Master Wang’s visit Part 4

Part 62


The next morning, someone arrives in front of Melissa Krin's villa. Two old men and a middle-aged woman are currently sitting inside the living room of the villa. They are looking at Elvira Qin with suspicious eyes as she nonchalantly sits beside Joe Wang while on the other side is Melissa Krin.

"Lad, sorry I arrived late. I've been swamped lately with many cases in the cultivation society. But I would like to introduce my two colleagues here… They wanted to meet you because of your unique skills." Master Wang said.

The old man and the middle-aged woman bowed their heads to Joe Wang.

"It seems that what you needed from me is a bit complicated judging from the looks in your eyes." Joe Wang said as he calmly sunk deep in the sofa.


"I'm not one to judge, but when Master Wang told us about a young man good in arrays, we didn't expect that you would be too young. I think you are just a high school student, right?" the middle-aged woman said.

In her face, Joe Wang can see that she seems disappointed at what she is looking at. Deep inside him, Joe Wang sneered at the middle-aged woman. She is judging a person by what she sees, but he could not reproach her because his cultivation is being hidden and undetectable, while Melissa Krin and Elvira Qin's cultivations are easily seen by the three people.

Melissa Krin, who is already at the 5th level of the body refining realm and Elvira Qin, who is a 1st level spirit refining realm seems more attractive than Joe Wang who is a mere mortal.

So in the mind of the middle-aged woman, he does not deserve her attention at all.

"Master Wang, it seems that we have wasted our time. Thank you for the introduction then… Oh, by the way. Your name is Melissa Krin, right? Would you want to join my sect? If you want you can contact me here… my sect only accepts women, so you will really like it there." The middle-aged woman said extending her hand and giving Melissa Krin a silver card.

Then without a word, the two left the villa.

Not long after they've left, Master Wang just shook his head and sighs.

"It seems that your friends as short-sighted, unlike you Master Wang." Joe Wang said with a smirk.

"Sigh… they haven't seen you in action so they didn't know. Anyway, I think that they are going to be in danger if they proceed with their mission without an array master, that's why I wanted to introduce them to you. But I guess…"

Hearing that the two are going on a mission, Joe Wang's ears raised.

"Well, what is their mission?" Joe Wang asked with curiosity.

Hearing the question, Master Wang's eye has a glint of cleverness in them. He knew that the young man would be interested in something like this. As a cultivator, adventure is something within their blood.

"You see… in the southeast, there is a mountainous green forest. In that forest, there are rumors that an evil sect was created. And from the reports, they seem to be attacking the villages there. So those two were dispatch in that area today."

"Mountainous forest, eh…"

Joe Wang turns his gaze towards the two women and then asked.

"Do you want to go?"

The two showed a complicated expression on their faces and Joe Wang knew why. Melissa Krin and Elvira Qin still have classes tomorrow, so they could not go. But for him, it is different, since he didn't care about this mundane life, he can just ask Master Wang to make an excuse for him to go.

"It's alright, I can understand. What do you want for a souvenir then?"

"What? Joe, do you really want to go?" Melissa Krin asked with concern.

"It's okay, maybe I can find something in that place to enhance our strength. You just wait here and practice, okay?" he said with confidence brimming in his eyes.

Seeing this, Melissa Krin nods her head. She knew how powerful and skillful Joe Wang is so she just puts her trust in him.

Meanwhile, Elvira Qin has a complicated look on her face. But she just bottled it up.

The next day, Joe Wang steps out of the airport of Beta City, along with Master Wang.

Because of Master Wang's authority, Joe Wang was permitted to be in a supposed 'educational trip' to another city. Even his parents happily waved goodbye at the airport.

When the two arrived, they immediately settled down in the nearest hotel.

Inside the room, Master Wang spreads the map of their supposed destination. And from the satellite photo, Joe Wang can see the dense trees and the mist covering the sea of green. This is located in one of the towns near Beta City, a town near the forest.

