Master Wang’s visit Part 3

Part 61


A Spirit stone no matter what grade is a great source of Qi or natural energy. It can help a cultivator advance or replenish Qi within their bodies. But a spirit stone is a consumable item, once the Qi inside it is already absorbed, it will turn into dust.

Joe Wang and his master have discovered cheat to turn any type of stone into something like a spirit stone. But a normal stone or material could not be compared to real spirit stone when it comes to providing Qi or natural energy.

So far Joe Wang has been using normal stones imbued with runes to absorb and dispense Qi. But it can only be used once and the stones would turn to dust after a few hours. Joe Wang also taught this rune carving to Melissa Krin so that she can just put the energy powered normal stone to the array to activate its Qi suction.

However, now that he saw a real spirit stone. Joe Wang's heart almost jumps in happiness. He wanted to grab it immediately and ask where Elvira Qin got the spirit stone. But he needed to show a calm façade and not be swayed by his emotion.

"What is this stone?" Joe Wang asked while calmly extending his hand to the gray stone slab in Elvira Qin's hand.

"This is a magic stone. Before leaving the clan they gave it to me to help me at least enhance my power. This is the last stone in my hand… Ma… Master Joe." She replied.

Everyone in the room looks at the stone with curiosity.

"Oh, I've heard about this thing from my grandfather. These magic stones are somewhat precious in cultivation society." Memei Yi suddenly said with a nonchalant expression on her face.

"Magic stones eh…"Tai Hong muttered.

Then his eyes lit up.

"Oh, I know… it's like those jades inside a stone, right?" Tai Hong shouted as if he just realized it.

All of the women in the room turned at Tai Hong with an incredulous look on their faces. They thought that he recognized the stone, but it seems that he is just trying to look cool.

"Alright, I will agree to teach you. But I can only teach you fighting techniques. Your cultivation is yours and yours only. I will not intervene with the way you cultivate… okay?" Joe Wang said.

Elvira Qin has higher cultivation than Joe Wang. Although he can fight with her, it would take him too much of his energy. That is on the premise that Elvira Qin is a skilled fighter. But from the looks of it, she is just a pampered miss of a powerful family.

Luckily for them, the Qin family didn't retaliate last time when a spirit refining stage cultivator died. But Joe Wang's purpose today is to gain more of these spirit stones and putting Elvira Qin under his care would give him ideas on where to find more.

While this is happening, a young woman on the side is looking at Joe Wang with a complicated expression on her face. Beiring Jin felt conflicted in her heart upon learning that Joe Wang already has a girlfriend and a beauty at that.

Though she herself can be considered as a beautiful woman, in contrast to the mature aura of Melissa Krin and temperament, it is a huge difference from her still childish attitude.

She clenches her fists as her heartfelt conflicted upon looking at Joe Wang.

The next day, two women are now standing in front of Joe Wang as he teaches each of them the fighting style which would suit them. For Melissa Krin, since she is now proficient in boxing, Joe Wang has advanced her training into using a combination of punches and kicks.

This way she can have a range of attacking techniques not just punching.

Meanwhile, for Elvira Qin, since he is not familiar with the technique she has been using he started to train her with also a close-quarter martial art, called Wing Chun.

From his master's teachings, Joe Wang learned that Wing Chun is a combination of fast kicks and punches which combines attacks and defense at the same time. If this art is used by a normal human being it may not produce the desired result. However, it is a different story is a cultivator uses it. With Elvira Qin's cultivation level, she can throw devastating punches and kicks if she properly utilizes this technique.

Today, Joe Wang became busy as he teaches the two the fundamentals of the martial arts, along with the right breathing patterns to optimize each strike they dealt with their enemies.

As the two practices, Joe Wang cultivated on the side as he tried to gather natural energy in the surroundings. Since he is back at Melissa Qin's villa, the rich aura surrounding the villa was rapidly absorbed by him.

After the whole day of practice, the two rested as they ate a sumptuous dinner.

"Hey, can I stay here? You have good food at your house." Elvira Qin suddenly said.

"No! You are my enemy, why would you stay in my place."

