! I can't let you! He is my boyfriend. I won't share him with others…" a firm resolution appears on Melissa Krin's face as she stood in front of Elvira Qin.

Everyone was dumbfounded especially Memei Yi who seem to have focused more on Elvira Qin. She didn't expect that the fairy-like lady is her childhood friend's girlfriend which made her feel a bit uncomfortable.

"So… I'm not going to take him from you… I mean… Sigh… Little brother Joe Wang, can you please teach me? I'm willing to be your student. Please… make me strong like her." she said while pointing at Melissa Krin.

This time Joe Wang was taken aback at this request. But it is true that although Elvira Qin has strong Qi, her technique, ability, and control are subpar compared to Melissa Krin. But what would be the reason for him to teach her?

"As an acceptance gift, I present unto you this…" Elvira Qin said as she suddenly extended her hand and she presented a low-grade spirit stone.

This truly surprised Joe Wang.