After driving for 3 hours, the two arrive in the town of Haibin. A town populated by almost five hundred thousand people. It is almost like a small city. However, the lifestyle and livelihood in the town are very simple. Even tall buildings are too sparse, and only one or two-story houses and small stores can be seen on the side of the streets.

But Joe Wang something different in the town, it is the main product that the town is famous for, Beast meat.

When Joe Wang saw it, he almost could not believe his eyes. Those are beast meat like the one he saw in the cultivation land. But what he could not understand is how those beasts are being hunted by mere mortals?

Looking at Master Wang, Joe Wang had a questioning gaze.

"I know what you are thinking. Well, this town is occupied by both mortals and low-level cultivators. People called 'Hunters' are the main force in this town."


"Yes, Hunters. They are a group of people who would go inside the mountainous forest and hunt beasts. They use a combination of Qi and technology to trap and kill the powerful beast."

"So normal men and cultivators work together… this is nostalgic." Joe Wang muttered with a smile.

Master Wang showed a confused expression but didn't bother asking more.

Not long later the two got off in front of a 15 meters wall that stretches to as far as the eye can see. The wall seems to separate the town from the lush forest.

"This is where we start. We will go in on foot as it is dangerous to use a flying vehicle in this forest." Master Wang said.

The two entered a militarized zone and was greeted by a soldier.

"Master Wang, good to see you again." A tall masculine soldier greeted Master Wang.

Then he looks at Joe Wang with an astonished expression. But he didn't dwell with it as he led them inside.

"Is the problem still at hand?"

"Yes, it seems that another village was attacked by the group. Luckily some of our stationed soldiers were able to drive them out. But we've suffered some casualties."

"Damn those rogue cultivators, I wish they would just cultivate as usual and not bother with us."

"Yeah, I agree. But I guess power can make a person go crazy." The soldier said feeling a bit melancholy.

"Don't worry we are here to end this." Master Wang said as he patted the soldier's back.

After a quick briefing, Joe Wang and Master Wang were given some equipment and provisions. Then they left the passage and what greeted them is the lush forest.

Joe Wang was already prepared on this trip, that night he finished crafting a spatial ring with 100 cubic meter storage capacity. He already put inside the ring all of the metal blocks and the things he got from the Dragon gang. He just carried some clothes in his bag to hide the fact that he has a ring.

After buying many necessary things from the supermarket, Joe Wang is already prepared for this trip.

As the two traverses the rough road which the soldiers and their vehicle made through the forest. They began hearing many sounds echoing inside which is produced by the beasts.

Master Wang took out a binocular as he uses it to scout the area.

"The beasts are active today, I wonder why? It seems as if they are going berserk."

"What do you mean Master Wang?"

"Look…" Master Wang said as he handed the binocular to Joe Wang.

With an infrared function, Joe Wang saw the figures of different kinds of beast 200 meters away from their location. And many seem to be fighting against each other, which produces the sounds that reverberate through the air.

"Young Lad, it seems that we need to travel by jumping up the trees. Since you are not a cultivator, I can carry you if you want to." Master Wang said.

"Nah, it's okay. Remember I told you that I can help you breakthrough, right? That is because, even though I'm not a cultivator like you. I can still do this…" Joe Wang said as he suddenly vanished from where he stood.

"Master Wang! Let's go!" Joe Wang's voice suddenly called from one of the trees.

Seeing this, Master Wang just shook his head feeling a bit surprised.

"This young lad is really full of surprises." He muttered as he follows through.

The two began to traverse the forest with ease following the path marked by the military. This is the path which the middle-aged woman and the old man would have taken going to the first village near the wall.

Everything was fine, but as soon as they were about to reach the village, Master Wang noticed something and signaled Joe Wang to stop.

The two hid from behind the thick leaves of the trees as they observe the ground.

From there they saw traces of a huge fight that might have happened for some time. So they waited for a moment and soon saw a large lizard-like beast with six legs.