"Oh, come on… That was just… just a misunderstanding. I already said sorry, right?" Elvira Qin protested while showing a pitiful look on her face.

"Hey, we need to set up a formation here to further enhance the Qi. Do you still have those… magic stones?" Joe Wang asked.

"Well, I can get more. But… the problem is my clan also needs those magic stones. They can only give 3 pieces each, so you see we also lack resources and have to scour the outside world for one."

Upon hearing her words, Joe Wang felt a little dejected. But still, he didn't want to give up.

"So… where does your clan get their magic stones?"

"Well, if I remember correctly there is a secret trade fair of the cultivation society held every quarter. So many cultivators would go there and trade for their items. Some use spirit stones like my clan and some use other precious materials. By the way, money is of no value there."

"A trade fair huh…" Joe Wang thought for a while.

Suddenly his eyes lit up a bit as a plan was suddenly brewed inside his head.

"Alright, you know where this trade fair is being held, right?" he asked.

Elvira Qin just nodded. She has an idea because it has always been held in the same spot for the past few years now. And she herself attended that trade fair.

"I want to go… What do we need to enter that place?"

"Well, actually there are no requirements, anyone can go. In that place they sold both mortal and cultivator items, so it's up to your luck or intuition to be able to get an item or a magic stone."

Upon hearing her Joe Wang has a sudden realization.

"So, it's like that… Alright, I will go there. When is the next trade fair going to happen?"

"Well, that would be two weeks from now." Elvira Qin replied with a smile.

Knowing that she would be of help to Joe Wang she suddenly felt happy. The twinkle in her eyes didn't escape Melissa Krin's scrutiny. She suddenly felt very annoyed upon seeing that Elvira Qin is becoming closer to Joe Wang.

"I will go with you and guide you there. I knew some people in, so you don't have to worry that much." Elvira Qin added with a gentle smile.

When Melissa Krin saw this she clenched her fist and suddenly punches the air.


The exploding of air particles echoed through the area. Joe Wang was amazed and turns to look at Melissa who also had a stunned expression.

"That was the middle perfection stage of the boxing style. Breaking the air, if you can become proficient with that, then you can even fight against a spirit refining realm cultivator." Joe Wang said with an amazed and proud look on his face.

Although Melissa Krin's cultivation speed is just normal, her ability to learn techniques is truly top-notch. It was not too long ago when he started teaching her boxing techniques. And now she broke through middle perfection already.

"Mel, you are truly a genius." Joe Wang said as he gave her a proud smile.

"Of course…" she proudly raised her head to the sky.

"Che, that was just dumb luck. I'm betting that you cannot do that again." Elvira Qin sneered.

However, Joe Wang knows that it may be dumb luck but for Melissa it is different. He knew that once she experienced such a thing then it is normal for her body to immediately register such a movement and she can execute it perfectly again.

Hearing the challenging tone and the sneer from Elvira Qin, Melissa immediately felt that her ability is being challenged. Since Elvira Qin has higher cultivation, then she felt more annoyed than before.

She decided to show her what a real genius when it comes to technique can truly do.

Standing in a boxing stance, Melissa suddenly moved her body and sent a quick jab in front of her. Suddenly Elvira's eyes went wide as she noticed that the retraction of her arm was slow, however, when she suddenly punches. Qi began to gather within her biceps making it bulge a little.


Another low sound erupted immediately as Melissa Krin's fist seems to break the sound barrier. Then suddenly they heard glass breaking ahead of them.

Now this time, Elvira Qin's showed an incredulous look on her face. That movement was impossible. A low-level cultivator at a body refining stage should not be able to do that move.

However, she now could not deny the fact because right in front of her is the woman who can actually do it perfectly.

But her amazement didn't stop there. Melissa Krin suddenly turned towards the direction of the wall of the villa so as not to damage anything else, and began to throw a series of really fast jabs.

Wham, wham, wham, wham!!!

A machinegun-like sound echoed through the air, which caused the jaws of Elvira Qin to fall to the ground.

Joe Wang could not help but sigh deep in his heart as he proudly muttered.

"Genius… She is truly a genius."